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Rumour: Nintendo NX Has Wireless HDMI Dongle And Specifications Similar To Xbox One

There’s plenty of speculation going on at the moment regarding Nintendo’s forthcoming platform the NX. Dual Pixels claim to have a source that has insider knowledge about the system. Their source is apparently the very same one that was correct regarding Pokemon rumours and information that Microsoft was working on Ilumiroom. Still all the information posted below should be considered rumour until Nintendo lifts the lid on the NX platform sometime later this year.

  1. It has a wireless HDMI dongle that attaches flush to the back of the device. A user can pull it out and insert it into any display with a normal sized HDMI output and the devices uses an evolved version of the Wii U’s streaming tech to display in HD to the TV screen.
  2. Allegedly the analog controls for movement has small motors in them for full haptic feedback. Meaning if you control a character and hit a wall, the sticks move away from the direction of that wall to simulate running head first into it. This can also be used for jerking when firing a gun, taking damage, moving over rough terrain, ect.
  3. It can literally Bluetooth synch with everything, especially smart phone and tablets to the point where one feature is that it can answer phone calls and display text messages from your phone onto the screens itself so you don’t have to stop and answer your smart device.
  4. The closest in terms of “power” it gets to is the Xbox One, but an app idea is Wii U x50 and Playstation Vita x100. The key is that all the tech is exactly the same hardware layout as the PS4 and Xbox One which then combine it with the OS’s strong emulation functions and compiler means that any game that can run of a Playstation 4 or Xbox One can easily run on the NX with near-zero modification to the original source code, especially if it runs in Android OS or Unreal Engine 4. This is allegedly why Nintendo has given out the dev kits so late, as one 3rd Party dev put it “It’s the easiest device we’ve ever developed for. You just take your code, compile it and it works.”
  5. Look to Pokemon GO to get the idea of the type of social features that will be in NX that will take multiplayer, AR and the StreetPass concept to a whole new level.
  6. The real strengths of the device is its usability and ease of use. Developers have described to me more than once that it visually and functionally looks as if “Samsung and the Nintendo 2DS” had a baby, in that it looks friendly but unlike what most people visualize a Nintendo device to typically look. The operating system, named NintendOS alone is very powerful and has so many modern features of mobile operating systems today that Nintendo is trying to be very careful in showing it off for fear that it would be mistaken as running Android. It also has a very strong networking functions as it ties into multiple devices and services allowing a very competent and pervasive eco-system designed to constantly involve the consumer’s lives.


130 thoughts on “Rumour: Nintendo NX Has Wireless HDMI Dongle And Specifications Similar To Xbox One”

        1. You want to be an idiot don’t you? By choice right? His point is just locked to Nintendo systems, do you go out and by the most POWERFUL cars that come out? No you don’t. Power is NOT IMPORTANT.

          1. NWe don’t expect nano computer levels of performance, however expecting a next gen system to be above all current gen systems should be a given. Power is important when it comes to what it can run. In this environment PCs keep outclassing consoles and if consoles can’t keep up devs will hold off games. Wii U being weak was one reason as to why third parties chose to boycott it. The only idiot here is you seemingly damage controlling a company that is always one step behind the competition ever generation.

    1. I don’t know how many people on this blog actually own an XB1, but it’s a solid piece of tech. It’s graphics and multitasking are amazing. It plays DVD’s, BluRays, and every 3rd party game has been gorgeous. I think the NX would be fine with the power equivalent of the XB1, I think the larger issue, is that it’s too late. If it is as powerful as a current gen box, then people with a current gen box have no reason to buy it. Everything Nintendo related is out or coming out on WiiU. The only thing the NX can launch with is another Mario platformer (let’s be extravagant and say they do a Sunshine sequal) maybe a Zelda U port, with just enough new content to piss off loyal fans that bought their WiiU, despite the lack of software support, and maybe some 3rd party ports, from devs you all hate anyway.

      I will probably own one, for the Zelda NX that won’t come out for at least 6-8 years, and hopefully, a real Metroid game. But it will not be worth it at launch. Everyone should do themselves a favor, and buy one in a couple years. Enjoy your WiiU, get a cheap next-box, and get an NX bundle that comes with Splatoon2, or a (hopefully) new metroid. Noone needs to pay early adopter prices. Nintendo has been screwing you over and over. GET the NX… But wait a year or two. Pay less, get more. You KNOW they will release NX games on the WiiU also, just like Smash and Hyrule warriors went to the N3DS.

      If everyone would just be smart, everyone wins, Nintendo takes a financial hit, and hopefully becomes stronger (or maybe they will make more dumb moves as they like to do) who knows, but I’m telling you the best way to play this out.

      1. This is what I do with Playstation. I waited about two years to get a PS3, and waited about a year to get a PS4 ( I was going to wait longer but I got lucky at Taco Bell lol). The only reason I got a Wii U on launch was because it was an Xmas present, then it literally sat under my TV collecting dust for over a year until Mario Kart 8 came out. lol

    2. a perfect example of a shallow western approach. efficiency, user experience, creativity… these words don’t mean anything to you do they? grow up! learn about other cultures and countries to widen your narrow vision of life. learn about patience, calmness and also the beauty in many things which don’t look flashy at first sight but make your life better.
      These are just some of the strengths of japanese engineering. If you’re a nintendo fan, you should think about what inspires and moves the engineers and the creators that produce these products.
      Don’t be so shallow-simple. Real simplicity always has a complex creation process behind.

  1. ” Let’s give some backstory on the source of this leak, shall we? The info comes from Geno, who has quite a history with rumors. More importantly, he has a history of being correct on his rumored information. Here’s the rumors that Geno has nailed in the past.

    – Nintendo would release a Pokémon game that utilized a full 3D engine*
    – would be a new type of Pokémon in new said Pokémon game (Fairy)*
    – older Pokémon would get new abilities and forms (Mewtwo)*
    – PS4 would be capable of producing modern day graphics on a DX11 level “like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2*
    – Microsoft would introduce an omni projection unit that would let game environments to be projected in a near 360-degree fashion around the user (Ilumiroom)

    His pedigree speaks for itself, and today he’s let loose with a bunch of rumored info on the NX. You can decide how to take the details, but they are certainly interesting nonetheless. ”
    via neogaf

    1. “Nintendo would release a Pokémon game that utilized a full 3D engine”

      Everyone knew that was coming….

      “Would be a new type of Pokémon in new said Pokémon game (Fairy)”

      Again it was suspected a new type would come along eventually. And there will likely come a new one again sometime.

      “Older Pokémon would get new abilities and forms (Mewtwo)” Okay he guessed Mewtwo the most popular legendary Pokemon…

      “PS4 would be capable of producing modern day graphics on a DX11 level “like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2”

      Everything can use UE4 and FE2….Phones and Wii U can both use them lol. Game Engines are scale-able to work on anything.

      “Microsoft would introduce an omni projection unit that would let game environments to be projected in a near 360-degree fashion around the user (Ilumiroom)”

      Okay I’ll give him that one. But with knowing Microsoft it’s not that hard to believe they would make something neat, since they are the PC world lol.

    1. Right on!! I can’t wait to get my Skell in the air!! Fire Emblem Conquest has been dominating my time, along with some house repairs and my pups, but I really need to get some X time in Asap!

      1. Ha ha and it is fun and I really need to get a 3ds which I will later and I can’t wait to see what the nx is and I am currently doing side missions and will talk to people to further the character connection

  2. As nice as it sounds, I wouldn’t believe that the source just went and told another person, especially with what’s probably going down at Nintendo of America right now. Though with the crazy stuff that’s happened this week, I could be wrong!

  3. That doesnt make sense to be on par with Xbox 1 in the middle of PS4 and Xbo1 on market being 3 years old by the time the NX debut. ALL sony is going to do is also make wireless HDMI and copy the special analog stick and make it more powerful. Nintendo needs to think of PS5. Why on earth would they focus on the PS4 while NX is in R&D. Look what happened when Project Cafe was in R&D focused to much on PS3.

      1. Yeah but the PS3 wasnt just slightly more powerful than the Ps2, 1st gen Xbox and Gamecube same for Xbox 360 though. So it would make sense why Xbox 360 and PS3 had a 7 year life span and not Wii and Wii U

      1. Yet PS4 was the most expensive console and well passed 20 million units. Yet Wii U was built to out perform a 7 year old PS3 for what ever stupid reason and look how it’s sells are.

        1. No. Xbox One was originally the most expensive. Lower price of the PS4 at the time did make it more appealing. But I think if they had both been the same price, PS4 would have still sold more. Because of Xbox One’s 2013 E3. Lol.

          1. Agreed, but Microsoft fixed every single issue, and I got a 1 terabyte box, Black Ops 3, GTAV, Ori, Gears HD, and two other games I traded for $399. There are deals out there, and for the money, omg it’s a sweet machine. Can’t wait for Scalebound and Mass Effect 4. I guarantee those won’t be on NX, on the plus side, NX early adopters will get tons of old emulated games, wiiu ports and some 3rd party the rest of us have had a while. So I guess that’s a plus!

            Ok.. I’m done defending Xbox. I really don’t care if people slam it. I love the tech but have no loyaties otherwise. Like hijacking a Nazi tank because it’s amazing, not because you support the regime. :]

            1. I think it’s a pretty decent system too and they certainly did improve it a lot since launch. No hate here, mate. If you enjoy it, that’s fine.

              1. From my perspective, Nintendo supports it. After setting things up with the horribly long life of the Wii, then giving us a machine with little to no support for over a year and a half, only to lose 3rd party support all together…

                I suppose this is where Anakin would say, “Well from my perspective, The Jedi are evil!”

                1. |||Nintendo Dark Commander Quadraxis-NX Prime|||

                  -||The only reason the Xbots are somewhat thriving now is because of their current leader||-

        2. The difference is the ps4 has only been out for 2-3 years and unless sony wants to lose consumer faith, we wont get a ps5 system until about 7ish years as well. Then Nintendo will sort itself out as time and catch up to the launch dates.

          1. Yeah well if Nintendo thought about what the PS4 was going to be like when Project Café was in R&D instead of trying to make the console only out perform the PS3, then Nintendo wouldnt have to worry about catching up with launch dates in the first place. Im going to wait this time and see what the NX is about. Because if it is as powerful as the PS4 that tells me they still havent learned their lesson.

            1. Lack of advertisement hurt the the system. The fact that it had “Wii” in the name probably hurt it too. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the Gamepad itself turned away a lot of people.

              1. I say it’s power. Vita is a controller for PS4 and it didnt hurt it’s sells. Nintendo advertised Mario Maker, Smash bros, Pikmin 3. Sells still didnt help. If they made it powerful instead of trying to outperform the PS3 With Wii U it would had sould better.

  4. “means that any game that can run of a Playstation 4 or Xbox One can easily run on the NX with near-zero modification to the original source code”
    This is EXACTLY what the NX needs. This should grant a perfectly stable 3rd party support

      1. |||Nintendo Dark Commander Quadraxis-NX Prime|||

        -||Of course I’m always disgusted by the mention of anything Xbot related in anything||-

    1. Except a lot of gamers already have current gen hardware.
      Why would I buy am NX? I have a 3rd party machine and a WiiU. WiiU is getting the next Starfox, the next Zelda and it has Xeno-blade. Why buy an NX? For a ZeldaU port? No thanks.

      I’ll buy the NX in 2 years, with a nice bundle and still pay less that the poor early-adopters.

      Unless it is a handheld, and 100% compatible with everything on my New3DS… Even then… I’m not sure. I DID just get my N3DS, and love it.

      Ninte do will grab the last wave of Nintendo fans close to leaving, and piss off a bunch of fans and parents who just got onboard the WiiU for splatoon. I’m just not buying a ticket for the hype train this time.

  5. This sounds more like a tablet with dual screens. Kind of like a giant 2ds that is a s powerful as current gen consoles. The hdmi dongle eliminated the need to have big boxy console hooked up to your TV. I’m imagining you get home plug the dongle into your TV and check all your streetpass and pokemon GO stuff right on your big screen TV. This sounds awesome, I hope it’s true.

  6. NX console as powerful as Xbone? Bleh. Get ready for the NX console to eventually end up like the Wii U as the PS5 & XB4 surpass it. Unless they mean the NX handheld. In which case, holy shit! That’s gonna be one expensive handheld!

    1. I really think it’s just going to be one thing. Just a handheld and the HDMI dongle provides it to work as a home console whenever your home. It kind of makes sense when miyamoto said the NX will be very affordable, you’re getting a handheld and a home console for the price of one. If this thing is only $199 like the 3DS it’s going to probably sell like crazy, and really think this thing is going to work like a tablet as well, which push sales even further. Just my speculation though ^^

      1. Ew! I’m tired of Nintendo’s innovative gimmicks! So I hope you’re wrong. Just give me a regular console with updated graphics, more power, better Gamepad usage, improved motion controls, better memory, cloud service for my save data & digital purchases, cross-buy, discounts, no region locking, better online, & great 1st & 3rd party support.

        1. I think we would get all that, except the Gamepad is the actual console and there wouldn’t be a need for a big box taking up room next to your TV. Doesn’t really sound like a gimmick to me, it just sounds like a good idea.

            1. lol but why? If the hdmi dongle does the exact same thing what is the point? you sound like the people who scoffed at DVD players and said they’ll stick with their VCR. Evolve with the future or get left in the past :P

              1. Except I don’t want a streaming device. I want an honest to god video game console, not some mobile tripe. If Nintendo follows Konami into the mobile market, they can both kiss my ass.

                1. Well this is all based on a rumor anyways but according to this: “the devices uses an evolved version of the Wii U’s streaming tech to display in HD to the TV screen.” It sounds like it would work pretty flawlessly. It still sounds like a video game console to me, really it just sounds like what the Wii U should have been in the first place.

                  1. |||Nintendo Dark Commander Quadraxis-NX Prime|||

                    -||I don’t care what it is aslong as it’s better than the Wii U in every way||-

                    -||And no fees for glorified online gaming either||-

                    1. 🎭Mr. Boss Ass Bitch💊

                      I think it’s so fucking stupid how you have to pay just to use the Internet that your paying for. Its stupid as fuck. Online services should always be free.

  7. The closest in terms of “power” it gets to is the Xbox One, but an app idea is Wii U x50 and Playstation Vita x100.

    That line is when you know something is false. 50 times Wii U but close to Xbox One…That is very funny.

    1. |||Nintendo Dark Commander Quadraxis-NX Prime|||

      -||True and even contradicts itself further by saying that the games can easily run on it unlike the Xbox Done and PS4 meaning that it must be far more powerful by deafult||-

        1. The key is that all the tech is exactly the same hardware layout as the PS4 and Xbox One which then combine it with the OS’s strong emulation functions and compiler means that any game that can run of a Playstation 4 or Xbox One can easily run on the NX with near-zero modification to the original source code, especially if it runs in Android OS or Unreal Engine 4. This is allegedly why Nintendo has given out the dev kits so late, as one 3rd Party dev put it “It’s the easiest device we’ve ever developed for. You just take your code, compile it and it works.”

  8. Only Xbox One power in late 2016? So much for knocking our socks off. I think the point is they will no longer have a console separate from the handheld which will be easier for them to support on their own. If it’s easier for these absurdly lazy 3rd party developers to port to than we’ll get many of the less intensive games which will be nice. There’s barely any power difference between Xbox One and Wii U (unless you are listening to the dude bro xbots and trolls) so this would be very disappointing if true unless you get that performance on the handheld which would be sweet. But if there’s no jump in power or graphics when plugging into a TV then the NX will be very behind once Xbox 2 comes out which I imagine won’t be too far into the future given the horrible sales of the Xbone.

    My heart doesn’t want to believe Nintendo would be so stupid as to be only on par with the lackluster Xbone 3 full years after it launched. It’s basically how the Wii U was. Within a couple of years we’ll be getting a PS5 which will blow everyone away again. Do not think for a second this gen will be anywhere near as long as last. These current gen machines were outdated when they came out 3 years ago. In a couple years it will be downright embarrassing and PC will dominate if they don’t revise them.

  9. “It can literally Bluetooth synch with everything, especially smart phone and tablets to the point where one feature is that it can answer phone calls and display text messages from your phone onto the screens itself so you don’t have to stop and answer your smart device.”

    The day Nintendo does anything that involves answering phone calls and displaying Text messages is the day ToysRus buys out Nintendo. This is more BS.

  10. Clearly English is not this person’s first language. For the convenience of those reading, here’s a more focused version of that list:

    1. Wireless HDMI dongle.
    2. Sticks provide haptic feedback. Ex – Mario runs into a wall, and the stick guides your thumb the other way.
    3. Bluetooth syncing. Calls & text messages can be taken on your NX as a result.
    4. Similar architecture to the Xbox One and PS4 makes it very easy to bring games to, requiring minimal code modification.
    5. Pokémon GO is a preview of the social features you can expect on NX.
    6. a) Easy to use. For the controller form factor, imagine a 2DS designed by Samsung.
    b) NintendOS (calling BS on the name) is the central system for Nintendo’s multi-platform future (NX, phones/tablets, PC). It’s a very modern OS with strong networking functions.

  11. I love that people look at what would be an unbelievable and unheard of feature list that would make it unlike any device on the market today and their response is “only as powerful as Xbox One gg Nintendo are dead”. How shallow can you be?

    Of course, this looks incredibly fake so there is that.

    1. I don’t know, based on all the rumors and leaked patent stuff, and little hints dropped by Nintendo execs, a lot of this stuff on that list seems to make sense. It may not be 100% true but I wouldn’t be surprised if most of it was.

      1. Please don’t go by patents. Nintendo come up with patents every year that don’t get made into a product at all or not for 10 to 15 years.

  12. Going by this, the fact that they plan to brand the OS, NintendOS, makes it sound like it will be on multiple systems(handheld and console) yet it sounds like this is a handheld/console hybrid. Which is weird because it sounds like two separate rumors merged into one.

    1. Good point. Maybe this will just be a handheld as powerful as current gen with capability to stream to an HDTV. And the NX home console might still be a few years down the road which would give them time to upgrade specs and be on par with the next gen of PS5, XB2, Neogeo, etc

            1. That would be amazing, I love SNK. I have an arcade cartridge with 161 SNK games. My cabinet got termites though so I trashed it, but I kept the cartridge. I’d like to find a nice neo geo cabinet one day.

    1. You don’t know what you’re talking about. This scenario is completely different from the Wii U’s launch for two reasons: architecture and porting. It seems both are extremely third-party friendly now, so there’s literally no excuse for third-party devs not to support the system with brand new games if they want to.

      1. |||Nintendo Dark Commander Quadraxis-NX Prime|||

        -||Just watch the Electrons and possibly Ubisians, they’ll come up with other excuses that are either rehashed or utterly new that’s stupid||-

        1. I have no faith in EA, but I trust Ubisoft a little bit more. They were the ones that supported the Wii U for the longest time, and they only backed off because publishing retail games on the console meant bad business for everyone but Nintendo. Besides, they do have interesting franchises, like Rayman, Prince of Persia, Beyond Good & Evil or Splinter Cell. I’d like to see the next entries of those franchises, or even the likes of Child of Light, ZombiU or Watch Dogs, on the NX.

          1. |||Nintendo Dark Commander Quadraxis-NX Prime|||

            -||Considering they abandoned all of those franchices except AC and WD, I barely have anything left for them||-

            -||If they prove me wrong though I’ll consider them off my list of enemies||-

              1. |||Nintendo Dark Commander Quadraxis-NX Prime|||

                -||Rayman is dead to me because of their betrayal and if they don’t release anything on the NX at the same timeframe as the rest then I won’t bother with them again||-

      2. Nintendo is putting it’s effort into barely getting a starfox and Zelda out on the WiiU. So 1st party support will be minimal. Third party support? All those devs Nintendo fans bash, but will suddenly want their support? Heh. We’ll see how that works out. So Nintendo fans will get a slew of current gen ports, and maybe some 1st party ports. Most people have already moved on and have a current gen system.
        It comes down to software and games sir. And the NX will still be lacking any logical reason to purchase and spend the money to play games that many of us can already play. They need the equivalent of an X and Bayonetta announcement, and even then, I won’t let them fuck me again. We waited how long for the hardcore-games dangled at launch?
        I truly see no reason for anyone to be an NX early adopter when everything we want is coming out on the WiiU or current gen systems already out and discounted in price.
        What is your honest opinion against my argument?

        1. Those two games were supposed to be out last year, it is fair to assume that they are not the main load of the company. I expect them to be working on a few launch titles that, along with Zelda U and Smash nx if the rumors are true, would amount to a pretty good launch without even counting third-party devs in.

          Secondly, these third-party studios will go where the money is. If they can make money on the system, they won’t give a damn about what the most dedicated fans think of them. However, consoles need to be sold for this to happen, and that’s on Nintendo. I don’t think we’re going to see another Wii U launch (bad, old ports) if these rumor turns out to be true for the reasons specified above. If it happens, then you can start believing the conspiracy theories about third-parties sabotaging. Nintendo.

          Besides that, the PS4 sold millions of units without a single exclusive worth a damn besides Bloodline. It hasn’t been about software and games since the 6th generation.

          My honest opinion is that you can’t judge a fish by its ability to climb trees. We don’t know what the NX is exactly, so passing fair judgment is impossible. I’d agree with mostly everything you said if it were just another console iteration, but the evidence of some kind of hybrid is too strong to be denied. If Nintendo offers me the possibility of playing both its ‘portable’ and ‘home console’ games on a single device, I’m sold no matter what it is.

          1. Fair enough. But after 20+ yrs gaming with Nintendo and seeing their philosophy change, I don’t think we’re necessarily blind to what could happen either.

            All of this, “The next one will be different and they’ll learn their lesson.” Has burnt me twice. I’d be the bigger fool to let it happen again.

        2. “Nintendo is putting it’s effort into barely getting a starfox and Zelda out on the WiiU. So 1st party support will be minimal.”

          This seems like a really valid point but I have this weird feeling that a handful of games that were being worked on for the Wii U have been turned into NX games to make sure it has a decent launch. I’m especially looking at those 2 Metroid games, one for a handheld and one for a console, that all of a sudden, were just “cancelled”…

  13. Sounds pretty cool, though it is just a rumor, and the rumor itself is only rumored to comr from that one supposedly credible guy.

    XB1 Power is fine, though I wouldn’t mind a bit extra. Maybe it’s just the handheld? The wireless HDMI supports that idea, connect to TV when you can. If so that’s one darn powerful handheld.

  14. I hope nintendo knows what the fuck it’s doing. I don’t want my fav franchise (legend of zelda) to die due to incompetence.

  15. All of this sounds like it could be the features of the NX portable device which could come this year because the wireless HDMI dongle kinda supports that theory but WOW…..having an handheld that’s PS4/Xbox One speced is gonna be real real expensive so I hope Nintendo really plays their cards right. I’m guessing that the NX may be a brand of two devices (handheld and home console) that will most likely share the same OS now rumored to be called ” NintendOS ” because remember, the late great Satoru Iwata said he wanted the next handheld and home console to be like ” brothers in a family of systems ” meaning the whole handheld/home console hybrid talk could all be BS. The NX home console will be the central brain of how the NX brand works and functions but Nintendo will wait a year to release it so they can future-proof it so that it won’t get left behind when the PS5 and the next Xbox arrive but they will try to be quicker to the market with the new console so they can possibly introduce ” 4K console gaming ” to steal any thunder from Sony and Microsoft…….at least this what I’m hoping they’re doing. But of course he smoke will be cleared at either an upcoming Direct or at E3 so I can’t wait

  16. How would someone working in marketing know so much about the technical details of the new console? Why would someone in his position continue to risk his job after the retaliation MetalDave64 is making it look like nintendo had to this leak? Original leaks looked plausible. This one doesn’t even smell legit in the least.

  17. One par with Xboner… FailFish
    Seems you took one step forward then one step back Nintendo. Making the console more like a PC I guess is good. However everyone has to see that consoles these days are getting ridiculous. They’re just underpowered PCs at this point and has to base themselves solely on a device that is open and much more useful in other way than the consoles. Heck today you can build a PC on par with PS4 for same price as the PS4. Here you got a decive you can use for countless other things in daily life, a device that won’t be asking for credit card info or pre-paid PSN cards to play regular fucking online.

    1. They’re underpowered to keep costs down. If they were to give consoles high end hardware, they would cost $600 and above just like the PS3. Some people don’t care about power, they just want to play new games. And a higher price tag affects their decision.

  18. Pingback: Rumores sobre el NX: “Es como si Samsung y el Nintendo 2DS hubieran tenido un bebé” | Atomix

  19. Pingback: Rumour: Nintendo Is Funding Beyond Good and Evil 2 – My Nintendo News

  20. Pingback: Rumour: Nintendo Is Funding Beyond Good and Evil 2 | Nintendo Cross

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