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Ubisoft Says Watch Dogs Wii U Has “Been Paused” While They Concentrate On Other Versions

Watch Dogs creative director Jonathan Morin has told Eurogamer that the Wii U version has been paused while the team develop the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC versions of the game. Once development has ceased on those versions, which are due out May 27th, then work will apparently resume on the Wii U build. Ubisoft said earlier that there’s “a possibility” that the Wii U version of Watch Dogs will come out in 2014.

“It’s been paused,” Morin states of the Wii U build, “which means delayed.”

“There were some very talented programmers working on it and, when we started to point at the things we needed to fix, we needed those guys and their experience. It was a logical choice to say – let’s get those people, let’s pause the Wii U thing, let’s make sure the experience is where we wanted to be.”

Once other versions are done, “then Wii U can get back into place,” he concludes.

307 thoughts on “Ubisoft Says Watch Dogs Wii U Has “Been Paused” While They Concentrate On Other Versions”

      1. I have my doubts. Doesn’t the new DK game not use the tablet? I don’t have a Wii U yet, but seeing things like this makes me really pause at getting one.

            1. Jesus… He listed some of the good games you’re skipping once you don’t have a Wiii U.

              Is it that hard to understand that?

              1. If Nintendo’s exclusives alone have not convinced you to buy a Wii U then stop kidding yourself, you aren’t going to buy a Wii U. Having said that, I am definitely getting Watch Dogs on the Wii U.

                1. Nah, I want a Wii U. I just don’t want to buy it with the tablet if it’s not being used. Or else, I’ll just wait for the price to drop and pick one up in the future.

                  1. That’s what I did with 64 and GameCube… I bought them solely for Zelda. Right now, in my opinion, wii u doesn’t have the games yet to justify buying one… Even though I already own one… Like I said, my opinion

                  2. i was thinking the same like you. but since i have a wii u, i play a lot off tv. i dont like playing a handheld, but with the tablett it makes fun.
                    for me its a great thing.
                    of course i would like to have more games like zombi u

                  3. The tablet is always used, for browsing, Miiverse, for off-TV play, and for the games that use it too, and it’s the damn main controller!

              2. No, I’m saying that if the most recent game that comes out doesn’t use the tablet, what about the rest of the games that are coming out after it? the reason I wanted to get one was because the Wii U was supposed to have kick ass games that utilized the tablet and what not. The same way the Xbox 1 was supposed to utilize the kinect. The same thing that keeps me from getting the Xbox is the same thing that keeps me from getting a Wii U. They have this extra thing that they say is super mega awesome, but nobody seems to use it right and I don’t think 1 or 2 games is worth purchasing it for. The previous poster said that it used it, I wanted clarification. I wanted to know if there were more games like Zombie U (as far as second screen utilization) and the such. If not, I didn’t wanna put down the cash for it. Yet. There are literally 100’s of games for the Wii U (if you include the eshop games) but only a handful the actually utilize the tablet. So yes, I want to make an educated decision before I purchase ANYTHING. Please excuse my inquisitiveness and actual apparent ignorance. Lord forbid I should ask a Nintendo fan page a question about the Wii U.

                1. What is educcated about considering a peripheral quintessential to every game you play when all other peripherals only see sporadic use?
                  Would you have the same problem if a game didn’t use all the four face buttons for differen actions or all four triggers or the microphone or the motion sensor?

                    1. It is as much a selling point as any other part of the controller, it is called a GamePad, not a Tablet.

                    2. @ DJay: Please excuse the more rabid Nintendocentric people on here… I like Nintendo and my Wii U, but I can’t recommend the system to anyone based on some of the points you’ve already made.

                  1. Not every game will use the gamepad.
                    Some games will use it to varying degrees – if everyone used it when it didn’t NEED it then that would be what they called ‘gimmicky’.

                    Like the DS. Not everone used the Gyroscope, microphone, camera, touchsreen etc. But they are options that devs can utilise.If a development team decide to create a game they will have an idea of what they want it to play like, that may or may not have interesting touchscreen controls. Like how Smash Bro’s didn’t use motion controls but was still a good game, it just didn’t need it. Same with DK:TF, it is a simple platformer,

                    I understand your feeling though. It will be a while before games using it to the max will stop being few and far between.

                    I do want to point out that the Gamepad is good for browsing menus/browsing internet/displaying maps/HUD.

              3. I have DK:TF and it uses the gamepad for off TV play (which is how I mostly play it) but not as a second screen.

            2. Same as 3d land

              My topical freeze is so much more like returns than world is to land. And that’s saying something.

              Sequel. Great game in pikmin 3

              And two games without a release date…

              Hmmm…platformer after platformer. Wii u sure is awesome

              1. pimin put a stupid map on the gamepad. that is not using it. that is a stupid bone they through out there. Good use of the gamepad is Ubisoft in ZombiU. Raymand Legends didn’t use it well either. For the most part the gamepad screen has not brought anything to the gaming experience that you would say I would not buy a xbox or ps version because of the features of the gamepad. Having a stupid map is stupid. Try looking at a map when action is taking place. Yep, your dead or off the road.

                1. Pikmin’s game pad functionallity could only be utilized probably if you used the stylus to guide your three captains around with three different crews of pikmin. Then you’d make the most out of your in-game day, and it was actually a lot of fun using the gamepad this way. Though not revolutionary in any way, I think the gamepad served it’s purpose in pikmin. But I’ve got to agree; I hasn’t been utilized at all in any other first party Nintendo game. Inventory screens and off TV-play is kinda stupid. I had really hoped they would show off the potential of the gamepad with Super Mario 3D World, but nope. Always thought Miyamoto was excellent at showing of Nintendo’s new technology, but nope. They pretty much just ditched their own product, despite the games are good – but they could have been made for any other system as well.

                  1. I agree, the gamepad has been disappointing. On the wiiu, it was ok. On lego city. But my thing is no matter what it ends up you looking at one screen or another. So basically if you need the gamepad you take your eyes off the tv and stop to do something on the gamepad. That’s how most games are and that doesn’t bring something other consoles doesn’t have. It not special to not have to pop up a acreen on the tv for inventory vs. It being on the gamepad. You stop play anways. I don’t see the value in the gamepad so far. Lego city did ok with the calling like a cell, zombiu did pretty good. I never used the gamepad on pikmin, I. Used the wiiremotes for game play other than when I was forced to look at the pad.

                2. Looking at the screen when playing a game through a particularly difficult part is stupid, not the map itself. It is common sense to not stare at the gamepad when in the middle of action.

            3. Pikmin 3: Good use, but could have easily been “press 1 to display the map”

              Mario Kart: Uses it like Mario Kart DS.
              Smash Bros: Hasn’t been confirmed to use it.

          1. Does every game in PS3 use all the triggers and the right stick?
            Does every Wii game use Motion Plus or the IR Pointer?
            Does every 3DS game use the touch screen or the 3D Effect?
            Does every Vita game use the touchpad?
            Why does every Wii U game have to use the GamePad’s Touchscreen? Because it’s there?
            It’s a peripheral, like any button or sensor any other system may have, do all of those have to be in use at all times?

            1. The touchscreen gives you options, gameplay (Lego City), management (Wind Waker HD) or off-TV-play (Donkey Kong).
              In the end the screen has never gone unused, even if its only use has been to play without the TV there’s no Wii U game that does not use it in any way.
              If every game forced itself to use it then you would be bitching about the gimmicks, because I’ve been there and heard it all with the Wiimote, the Wiimote was basically the opposite; every game wanted to incorporate it somehow and there came the imbeciles like you to bitch about it, there is no pleasing people like you who have such a sense of entitlement.

            2. Considering that 1) it’s the actual controller for the system 2) it’s the biggest reason Nintendo is telling us for why we need to buy the WiiU (“new gameplay experience!”), and 3) if it’s a first party game, then yes, I would expect it to use the Gamepad.

              1. I’ll tell them to start making the use of the microphone and the right stick mandatory for every and all games, even those who don’t require it, lets see the deluge of “GIMMICK” cries.

                1. That’s false equivalency. Nintendo never advertised the Right analog and microphone as the main reason why you want a Wii U, they advertised the GAME PAD as the centerpiece of the console. It’s not too far of a stretch to assume that someone’s gonna buy a system to play games with the tablet. Stop giving this dude grief over nothing.

                  1. No it isn’t, my analogy is perfect, the controller is not a tablet, it is a GAME PAD like you said, and a GAME PAD incorporates several capabilities and peripherals.
                    The Game Pad was advertised as an integration of touch, yes, much like the DS and the 3DS were, not that it was going to have a mandatory use on every game..

                  2. They didn’t declare a “centerpiece” to buying it at all. They simply noted it as a big feature of the system, because, in all honesty, that was a big difference between the wii and wii u.

                    And he’s not giving this guy grief, he’s trying to give a counterargument, to which this guy is replying in a snooty tone.

            3. I agree with that. But since the release of wiiu very few games use it except for off tv. That has become the defining concept for the gamepad, off tv.

              There r games that should use the wii remote and dint. I found disappointing. But give us a couple games that use the gamepad from time to time.
              mk8 would be great for map and a review mirror option. Would love a rear view mirror through the gamepad, but it will not happen.

          2. Your pause is correct. nothing nintendo puts out uses the gamepad except for the stupid nintendo land. Wiiu life cycle is over. fanboys will not except it.

            1. Lol, the fact that you used the term “fanboy” instantly discredited your argument.

              Please, do explain how the wii u life cycle is over when more and more exclusives are coming out that justify getting one.

        1. no… it will be the worst.
          you know if everybody has the game,
          you think that just cause a few people, the will it bring it on the U?
          and if they do, why they shoud spend time and money it to the games, that dosent sell because everyone has it.
          i will buy it… but is bad, i dont and if its just bad on the U ore the same like ps3, i will buy for the half price on the ps3.
          its the same like… deus ex and co.

          1. look at splinter cell, went months without fixing anything. I gave up, and no clue if they ever did or not.

        2. And who’s gonna care when the port is out after Ubisoft once again royally pissed off almost all of the Wii U gamers? And these backward, blind Nintendo-hating fucktards honestly think this is gonna sale after the delay and that we Nintendo fans are gonna continue bending over for this shit so they can do it again for another few times before officially pulling the plug?

          Oh no. They might as well cancel the fucking port if they insist punishing and treating the gamers like shit ONLY because they’re too scared of a little more effort had to be put into Wii U games that’s designed/coded differently which is why they’re happily sucking off PS4/One’s “powerful specs” dicks ATM which BTW both of those consoles are still no better than a high end laptop made several years ago.

      2. Ubisoft will unlikely make any money on the WiiU version regardless when it launches. Also, this is nothing like the Raymond delay when they had a finished product.

        Releasing Watchdogs on WiiU is simply charity for Nintendo. The install base is to small compared to the ginormous 360, PS3 install bases. They are going to release it, and are going to take advantage of the game pad, something not even Nintendo does very often.

        Unless WiiU owners truly want no 3rd party games, we need to support Ubi.

          1. No its not. If you look at the real numbers. Nintendo consoles shows that 3rd party games sales are so much smaller than the total sales. While PS and xbox you get the entire console base. Many people only want 1st party for nintendo. Look at the charts, very few 3rd party every gets in the top 10 games and when you see the numbers for 3rd party they are more than half of 1st party. with less than 4 mill wiiu consoles and only about a 1/3 buy 3rd party. you are talking a smaller user base.

        1. I have a hard time believing you people still think their will be a wiiu version. Its been delayed, and after several months after its released on everything else. They will stop talking about it and will not respond to those questions.

        2. I would not call it charity…. Nobody knows how things will play out as far as sales go. I would hate to be the one that had to do an about face if the Wii u garnered worthy numbers. Also delaying and making the gamepad a part of the game helps sell consoles as we now have a game that makes more use of the pad. They already made some games for the Wii u and by creating games that help encourage sales , they stand a better chance of recouping cost/or profiting from previously released games. If they act like EA, they could never hope to successfully sell any games on the Big N Consoles. Check the sales records of the new generation console and Nintendo is barely No.2 in sales,(only because of Ps4 sales in Japan for now). What was expected (Nintendo last in sales , not profitable etc…) is not what they got. Hedge your bets at this stage of the game.

    1. It seems that that pretty much seals the deal on the future of third party games on the Wii U. Even a previous supporter like Ubisoft clearly has no incentive to put resources into a Wii U version. It will be a platform for first party and indie games after all.

      1. Their first game, Zombie U, was poorly made, their second, Rayman Legends, was delayed 7 months so it could release first on XBOX 360, their third game, Child of Light, hasn’t released yet, and their fourth, WatchDogs was put in hiatus.
        Please tell me, how is it exactly my fault, as a Wii U user, that I don’t own any of these games?
        What? I have an obligation to buy a poorly made game so I don’t hurt their feelings? Do I have to validate their fascist business tactics by buying a game that was delayed 3 months and then 7 more? Do I have to travel through time to the future to buy a game that hasn’t released? Do I have to applaud them for treating me like a 2nd class user and delay a game I was expecting?
        Please tell me.

          1. Me too, but cant ignore the fact that it had a lot of game breaking bugs and glitches.
            And if they did not make profit with 500k sales, then there must have been something seriously wrong in management.

            1. Most are patched, and I only ran across one glitch in my 3 playthroughs! Sorry you had bad luck though. :(

              1. I only had pleasure of encounterin 2 game breaking glitches, first took about half hour of progress off my first play through, and havent touched the game since I got 2nd one, mostly because I would have had to start all over again.
                Sure, they have patched it, but those were pretty common at launch.
                It was mostly based on luck, and that you did not do anything that developer did not meant you to do (think they were saving on QA testings), or if you died in a wrong place at a wrong time.
                Still was a pretty enjoyable game

        1. You forgot the Assassin’s Creed games, Just Dance, and Splinter Cell to name a few.

          Stop making excuses. Ubisoft is still the third party supporting the Wii U the most and Nintendo fans are still crapping on their titles. After several great titles with low sales on the system, they’re focusing their resources elsewhere. It’s a business first.

          Get your fellow gamers to buy the games and system and then maybe third parties will not have such a problem supporting it in the future.

      2. You said it. I knew ubisoft was throwing out the wiiu when raymond legends was delayed. Only reason they didn’t throw out watchdogs is because they announced it when there was a chance for the wiiu and now since its dead, its pointless to spend money on its development. You can tell by the comments they have released, they have not even really started on a Wiiu version.

          1. Kevin, if english is too hard please stop using it, deciphering your shit sentences is giving me a headache.

    2. See? Now you Nintendo fanboys might get the message into your thick skulls. Third party won’t care about the wii u version because you guys aren’t buying their games compared to the competition. They even paused production on it. Watch dogs might end up being the last ubisoft game for wii u if something doesn’t change quickly…

      1. The only reason of the delay is because the Wii U version will be totally different to the others. Nintendo and Ubisoft still being good friends.

        1. If they were “good friends”, the wii u version would come at the same time, Zombi U would have a sequel confirmed, and rayman legends would’ve been an exclusive still and not have ports on the last gen consoles. Just saying….

          1. Zombie U was a good game with bad marketing. Very little advertisements as compared to many of their games, and it didn’t sell enough to justify making a sequel.

            Rayman Legends was ported because of the timing of the Wii U’s release; it came out when last gen consoles were still current gen, so they knew releasing ports would rake in more money for them.

            Just saying.

        2. Keep telling yourself that, we all know how this is going to go. It’s either going to be a port of the PS3/360 versions or it’s going to get quietly cancelled. I hate to say it but the Wii U’s future really does now rest in Nintendo’s hands. They have to put out the same quality and number of games they did for the 3DS on Wii U, or else this console cycle is over for them and they’ll have to start anew in 2-3 years time at the latest.

            1. See that’s where it’s not entirely possible, you only have a certain number of teams working on projects, and these teams can’t rush through these games or else you loose the quality that Nintendo has presented for years.

          1. I thought that the Wii U’s future was always in Nintendo’s hands? Isn’t it there responsibility to sell the console? I don’t believe that it’s the job of 3rd parties to sell consoles. I agree with you about them needing to pump out games left and right. I also think the Wii U’s life cycle will only be 3-4 years as opposed to the typical 5-7.

              1. I think the next console will be one that streams to the tv, but is portable as well. I don’t think it will be a separation of home and portable, like we have now, but a marriage of the two into one system for HD gaming and entertainment at home and on the go.

          1. Why do all of you Sonydrones and Microsoftdrones make it your life’s mission to troll on a Nintendo news site?

            1. Its not really trolling anymore when its really just stating reality. Im a huge nintendo fan but I can see that the reason its not coming out at the same time is cause they dont have incentive …ask yourself why should they take time away from the versions that are guranteed to sell. Dont full yourself to think the wii u version will be “definitive” with a map and maybe a camera gimmick ..although I hope im wrong. But the way ubisoft is acting im probably not its like they dont give a shit about wii u and there not alone.

              1. but stating true facts. its sad to watch all you wiiu people clinging to a dead console hoping something will revive it. All the way back to lego city. This is it, it will make a turn around.

      2. How can we buy a game that isn’t released? And how can we be blamed for not buying the version that gets released much after, not to mention one with no definitive date?

        I also didn’t buy GTA V for Wii U but that’s not my fault either.

      3. How about you just “fuck off”? Try to get that through your thick skull, if they want to think that, then let them, its better than you being a fucking prick and downplaying they’re hopes like a heartless piece of shit. They’ve already had enough negative news and its getting fucking repetitive and annoying. We play game and we enjoy it, not for sales, so again, could you delightfully fuck off and enjoy some games?

      4. we aren’t buying their games because their release policies are a joke

        several months delayed game here, shoddy port there, cut features in another title

        no sane person would buy that junk

          1. so *you* would buy a vastly inferior port? or a port that’s half as expensive on other platforms because it’s already been released for several months?
            that’s your problem, i sure as fuck don’t

            1. I have played a lot of third party games on both the Wii U, PS3, and Xbox 360. These “vastly inferior port” arguments and “missing features” excuse are a lot of bull, really. That’s all.

              There’s a simple solution. If you want more and better third party support on the Wii U, support the system by purchasing it and buying the games that are there. If you don’t, then we’re to blame. That’s all. Doesn’t matter how amazing the system is – it’s business 101.

              1. i just made a giant post with links to about 10 reviews or news about games missing features on the wii u or having piss poor performance on the wii u.. but doesn’t matter as i’m sure you already know that your claim that these “excuses” are a load of bull is actually a lot of bull itself because it’s a fact that there have been a lot of features cut and shoddy ports been delivered on the wii u … since day one no less (madden anyone? fifa anyone?)

                “There’s a simple solution. If you want more and better third party support on the Wii U, support the system by purchasing it and buying the games that are there. If you don’t, then we’re to blame. That’s all. Doesn’t matter how amazing the system is – it’s business 101. ”

                i refuse to take the blame for something that i am not responsible for

                i own several third party games on the wii u but i WILL NOT buy inferior ports
                and i will immediately lose any respect for any developer putting the blame on the wii u community because they are the same people that would go out and buy a game for the PS4 or the xbox one and any lack of success is either down to the developer or the publisher and their failure to deliver a compelling game or to market it accordingly

                1. “i just made a giant post with links to about 10 reviews or news about games missing features on the wii u or having piss poor performance on the wii u”

                  meant to add that the comment system here apparently didn’t feel like posting it
                  maybe too many links

                  1. I don’t get you people, why they are bad ports and missing features is because there will be no money on the wiiu version. selling 100k copies is a dead project and not worth 1 penny of development. wiiu people are lucky to get anything.

                    Just watch the next COD will not even hit the Wiiu. Say what you want about COD, but it sells and sells good.

                    1. really? that’s your stance? we should be glad to get a crappy poduct? no we seriously shouldn’t

                      you can can go and buy rubbish and be happy about it if you like but i won’t be played for a sucker
                      there’s a limit to what kind of bullshit i’ll take and ubisoft has clearly overstepped it
                      you see i can live just fine without third party titles on the wii u, i don’t have to buy junk

                      selling 100k copies of a full price title btw is an income of at the very least 3 million dollars which is more than enough to create a decent port

                    2. good. I personally am glad COD isn’t coming to Wii U. At least that will be one less uncreative and unoriginal code copy/paste.

          2. i actually made the mistake of buying rayman legends for the wii u to support both the platform and the developer/publisher in spite of ubisoft basically saying “fuck you” to wii u owners

            won’t happen again i can assure you of that

            1. Okay. That’s your prerogative. However, realize that the more there are people who take your stance, it will in turn make Ubisoft say the same thing: “Developing another game for the Wii U? lol ‘Won’t happen again.’ “

              1. i can totally live with that

                if ubisoft doesn’t want my money or feels like they have to treat the wii u consumer base like 2nd rate customers then that’s fine by me

                and apparently that’s the case so my reaction will simply be “buying another ubisoft game? lol, won’t happen again”

                1. That is all the WIIU people say, i can live without. Well, you are living without any 3rd party games. Just live on the nintendo games once every 3 – 4 months. You can get your 4 – 6 games a year by nintendo and rave how they are the best entertaining game on the market and no one compares and then for the other 6 months bitch about how 3rd party is treating the wiiu wrong.

                  1. And you are living without foresight or perspective, so I think we are all on equal footing here, aren’t we?

      5. So, four (RELEVANT) games: Zombie U, Rayman Legends, Child of Light and Watch_Dogs, the first incredibly bad, the second a stab in the back and the third and fourth haven’t even been released.
        Can you please tell me why should I even own these games?
        Would you buy a bad game just to keep the developers happy? Would you buy a game that was teased for over a year then delayed two times and launched almost a year after the original launch date?
        Has time travel been invented so I can buy games that haven’t been released?

      1. They already did by telling you that they haven’t even started it. they will not release it 8 months late on such a poor selling console. it will die quickly in the night.

    3. i dont know how many Watch_Dogs is delayed on wii u articles you guys have created but now you are taking the cake, stop flogging a dead horse already

    4. I own a wii u and ps4, i brought many games on my wii u since the gamepad is great and handy. When a company does this they should give up. I know I won’t get the game late its like a slap to the face for wii u. It is still a shocker since the wii u is a good system very capable and is doing better than xbox 1

            1. No, he isn’t. Yes they have 6 million through February 2014, which is more than the number of sales Wii U had at the end Decembers 2013 which 5.81 million. You are assuming the had to sell less than 190K to be surpassed for the month of February. WII U sells about 8K per week in Japan, so that is 32K for Febraury and roughly 60K+ or like cause they were coming down from Christmas and had a couple higher weeks at the beginning of January. UK had a gain January of Wii U sales over last putting it roughly around 65K for that month. So far we have about 150K. So you would have to assume for January and February for the US, the other territories in Europe and every other country, plus UK in Feb, sold less than 50K.

              So while I can say at some point in the next month it is likely to happen, it hasn’t happened yet. So yeah, he is incorrect and you would be incorrect to take any news at face value where the numbers aren’t comparing 1:1.

              1. I actually enjoy math. “Story problems” not so much. Too many words mixed in with your numbers. :)

                1. Ok, yeah. I was giving a long explanation since its hard to describe what went wrong with their math. Its really overly complex to do world totals on sales, but US and rest of europe wold have to only sell another 50K in Janurary and February to be ahead of Sony numbers.

      1. Lol in what world do you live in that xbox one is doing worse than wii u?

        That’s cute.
        It’s over halfway to wii u lifetime sales and has only been out since November. So good job on that.

    5. They might as well just cancel it at this point, by the time it actually releases no-one will give a shit

      1. Ubisoft has been hurting the Wii U? LOL

        That’s laughable. The Wii U has been hurting Ubisoft, is more like it. They put a lot of resources into developing many games for the Wii U that nobody buys. They’re losing money by developing for the system and yet they still do it.

        They’re still supporting the system, but they’re shifting their focus.

        If anyone is to blame point the finger back at yourself and your fellow gamers who do not purchase third party games on the Wii U and those who do not even own a Wii U. They’re really to blame, oh and Nintendo for fluffing up the whole system’s launch.

        NOT Ubisoft. NOT the third parties.

        1. if a game fails to sell it is down to the developer or the publisher in 99.9% of the cases for either not delivering a good product or for failing to advertise it properly
          and *no one* else

          blaming the consumer base for botched up sales.. laughable
          any economics major would laugh at your face for that remark

                1. exactly.. and you made it sound as if nintendo was responsible for third party games not selling well.. which they certainly aren’t

                  they’re responsible for not making the platform attractive enough for third parties but that’s a whole other story

                    1. “No. I was talking about the Wii U system sales. ”

                      you most certainly were not

                      “If anyone is to blame point the finger back at yourself and your fellow gamers who do not purchase third party games on the Wii U”

                      you were blaming the wii u community based on pure conjecture

                  1. Follow the conversation. The accusation was that third parties are the reason the Wii U is not selling well. This simply isn’t true.

                    Like I said before – If third parties are the reason for the Wii U system’s failures now, then forget Nintendo and praise third parties for the successes of the 3DS, DS, and Wii.

                    It’s a double standard.

                    1. “The accusation was that third parties are the reason the Wii U is not selling well. This simply isn’t true.”

                      i can only requote

                      “If anyone is to blame point the finger back at yourself and your fellow gamers who do not purchase third party games on the Wii U”

                      THAT was YOUR accusation

                      third parties are responsible for marketing and selling *their own games* on any platform
                      if a third party game fails on a nintendo platform it isn’t nintendo’s fault and *most certainly* it’s not the fault of the consumers

                      1. Anyone can take things out of context and misquote. Try reading everything – from the start. Not just my comments, the ones I was replying to. Maybe your comprehension will improve a little from that. If not, whelp, nothing I can do about it.

            1. nintendo is not responsible for the failures of third parties either

              they alone are responsible for marketing their product, NOT nintendo

        2. Well allot of it comes back to rushing games. And for every decent game like Zombi U (though glitchy as hell) they put out there are three or four ESPN sports or some kind of shovel wear. But that is not their biggest problem. It comes from Nintendo thinking they actually had a good partner with, and put all the Rayman games in their kiosk at launch as a Demo, which is free advertisement. Many gamers not just fans feel dooped and its not Nintendo’s fault for that. They also made the system looks like it was failing and no games where coming out by pushing it back, to support other systems. It just screams we don’t really believe the system. And there were other games coming out that were good during the time in Lego City and Monster Hunter Ultimate, but the damage in perception was already done. Then there is Splinter Cell, they kept talking it up like its definitive version even though it was missing feature, truth be told they but a c-level team on it and made it very hard to purchase for the ones that did actually want it. Other games have lacking to in a full out effort. Yes they make Dance Central 4, but then they do this with Watch Dogs. This is a game that actually had a chance to sell decent cause it looked like an interesting game, but they pulled the Lucy with Charlie Brown and the football again. And every time they do they lose a segment of the consumer and make more people doubt the Wii U.

          Really Activision and Capcom have both done better jobs supporting the Wii U. Anyways I buy both first party and third party when I like the games. So an attack at me cause I don’t buy every single game out there is ridiculous. Frankly, I am blameless as a gamer, especially one who bought games since the the beginning. So yes Ubisoft and 3rd parties should take a long hard look at themselves and wonder why the fuck I should go out my way buy there games when there support is so half assed. I am allowed to buy whatever I want as a consumer.

        3. Really? Explain why Rayman was delayed long before Wii U even came to light, long before its launch window sales statistics were shown to determine it a flop or success?

          Ubisoft has always help tarnished the system since day one and despite all the BS 3rd party propaganda, Wii U still started off stronger than PS3/360 did in their beginning days (sold around 3 million before 2012’s end) so they missed many opportunities over some specs nonsense started by Bethesda, EA’s butthurt moment spurring many false hate messages after Nintendo rejected Origin plus Activision lying about COD DLC also drove away some Nintendo COD fans from buying more BO2 copies to ensure DLC possibility as well as Ghosts which followed the same route until they recently changed their minds and added Freefall for Wii U Ghosts.

          So yes, the 3rd parties have as much of the blame as Nintendo not advertising it better or enough to shed away some consumer mystery and gain attention. Saying gamers are the sole blame for lack of 3rd party support and game sales is like saying women are to blame for creating/encouraging rapists in society. Blindly slingshooting around the obvious only demonstrates how wrong and one sided you are. Wake the fuck up bro.

          1. Now you’re putting words in my mouth. Obviously, there’s no reasoning with the many people on this site that have your mindset though – no point in going further.


      Ubisoft should just simply cancel it already. We already know from Ubisoft themselves that this game on Baby U looks closer to the last gen systems. This game will sell probably like 5 copies on the Baby U anyways. If you ever want to get an online game going on this all 5 of those would have to get online at the same time LOLOLOL!! The 5 idiots who bought a Wii U thinking that it’s “hardcore”. The 5 who believed Iwata’s lies when he said the Wii U was going to cater to the “hardcore”. Iwata has turned Nintendo into the baby games company. Iwata will safe the Baby U with his “non wearable devices” games and his QOL (“quality of life”). HAHAHAHHAHA. What a joke. The underpowered Baby U can’t even run a 2D game out of the 90’s (Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze) at 1080p. The 2D side scrolling baby game runs at 720p on the Baby U HAHAHAHHA! The only ones interested in the Baby U are their loyal niche baby fanboys. 3rd party support on the Baby U is close to nothing LOLOLOL. Only babies are happy with their 90’s baby games. Oh look another baby Mario and Donkey Kong games LOLOLOL:

      1. Remember when trolling was about cornering people with intelligent arguments?
        I do.
        Sadly, those times seem to have passed, these new “trolls” are so pathetic, all they do is embarrass themselves with these “comments” full of name-calling and broken reasoning.
        Back then a troll would grow up to be a badass in the real world, now all they seem to do is stay home 24/7, killing the internet with their newfag antics.

    7. So when its hard to develop for Wii U, they ditch the console, when it’s hard to develop for PS4 and XBONE, they redirect all Wii U resources to them.

      1. I think you have to look at the lack of competition on the PS4 and XBOX. What games will there be for XBox and PS in May? Nothing.. so even if Watchdogs is a terrible game it will sell. However, what does Nintendo have on the same week? MK8. Now.. would even a good game have a chance against that? Then things get worse for UBi. In summer they will have to compete with Bayonetta 2, by winter they could be looking at Smash and X, there could be more. Nintendo new customers will probably budget for 4-6 games. Wii U will have at least 6 must have titles by then. I have 4 right now. Pikmin 3, SM3dW, DKTF, W101. Even if W101 is too challenging for you. There are still 5 sick games. Ubi won’t sell a single copy of Watchdogs to new Wii U owners.

        1. So, are you saying that the PS4 and Xbox One have NO GAMES and the Wii U DOES so Ubisoft is releasing it first on those platforms to give their gamers something to play with!? XD

        2. So? It’s still a fair comparison, this was being said of Wii U at launch, and it hasn’t changed, just because the catalog is bigger now it doesn’t mean it always was.
          Now that the XBONE and PS4 are the new consoles and it’s hard to develop for them the resources for Wii U development are taken away, I didn’t see the resources of PS3 and 360 being taken away to help develop on Wii U at ANY point, so the low sales argument doesn’t apply here, it’s all fanboying.

    8. I own wii u, ps3, ps4, 360, and xbox one. I usually don’t buy third party on nintendo consoles and this is the prime reason. If and when nintendo gets third party games they always come way after the other console releases and they’re missing features that exist on the other consoles. It’s not that people won’t buy third party games on nintendo consoles, it’s that nintendo consumers are blatantly disrespected by these companies. So as a consumer and gamer, I’m not going to buy something at full price that’s already been released on other consoles months earlier, is a poor port or that is missing features. I know I repeated that but developers keep repeating this and expecting different results. It’s just ridiculous!!!

      1. This.
        The worst part is that the game will probably be better on Wii U due to the GamePad (Much like Rayman Legends), because the thing can be implemented in ways neither the Dualshock 4 or the XBONE controller can.
        Of course PS4 and XBONE have their shitty GamePad rip-offs in their Vita and SmartGlass peripherals, but since the console doesn’t include them the developer can’t integrate their use, it would diminish the market by creating the perception that the developer is trying to move Vita and tablet units by forcing them as peripherals.
        In any instance, I won’t buy the game, neither for my Wii U or my PS3, no matter when it launches for what console, Ubisoft is being shitty again and I won’t congratulate them for it giving them 60 bucks.

        1. No to be rude with u but…Do u REALLY think not buying Watch Dogs on Wii U will change a thing if other peoples ( like me ) do ? I know Ubisoft had fun with Nintendo for releasing Rayman Legends the same time on September like other consoles, even if the Wii U version was already finished. But thats the past…nobody will change that, only Ubisoft themsleves. And for my point of view…yes Ubisoft do it again with Watch Dogs, but instead doing nothing on this version like Rayman Legends that I think they should include AT LEAST the famous figurine system like that leaked trailer before the E3 2012…they really want the Wii U version to be different on other consoles. Me I just say “Wait and see” and check a Wii U gameplay to see if Ubisoft really did something awesome with the Wii U version ( I hope so)…or not. Anyway me I think (cuz I hesite to buy the PC or the Wii U version, but like I said I really want to see the gameplay with the Gamepad on Wii U before making my decision, and anyway I really dont have a good graphic card on my PC to run the game) I will wait for that and hope the Wii U version will be the definitive version. If Ubisoft do that then I think yes their deserve their game on the Wii U to be buyed…and Ubisoft will go a little up in my estime. And thats just my opinion here so u have ur opinion too, but I just wanted to say that to u to think a little about it.

          1. well buying it certainly doesn’t change anything.. it will just make them do it over and over again whenever they feel like it

            letting them know that they’re being assholes and should treat their customers (whether current or potential) with a little more respect instead of just seeing them as giant money bags AND subsequently not buying their product, might

          2. This is a cheap-ass business tactic, a way of getting off the Wii U boat by actively sabotaging it so the poor sales of their games justify the betrayal.
            By delaying games they get most people interested in them to buy them on another console or to simply not buy them, thus getting low sales and a reason to say their games don’t sell on Wii U.
            This was attempted with RL and the only reason it didn’t work is because PS and XB have no market for platformers so it didn’t sell well on ANY console.
            Watch_Dogs is a safe bet. Whoever wants it isn’t going to wait for a tentative late 2014 release, they’ll get it at launch for another console, even if they have to buy the system (Because it is way cheaper to buy a PS3 or a 360) and even if the initial sales projection of the Wii U version sales was already low, it will go even lower thanks to this.
            It’s all well planned to actively hurt the console.

            1. I guess the grown ups like you have found an occupation by ganging up on a 15 year old.
              Really mature, just like the 12 year olds flooding the online servers of your beloved M-Rated games.

    9. More like ScrewYoubisoft am I right guys

      Next thing you know we’ll be getting no games from them at all.

    10. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

      Just delete the game from the Wii U…

      I went from Super Excited about this game to incredibly bored of it…

      Just die Ubisoftians because just like the Electrons, you’ll never see my money on your hands…

      1. Ok. you’ve become super annoying now… people actually own the wiiu and they want to see more games on it. Nintendo cant release a game every month and you should understand that… this is where third party comes in. Even though the ps4 or xbone have no good first party games now , guess what..? they are selling just because of the third party devs otherwise we wouldnt see tomb raider being re-released but let me guess… “tomb raider sucks anyways ” right ?

        Fanboys -_-

        1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

          Tomb Raider never interested me but I don’t think it sucks…

          At least the developers never lied to us…

      1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

        It’s basically canceled…

        And if no real improvements are done to it after all that time, it’s already doomed…

      1. Because Nintendo’s pussy is the best. They release high quality game, most of their exclusives get 9.0+ scores and are highly praised and entertaining for EVERYBODY!

        While all this 3rd party crap is just a port in each console with glitches and expensive DLC for one map.

    11. I recommend nobody buys a wii u. wait for the price to go down to $95-$200. I have a wii u and its soo horrible just like the wii. the gamepad pathetic features that aren’t even used well, the online is horrible, trash and a joke, eshop games are overpriced and scams and there are no games but kiddy games. the wii u is a terrible console. the xbox one is way better than wii u. the wii u dosent even have acheivments or trophies.

      1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

        You lost me on this:

        “the xbox one is way better than wii u. the wii u dosent even have acheivments or trophies.”

        This is what’s wrong with gaming today…

        Once we get into power again, we will eliminate any trace of it and erase those abominations from history…

      2. Finally. Someone with sense. So glad I sold my wii u.

        Seriously. Mario kart 8 is the only game until…?
        Yeah. I’ll be okay missing out on another Mario kart.

          1. He sold the Wii U because it’s dogshit. Doesn’t mean he sold his brain because he doesn’t want to be a Nintendrone.

        1. these nintendo fanboys are hyping up mario kart 8. the game is just a rehash of mario kart 7 with bikes and hd graphics.

          1. every mario kart ever has been a “rehash”

            doesn’t stop it from selling millions because, guess what, they’re great games

      3. Give me your Wii U then. You idiots always comment that you hate the systems you buy, which means you should be fine with it.

        So give me your Wii U, I’ll take care of it. I actually play and enjoy my video games, so hand it over.

    12. looks like I’m not buying any version of this game then. I was most excited for the wii u version, then I thought maybe I’d buy both the wii u and pc version. Now I’m not buying any. Great work at making nintendo fans hate you ubisoft.

    13. Why did they pause? Weren’t they going to port the game, or the game has more amazing graphics than PS4/XB1 and they went lazy ass? You decide.

    14. part of me thinks this is just a bullshit excuse as they care more about getting the big earners finished asap.

    15. Ubisoft is plain stupid! Watchdogs is gonna sell like crazy on other systems… By the time the Wii U version is released, everybody will have it in other consoles including me …

    16. This will happen:
      1) Wii U version 9 months later.
      2) Wii U sales less than expected.
      3) Ubisoft says the Wii U version sales are catastrophic.
      4) People say the Wii U is the problem.


      1. So what about the other games that released at the same time and still had terrible sales on the Wii U? Don’t give me the “bad port” and “missing features” argument, because that’s terribly invalid.

          1. PS3 had a crappy start too – no games, crap ports. Third parties were apprehensive to support it for quite a few years until sales got better and development got easier.

            So what about all the bad third party ports and games with missing features that still sold well on the PS3, for example? Why is there a difference there?

            1. i don’t care if there’s a difference there in sales

              a crappy port is a crappy port and you’re trying to deny the fact that there are some VERY crappy ports on the wii u

              1. I didn’t deny that there are some bad ports. There are bad ports on every system. But you in turn are saying every third party game on the system is crap. Which is not true at all. Further, you are saying the sales are bad because of the quality of the games. Again, not true – like my example – the PS3 had terrible ports and late releases, yet gamers still purchased them and look out the system and its third party support turned out.

                1. “But you in turn are saying every third party game on the system is crap”

                  where did i ever say that?

                  “Further, you are saying the sales are bad because of the quality of the games. Again, not true”

                  if there are so many examples on the PS3 where this was not the case why not name some? are wii u owners somehow different people than what ps3 owners were back then? is that what you’re trying to say? some huge change in demographics of gamers that happened over night? do you know how ridiculous that sounds?

        1. There actually is a very valid explanation. When the big shift of who was the top console manufacturer happened way back in the day it split Nintendo’s previous audience into the different groups we see today.
          A. People who originally bought only Nintendo hardware but are now multiconsole owners who play their third party games on another console.
          B. People who completely moved away from Nintendo to the other consoles.
          C. The small minority of people who still buy only Nintendo consoles and also want third party games.
          And finally D. The people who always enjoyed Nintendo’s first party offerings the most and weren’t bothered at all when the third parties left (I’m not ashamed to admit I’m part of this group).
          This is really the only rational explanation I can come up with. If there’s anyone to blame for Nintendo’s current third party woes, it’s Sony for making the PlayStation ;)

    17. And they expect it to sell ? They might as well just cancel it altogether because those remaining 5 people that will buy it won’t be enough for a profit.

      I will probably forget tue double purvhase on PC and the console. At this point I don’t even know if I will even get it Day 1 at all.

      I guess it’s the *standard Ubisoft Game value loss aka 20€ after 4 months process* for me…

    18. You know, a part of me really really really wants the Wii U version to absolutely horrendously suck. I own a Wii U, and I really want to get the Wii U version of this game. Well, at least I did. At this point, if the developer gets angry or upset that the Wii U version didn’t sell very well (cause let’s face it, because of this, it’s not going to sell very well), then he/she should be slapped very hard. They’re shooting themselves in the foot, and they don’t even realizing it. But even worse than that, these are the kind of decision makers that are a huge chunk of the reason why the Wii U isn’t taken seriously by a lot of 3rd party devs. Wii U versions don’t sell very well because they’re gimped or delayed beyond other system versions. Then the devs gimp or delay their next Wii U version because the last one didn’t sell well. Yeah, talk about a downward spiral of stupidity.

      At this point, nobody should be surprised if the Wii U version of this doesn’t sell very well at all. You’d think Ubisoft would have learned their lesson after their delayed Rayman Legends. I also wouldn’t be too surprised if Ubisoft has some sort of secret agreement with Sony and Microsoft. If this is an indication of how the video games industry really is, then I feel very sorry for it.

      1. Ok, I admit, I made this original post just after I read the article while I was still fairly upset at Ubisoft. Now, I’ve had time to cool off, but I still think this is a bad call by Ubisoft.

        They can still potentially salvage the situation though. Since their entire dev team is working on other versions now, once those are done, if the entire dev team moves to the Wii U version, integrates the gamepad really well, and releases that version 2-3 weeks after the others, then that could work. I mean, c’mon, with the entire dev team working on 1 version, they could potentially get it done pretty fast.

        This may just be wishful thinking, but the Wii U version could easily be the best version of this game if the Gamepad is integrated properly. I mean, c’mon, since the game is basically ‘hack everything with your cell phone’, the gamepad could potentially be really well used. This could even be the ‘killer app’ the Wii U has been in need of (in the minds of some people) since it launched. If the entire dev team works super hard on the Wii U version once the others are done, it could still turn out to be a really good game.

    19. Yeah, this is awful. They are knowingly hurting the sales on Wii U, just for the sake of an earlier release in all platforms. They should stop working on the version for Xbox One then, since it’s selling less than the PS4.

          1. No. It’s quite evident that the Wii U is weaker than the Xbox One & PS4. If a quote on quote next gen system runs Call of Duty at 880×720. It isn’t next gen.

            1. Do you have any real evidence, that it could not run on higher resolution?
              We don’t really know if they even tried.
              And you can’t have missed the huge list of games that are running on lower resolution, and in some cases lower frame rate on xbone, than their PS4 equivalent?
              For me, there is nothing “next-gen” on either of the systems, they offer nothing new, but that wasn’t what defined it, right?
              Number of cores and rams and teraflops was what defined it?
              In other words… nothing new, except for console fanboys, of course.

              1. Lol, you think I’m a console fanboy.. Well, I don’t think it could have been a higher resolution because they would have changed it on Ghosts. The Xbox One has a hardware scaler so the lower resolution (720p, 792p, 900p) doesn’t really matter. Next-Gen is defined by power. The Wii U is just as powerful as a PS3. Basically last-gen.

                1. Why would that matter? Basically every game nowadays is HD. Do you really think I care if some guy in CoD has more lines in his hair or the dog has more fur? No.

                  1. Actually, Most games on the 360 & PS3 are native 480p/576i(PAL) upscaled to 720p. That’s why most games on those consoles are blurry.

                2. I dont think I particularly meant you are a fanboy. Were speaking of the perception of fanboys.
                  My guess is that Wii U was ported from 360, so that might have affected it. But we can only guess.
                  For me, resolution does not matter at all, but does not really change anything. Today I heard that Killzone SF is not full native 1080p either. I havent checked it, but that guy usually dont just flap his mouth.
                  Still there is nothing new that I could call “next-gen” in those consoles, and they are as powerful as mid-level gaming PC’s.
                  It is pretty amusing, that fanboys expect me to give benefit of doubt to as PC like as fuck PS4 and xbone, when they do not give that to Wii U.
                  I haven’t seen any game that would really push the systems to limits on any of those consoles.

                  And if power is what defines generations… then I guess 8th generation never started. My guess is, that these new consoles will be in their limits, and we will see “next-gen” in 5 years tops, I hope they catch on with gaming PC’s at least.

            2. and it’s also quite evident that the xbox one is weaker than the PS4.. so what?

              if a “next gen system” runs BF4 at 900p it isn’t next gen.. now what? looks like we’ve reached an impasse
              PS4 and xbox one aren’t much more next gen than the wii u is

              if you want actual next gen graphics you buy a high end PC .. if you don’t care about next gen graphics then you buy a console and that’s that

            3. The Wii was weaker than PS3 and 360 and it was still current gen with those two. It’s not about the power, current gen is the timeline the 3 companies release their new console. So, don’t be ignorant and shut up!

    20. I will be surprised if it actually comes out. If the Wii u version of the game isn’t important enough to finish now who says that they will get it done at all. Let’s face it they really don’t care about the version or they wouldn’t have stopped it in the first place. If they don’t think they can make any money then why put any more work into it. Sorry for the pessimistic outlook, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all to hear it is canceled one day.

    21. pink0crystal0midbus

      As long as it’s coming…. also, this is bullshit, because Ubisoft delayed Rayman Legends on Wii U so they could bring it to other consoles so why is it okay for them to do the exact OPPOSITE for the Wii U? They should just delay Watch Dogs entirely and wait to release the game on all systems at the same time….

      Does Ubisoft realize they are pissing off a LOT of Nintendo fans and this hatred will continue over to the next generation when Nintendo comes out with their next console that completely destroys the next Xbox and PLay Station?

      1. Nintendrones say they only buy Nintendo First-Party games not Third-Party. Not sure why they’re mad that Watch Dogs is on hold..

        1. Maybe because this is one of the third party games I actually wanted on Wii U because of potential gamepad integration. Since the game is basically ‘hack everything with your cell phone’, the gamepad could potentially be really well implemented.

          They can still potentially salvage the situation though. Since their entire dev team is working on other versions now, once those are done, if the entire dev team moves to the Wii U version, integrates the gamepad really well, and releases that version 2 weeks after the others, then that could work. I mean, c’mon, with the entire dev team working on 1 version, they could potentially get it done pretty fast.

          Still, with this news, I’m not really expecting the Wii U version to come out until around the holiday season, if even 2014 at all.

    22. these nintendrones are scared of the xbox one. lol there bashing the xbox one and calling wii u next the wii u cant even run ps3 and xbox 360 games well the wii u seriously sucks xbox 360 2005 harddrive was 20 – 40 gba while wii u was 8-32 gb. lol wii u EXPOSED. these drones are trying to damage control why wii u dosent need achievements system.

      1. I was a Nintendrone until I started watching BLACKB0ND. He showed me the light. Exposing Nintendo & all there antics.

        1. You mean the guy with only opinions and provides no evidence on his bias against everything Nintendo?
          Lol, yeah come back when you find reals reasons to hate Nintendo.

            1. But you like someone else like EA’s business practices more right…? You know, Origin as a spyware service, turning any game franchise they touch into a microtransaction garbage like Dead Space 3, much of smartphone games and such?

              1. Bringing up stuff that I wasn’t even talking about lmao.. Nintendrones will try and damage control everything..

      2. i think im more scared of the ouya than the X-Gone
        I honestly, like the Ps4, but im pretty sure the X-Bone is gonna have an even more hard time now that the Ps4 is rampaging on Japan

    23. Pretty much Ubisoft wants the Wii U version to die. After E3, people will be excited for other games. Plus I can bet, since Ubisoft said it’s possible to be released this year, that nobody will skip Smash bros, X or Bayonetta 2 for the Wii U version of Watch Dogs.

    24. This is just sad from ubisoft, on rayman legends they held off a finished wii u version of the game just to release it on the other systems. So why can’t the wii u get the same treatment? Hold off the game in the other systems and release all at once.

    25. Pingback: Watch Dogs Release Date Confirmed in New Story Trailer | What's Your Tag?

    26. Ubisoft needs to just come clean and tell us that the Wii U version is cancelled. That’s what it sounds like to me and I know I’m not the only one feeling this way.

      Mind you, this won’t be the straw that broke the camels back for me regarding me backing away from both the Wii U and nintendo.

    27. Possibility?!? It’s an OBLIGATION this game come out in 2014 for Wii U, still in the first semester. Simply because you already delayed a 2013 game, it’s just pointless!!
      I’m being pretty persistent in wating for the Wii U version, but Ubisoft itself doesn’t collaborate.

    28. I don’t like his tone, why not pause the PS3 and 360 versions instead of a current gen system which is the Wii U?

      He talks as if the Wii U doesn’t matter, let’s delay it because it won’t sell that much in that console.


      They also talk about as if making the game for the Wii U is the hardest shit ever and it’s way more difficult and time consuming than making it for 5 other systems.

      Seriously, you can focus on 5 other systems but no on the Wii U?

      The thing here they are making it probably for the PS4 and easily port it to PC, 360, Xbox One and PS3, but I guess for the Wii U because an extra screen it’s the most difficult thing ever, it’s super time consuming, more than making it for 5 other systems right?

      Are you that hateful and lazy and you delayed on the Wii U just because it took a little bit more of work?

      Seriously, I don’t see why they an work in 5 version and not the Wii U, why that one was the one “paused” and not another one, and why so much Wii U hate.

      I know it won’t sell that much, but it’s lazy, hateful and ridiculous what these people are doing.

      Just fucking port the game like you do with the 360 an PS3 version, which are the same shit and you only change the fucking controllers.

        1. Could you just fuck off and go play a game and enjoy it instead of downplaying arguments on the interwebs?

    29. The Wii U version is the one they need to concentrate on. The Wii U needs all the help it can get. It’s this lazy attitude from third-party companies that caused the problems that the Wii U has. But it’s hard to be mad at Ubi-Soft, since I’m enjoying Assassin’s Creed III at the moment. Soon as I finish it, I’m buying Assassin’s Creed IV. : D

      1. No, no, no. It’s not third parties at all. If that were the case, then all the praise that Nintendo fanboys give Nintendo for the successes of the DS, Wii, and 3DS needs to be taken back and given to the third parties – since they’re the ones who make or break Nintendo systems (according to all of these comments here).

        Can’t have just praise for Nintendo’s success going to Nintendo and blame for Nintendo’s failures to third parties.

    30. At least EA was honest about how much they don’t like Nintendo.

      Ubisoft is far nastier and more malicious than EA. They make a grand show about how they’re supporting Nintendo with awesome games, giving people hopes, and then delay the ever-loving crap out of them, NOT even because they’re still working on them, but because they want the OTHER versions to come out. You think that’s enough salt in our wounds? Seriously?

        1. Except he lost it at EA. EA is just about the same as Ubisoft. Once promising great things for Wii U, then turn a full 180 talking lies and nonsense through their teeth and ass such as “Wii U isn’t capable” or “install base is low” and even go far to damage control their own BS by saying “we still have a good relationship with Nintendo”

          All 3rd parties are exactly the same caliber of crap towards Wii U gamers.

    31. It is sad, that a couple of generations ago, trophies were fairly non existent.

      Nowadays,since they were added to the extreme, it just seems to elevate mediocre gamers feel that they have achieved something special. When, nothing really spectacular has happened.

      To me, that is like celebrating OK players for something they should do to begin with. Which is play the game. The equivalent of Kindergartners graduating to first grade.

      This is what I see when playing PS/xbox. I can care less about trophies. The game I am playing should be entertaining and fun. With a great storyline to keep me interested or great game mechanics to wanting more.

      I do feel this game will be cancelled down the line and I have already taken my pre order back. It is quite difficult to support a company that does treat their wii u install base as 2nd class gamers.

      As far as everyone trolling (PS / XBOX ) fanboys arguing over yourself about a game. You just won the trophy for being the most idiotic and most ridiculous people around. Granted some points are valid when written with clarity. Others are just downright childish.

      Tho nintendo gamers have to come to the realization that the possibility of it being canceled are high. Just be happy you will be able to play Bayonetta 2 while every fanboy on the other systems will complain that it should come out on their system. This is when you just smirk and play.

    32. and before anyone claims this game will be great on their systems. I will just say the PC version would probably be the best out of all the systems out their. It will definitely have better graphics, most likely be HD running at 60 FPS with no tearing etc., etc.

      PC will always be the best…

      1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis


        These Xbots and Sonyans attacks us Nintendos for not getting any Third Class Games but we have PCs for such games that dwarves their pathetic machines…

          1. I can EASILY put together a gaming PC that is more powerful than PS4 or XBONE by half the price of either console.
            If your biggest argument against the Wii U is its technical specs and you think that’s the reason it doesn’t sell then you need a reality check ASAP.
            After all, the 3DS outperforms the Vita every week since the thing launched.

    33. Pingback: Watch Dogs para Wii U en pausa hasta finalizar el resto de versiones | Metronius Bolivia

    34. Bucharest Studio to Make “Good Use” of the System!
      This means that the Wii U version appear on the Nintendo E3 conference to show as the best version!

        1. Just been reported that WatchDogs on Xbox One will be 920p, 1080p on PS4 and 4K on PC!!!
          So PC are getting the best version!!
          If the game is downgraded that much then the Wii U version will be and look the worst, so be glad that it is getting delayed!!

          1. Look the worst for what it is? Xbox One still couldn’t break through 900p upscale or native for that fact. At least Wii U has been achieving some 1080p far easier than that $550 Betamax tryhard with a shit camera.

            Besides, Ubisoft fucked Wii U for the final time. Regardless of the game releasing or not and how it looks, runs and plays, Ubisoft just cost themselves another big loss for Nintendo all on their own but they’ll try to pin more blame on both the system and gamers like if that’s gonna work anymore except idiots will only fool more idiots which most Nintendo fans aren’t that stupid.

    35. The ONLY reason EA hate Nintendo is that Nintendo said that their Origin was a pile of shit and said hell not no it and EA ever since has spat their dummy out!!
      Ubisoft are just a bunch of losers who talk utter bullshit!!
      The delayed Rayman Legends and then released it multi platform when GTA V was released and wonder why sales were so poor!!
      The reason is due to Mario Kart 8 being released 3 days later!!
      The other consoles have no BIG games arriving in May, and Ubisoft are putting all their focus in to next gen to try and get the more sales with no competition from other big games.
      Developers know that Nintendo first party games always destroy 3rd party games released at the same time.
      Why would Ubisoft waste their resources making the Wii U version for the game to be OBLITERATED by Mario Kart 8 hype?Would be stupid.
      They should just come out and say that it is cancelled.
      If they release it 6 months later for the Wii U all the hype would have already died down for the game and will sell nothing.
      The ONLY reason Ubisoft are saying it has been put on hold and that it is still coming is to try and keep Nintendo happy!!
      If Nintendo had any sense they would stop Ubisoft being a 3rd party developer, tell me a Ubisoft Nintendo game that has sold 2 Million plus?
      They are treating Nintendo like crap and Nintendo are allowing them 2!!
      Nintendo should buy Sega,Capcom, Atlus and then make all their games released Nintendo only just to piss off all the other developers!!

      1. With plenty to agree!
        But it will not come out for the sixth month, it will go out after E3 2014, and when they show all the features of the Wii U gempad..

    36. I’m not angry that they delayed the game and i have come to terms with the fact that Wii U games have a “special” status in the industry. What makes me angry is the fact that Ubisoft delayed Rayman with the exact opposite reasoning. So it feels like they change their opinion every time they need reason to delay/cancel a game. Tell people the truth about the reason you delay games. The worst thing you can do is to change your message every time you talk to your costumers. It’s making everyone feel uncomfortable and it loses allot of trust for you company.

    37. At this point the only way they might get Wii U gamers to buy this game after this delay is to release it with any bugs ironed out that the other versions might have (if any) as well as the DLC that comes to other platforms in the meantime. It might make up a bit for delaying Rayman as well last year. Honestly, I doubt this will happen but it could bring people around and show they actually do want Wii U to succeed and Wii U gamers to buy their games.

      1. Your wet dream is just too good to comprehend.

        No fucking way Ubisoft has ever intended to assist Wii U’s success but possibly jumped on board the hateful revolt train along with EA to make the system look like its worth nothing. Since DAY ONE or even before, Ubisoft has screwed Wii U in every way and has proven itself how hypocritically stupid they are and like EA, try to damage control it like hell to fool only fools to think they learned something but only to pick pocket your wallets for quick cash to support something else in return instead.

        Stop believing that forgiving them and buying their delayed/gimped garbage is gonna change a damn thing. You’re only falling for their obvious money grubbing trap, meaning either keep buying their crap stories and games for nothing or make you give up a system without good reason but propaganda coming out of their asses just to flock to another resource and continue buying their products so they can keep getting away with doing this. Best solution to this: Don’t buy their shit until they fully wake up and prove that they have.

      1. But I DON’T want Kingdom Hearts 3 to be on Wii U. I’d rather the game be built to take advantage or the more powerful PS4 and Xbox One. I don’t want the developers to restrict what they can do with the game just so I can have a version that would end up being inferior anyway.

        Now a Kingdom Hearts game made exclusively for the Wii U? Sure. Kingdom Hearts 3 on Wii U? FUCK THAT NOISE!

        I love my Wii U but I don’t want Kingdom Hearts 3 to be gimped just because of the Wii U’s inferior hardware.

    38. Whatever. I love my Wii U but honestly, I wouldn’t give a fuck if Watch_Dogs got cancelled on Wii U. Wii U’s demographic and Watch_Dogs demographic just aren’t the same. It’s aimed at the Xbox/Playstation crowd more and the Wii U version is going to fucking tank regardless of delays or not.

      I love my Wii U but the thing is a niche console and thinking multiplats built with other consoles in will have the same sucess is nothing short of stupidity.

      Now guys, shut up, buy the exclusives, show the what the Wii U demographic is into and stop bitching that the game you were never planning on buying anyway because it isn’t aimed at your console’s demographic is getting delayed.

    39. Pingback: Watch Dogs Director Says Wii U Version Is “Closer To PS3 And 360″ Than Xbox One And PlayStation 4 | My Nintendo News

    40. Pingback: Reason Behind Watch Dogs Wii U Delay

    41. Pingback: Ubisoft Montreal Was Forced By CEO Guillemot To Reveal Watch Dogs At E3 2012 | My Nintendo News

    42. Pingback: Check Out This New Watch Dogs Trailer | My Nintendo News

    43. Pingback: Prediction For Ubisoft and Nintendo | The Nintendo Objective

    44. Pingback: Here’s The Watch Dogs – Welcome To Chicago Video | My Nintendo News

    45. Pingback: Ubisoft Site Says Watch Dogs Wii U Should Arrive By Fall 2014 | My Nintendo News

    46. Pingback: Best Buy Canada Lists Watch Dogs Wii U With June 30th Release Date | My Nintendo News

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