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US: 47% of console gamers are female and 52% own Nintendo Switch

Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters playing on Nintendo Switch

Circana, which was previously called the NPD Group, has revealed that in their extensive PlayerPulse survey that 47& of gamers in the United States are female and that 52% of those surveyed own a Nintendo Switch system. This is great news and shows just how far gaming has come for inclusivity. You may remember Nintendo’s famous Blue Ocean Strategy for the Wii which was all about opening up the player base back in 2006. Here’s more information about this along with a link.

“Nintendo languished in last place during the console wars of the early 2000s, with game industry analysts suggesting that the Kyoto-based firm exit the gaming console market altogether. Instead, Nintendo used Blue Ocean Strategy to redefine market boundaries, creating the best-selling video-game console ever, the Nintendo Wii. Targeting noncustomers, the Wii outsold Sony’s PlayStation and Microsoft’s Xbox combined, until the market was disrupted by smartphones and tablets. Mobile technology targeted the same noncustomers, offering easy-to-understand games and controls, and Wii sales suffered. Nintendo initially responded by introducing a tablet-like console, the Wii U, a poor copy of the tablet experience that was a dismal failure. Stepping back, Nintendo again used Blue Ocean Strategy to “value innovate” with the Nintendo Switch, the only console to outpace the Wii in sales, and by moving into adjacent markets, working with businesses in which it held a minority stake to release the wildly popular Pokémon Go and other mobile games”

18 thoughts on “US: 47% of console gamers are female and 52% own Nintendo Switch”

  1. Now everybody knows if you want a girl just get a game system “it’s basically a free dating service and social media hangout”

  2. And what percet do you suppose are actually gamers or just got a game system so they can watch Netflix

  3. The DS sold 154.02 million consoles, with tablets and smart phones around. The 3DS would have sold over 100 million consoles had Nintendo not over priced it, and try to milk us. On that I disagree with the article. Even in the Game cube era the Game Boy line sold over 100 million consoles; Nintendo was fine, I think it was Sega fanboys that were mad Nintendo was still king and wanted them to leave gaming.


      1. Not really their mainly in it for the money. I know plenty of women that have gotten into game streaming because its easy money. They stream mainstream online games dressed in skimpy clothes but dont actually know anything about games. So no I would not consider them gamers, their just chasing the latest trend. Im not referring to the physical act of playing games I’m referring to being someone who actually has an interest in games as a hobby and not other motives.

  4. I’m amazed! I thought old ladies were too stupid to know what a game is. Really did not think old women were able to save enough to afford a gaming console. Welcome to the red pill people who call themselves women. Hahahahahaha!

    1. Well of course I find it odd that people are even making a big deal about it especially since we are far past the video games are made for guys only era.

  5. One thing is that more girls are starting to play videogames and an entirely different thing is that they are willing to play videogames that most men would have interest in playing along with them. What does having a videogame friendly girlfriend serves for, if all she wants to play are games about dancing, singing and dressing characters with different styles of clothing? The dream of having a girlfriend who is willing to play soccer, shooting and fighting games is still an unrealistic one for most of us…

  6. Most men in the comments:

    “It’s just to watch Netflix”
    “It’s to make money”
    “I have my doubts”
    “It’s just a… dating service” (WTF?)
    “They don’t play real games”

    Can we admit that women like playing games, especially in the last generations?

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