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Ubisoft: We Want Rayman Legends To Become One Of The Best Wii U Games

rayman_legends_chaseRayman Legends was previously scheduled to launch today exclusively for Wii U; however, the game’s publisher, Ubisoft, delayed the game’s release by about seven months so that it will arrive simultaneously on the Wii U, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. While the Wii U version may have been ready to hit store shelves, Ubisoft CEO Ubisoft Yves Guilemot told Kotaku that the development team is still working on the game for Nintendo’s latest console. When the game is finally released in the fall, Guilemot said Ubisoft wants Rayman Legends to be one of the best games on Wii U.

“The Wii U the team is working hard on the Wii U [version] to make sure it continues to improve, so it can become one of the best Wii U games. We hope it can be one of the top games Ubisoft creates.”

“What’s very important to consider is that, when a team has more time, they are able to continue to improve the quality of the game. When we saw we had more time, we saw all of the possibilities. Some of the possibilities are the social features that we are seeing today, but also new bosses, new possibilities that will take the game to a level that people will love.”

-Ubisoft CEO Yves Guilemot

118 thoughts on “Ubisoft: We Want Rayman Legends To Become One Of The Best Wii U Games”

    1. Halo and gay Spartans is a rehash, kill zone hahahahahahaha let me stop right this instant. COD, and the multitude of FPS propaganda are rehashes.

                1. Ce qui fait le parfum puant, les prostituées et les dictateurs teethed jaunes de la France que tous ont en commun ? Ils tous décrivent Yves Guilemot!

  1. Well that’s going to be hard to believe since well. It’s not out and it was originally supposed to come out today, you could have owned the entire Wii U market at this point in time seeing the Wii U is now suffering a drought of games. Rayman Legends would have moved units and both Nintendo and Ubisfot would have benefited. But no, such a shame.

    1. Exactly. When companies like Ubisoft make stupid decisions like these, it doesn’t take a psychic person to know what’ll happen next… Ubisoft made a horrible mistake by not only making Raymen non exclusive, but delaying the game AGAIN till the point that many people, such as I, who’ve never really played the games don’t want to wait so long. It would be a miracle if the game got a bunch of sales at this point when it launches. I can estimate like 1 or 2 million Wii U sales.

      1. Right.. that´s…. if it were launched now, ok ?
        With all the competition Rayman will get on September, it won´t sell much…
        Talk about a missed opportunity to get some attention. Ubisoft took a dumb decision

  2. If you wanted it better then why do you keep moving dates and then making it worse by kicking Nintendo in the balls and making it non exclusive?

    1. The Wiiu version is different to PS3 and 360 versions though , going off the basis of the demo I’ve played , this game would lose pretty much everything it set out to be without touch screen controls.

      You never know it could somehow turn out to be more streamlined without them , but it’s highly unlikely , the Legends Demo on Wiiu was a masterful showcase of asymetric , touch screen gameplay

  3. Nice for him and all, but if they add bosses and such, they will go to all version of the game, not quite good enough after what the main office did to Wii U owners

  4. Yeah, won’t really want it when Fall rolls around :(
    And I’m not gonna avoid it out of spite, I just sincerely have way too many games to buy then. Pokemon X & Y, Watch_Dogs, Wind Waker, GTA V, etc.

    1. Guardian of Time, Clock Hero

      Exactly, the higher ups in Ubisoft don’t see that. And they will regret what they had done when RM Legends sell 1,000 it’s first week

      1. Yeah, it really is a bonehead move on the part of the executives. This would have been the perfect month to launch it for Wii U.

  5. Well, i’m more interested in Watchdogs now but maybe I’ll pick it up if I have enough money left over from GTAV & Wind Waker HD. :P

  6. I’m playing through Origins right now and I love it. Legends will definitely be a day 1 buy when it eventually comes out. If Michel Ancel does leave Ubisoft, Nintendo should definitely pick him up. Maybe open a new studio with him as the head.

    1. I agree with U there, he’s very creative, he’d make a great addition to Nintendo. Maybe Retro will pick him up, They’ve been hiring Devs left & right lately. :P

      1. I think it would be better if they had a second studio to take the load off of Retro as their only extremely talented western dev. Plus the rumor did say other people would be leaving with Ancel.

      1. I still have bad feelings for the delay, but after the confirmation of Watch Dogs on Wii U and playing Origins I got over it a bit.

  7. I so want this game!!! As long as they are still improving it, I am fine with the delay… I don’t even have money for it yet so it is kinda good for me.

        1. I’m sure in the longrun there’s not much to improve on, especially because the game was delayed once to fix upon issues and add things. This may just be Ubisofts cheap way of keeping fans satisfied until fall, which at the moment, isn’t working so well because there are many fans raging lol.

  8. Why to I have the urge to cuss or in English terms, insult right now? He needs to close his mouth and put more Ubisoft games on the Wii U; then make red steel 3.

  9. It wouldve already been Ubisoft. But you fucking delayed it. You delayed a finished game, jusr bexause i duno your stupid or microsofts bullshit multiplat arrangement.
    The only way you can fix it is releasing it now, otherwise damage is done, and people still think you’re arseholes

  10. Ubisoft darn, today nintendo Wii U fans would have been playing this. Feel sorry to all that pre-ordered. Used to really like Ubisoft but now shake my head.

  11. Nintendo pushes games back all the time to tweak them why everyone so pissed. If the game gets rated highly and it looks and plays great then it’s a blessing. I hope the members understand that in order to get games from this company in the future we need to suport the cause.

      1. Exactly it was only delayed so they can release for ps3 and xbox. They say they support Wii U and make an exclusive game than F over everybody who was going to buy it in Feb.

        1. Initially it wasn’t pushed back to be tweaked but they just said that’s what there doing. Adding more content making it a must play.

  12. Fucking fanboys (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) are annoying. Appreciate the fact that you have all these systems at your disposal and stop giving a shit who prefers what.

    1. I guess that all depends on where you draw the lines, seperating the best wii u games from the great/good/mediocore/bad/terrible wii u games. Personally, my line for “best wii u games” is the top 20, Raymam Legends has a shot I guess.

  13. F you Yves! If you didn’t F over Nintendo with this game I would have bought it. Should not have been b part of Nintendo’s E3 presentation and claim this game is an exclusive. Plus every other article he bashes Nintendo and the Wii U.

  14. Well if they kill the system by delaying the only game launching before Spring, it could very well be the best game on the Wii U.

    I think Nintendo will get past the setbacks though.

  15. People really believe what this dude have to say? Rayman was delayed 2.5 weeks before the release date, wich mean that the game should already be on the disk for packing and shipment, so UNLESS they destroy those disk and burn the game in new disk ( which mean a ton of waste monney) or those supposed changes are actually become a first day Free DLC, then all he is saying is BS.

    1. or they already knew long before the announcement that it was being delayed…or had no intentions whatsoever to release it for the WiiU only or they were greased so heavily by microsoft and sony that they could care less about the wasted product

  16. They say it’s done, so it’s not going to suddenly be better just because it released later in the year. Games aren’t like wine, especially if they haven’t even been released yet.

  17. While I agree that more time spent on a game will help it be better, this sounds more like damage control.

  18. Ubisoft, listen carefully. LOOK AT YOU’RE FACEBOOK PAGE. You remember all those hate comments? Yes? EXACTLY NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND NEVER AGAIN (After Watch Dogs) SAY ANYTHING TO ANY NINTENDO FAN. WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.

  19. I will only buy this when they completely confirm that the Wii U version will have at least 2x the content as that of the Xbox and PS3. It’s only fair, 2x the development time 2x the content.

  20. I think the window for best WiiU game has closed when they delayed it. Legends was great and I was gonna get this but there are way too many games in the horizon that I’m looking forward so I’ll pass for now.

  21. Ubisoft’s logic: Wii U has pretty bad sales at the moment. I wonder what game is supposed to boost those sales? Herp derp, I’m pretty sure it ain’t ours! *makes Raymen legends unexclusive”

  22. Even though it sounds rather good that there will be new bosses and so on, you misses that window already Ubisoft.
    The only way to make sure the Wii U version sells something instead of abysmal is to implement these things into the Wii U version only.
    If all versions have new bosses etc etc then I see no point in people buying it in large quantities.
    You should have released it now…
    I just hope that you make the Wii U verison of Watch Dogds unique to somewhat redeem yourselves…

  23. Okay Ubisof, that’s all fine and good but You should have kept the exclusive agreement that you had originally. I mean that’s like creating the meal that’s finished and then deciding to add more things while keeping people that are hungry waiting

  24. They really are trying to make people happy again. I think they fear that they might have lost a lot of sales due to this, hence the reason they are offering another demo and stating that the Wii-U version will be even better with the time delay…The industry forgets that they stay in business because of their customers; if you upset your customers no matter what business you are in, you are going to be in trouble.

  25. well it could’ve been one of the best games out yet. but by then we will have lots of awesome games. this game will drown under windwaker hd and smash bros. and X

  26. you know what, maybe this time they’ll make use of Wii U’s NFC, who knows… if they do, that’d be cool… they don’t have to do it same level as Skylanders or Disney’s Infinity, just enough to give it some edge like the ad they showed a couple of month’s back before Wii U release.

  27. By the time it is released there will be a lot more games out on the system. Plus we would have seen the new 3D Mario at E3 as well as other surprises. The best new game on the Wii-U now will most likely be Lego City.

  28. Maybe this delay isn’t so bad any more now that they can add more things to the game as well as improve the features in the game.
    Even though this is going to be a great game no doubt, I don’t think this will live up to be one of the greatest Wii U games of all time but on the bright side when this is released in September it will proabley be the best platformer for the Wii U or at least it will until the 3D Mario game and Yarn Yoshi come out unless they end up being a piece of rubbish though I am highly sure they won’t be.

  29. Pingback: Rayman Legends Wii U Demo Coming Later This Month | My Nintendo News

  30. Pingback: Michel Ancel ‘Wasn’t Shocked By Backlash’ On Rayman Legends Delay | My Nintendo News

  31. Les deux lus, qui sigent la communaut urbaine de Nantes Mtropole, ont notamment exprim des opinions diffrentes sur le mariage pour tous C Mme Garnier tant fermement oppose la loi C ou, plus localement, sur le projet de transfert et de regroupement du centre hospitalier universitaire sur l’?le de Nantes C l encore, Mme Garnier exprime des rticences plus marques que M. Bainvel.RISQUE DE DISSIDENCE Une liste d’union avec l’Union des dmocrates et indpendants (UDI) semble porte de main. Mais le risque de dissidence droite n’est pas dissip. Dnon?ant les reculades de la CNI, Sophie Van Goethem, sympathisante UMP qui soutenait initialement M. Bainvel, s’est dj lance dans la bataille. La conseillre municipale de 56 ans, ma?tre de confrences en droit l’universit de Nantes, assure que c’est “aux autres” de rallier son camp.Subsiste surtout l’inconnue concernant Marie-Anne Montchamp. Cette dernire a rgulirement assur qu’elle serait candidate, avec ou sans adoubement de l’UMP. Son curriculum vitae prouve qu’elle est capable de tenir sa promesse : lors des dernires municipales, Mme Montchamp est entre en dissidence Nogent-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) contre le candidat UMP, ce qui lui a valu une exclusion temporaire du parti. Mardi soir, sans doute assomme par le rsultat, l’intresse a dclin tout entretien avec Le Monde, tout comme sa garde rapproche. “La greffe n’a pas pris, elle d’en tirer les consquences”, lance une figure locale de l’UMP. Qui note encore, goguenard : “Les ambitions qu’elle nourrit pour les europennes s’accommoderaient mal d’une nouvelle exclusion de l’UMP.”Pour l’heure, la favorite des municipales demeure la socialiste Johanna Rolland, 34 ans, qui occupe les fonctions de premier adjoint la ville de Nantes et de conseillre gnrale. Les cologistes, emmens par Pascale Chiron, 39 ans, font scission au premier tour pour la premire fois depuis 1989. Le parti communiste menace de prsenter une liste, tandis que le Front national a dj nomm un candidat.

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