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Get A Copy Of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze From Amazon For $39.99

Popular online retailer Amazon is currently selling the fantastic Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for Wii U for $39.99. Retro Studios latest adventure normally retails for $49.99, so if you fancy saving yourself $10 then go get it. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze currently has an average review score of 83 on Metacritic.

Thanks to those who sent this in.

61 thoughts on “Get A Copy Of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze From Amazon For $39.99”

      1. Who cares whether the multiplayer is online or not? This game is far better played Single-player anyways. And, this game is anything BUT an average platformer. Most likely you haven’t played it anyways.

        1. since nintendo is pretty much the only one still making platformers except rayman and indies, and their platformers all get 8-10/10 this one is average, and onine is indeed something a game should have in 2014, and this game takes about a day to finish, and it is far too expensive for that, even 40$ is too much

          1. It depends if its heavly focused in the game 3D world should have had it, tropical freeze didn’t really needed, most people prefer to play those games in single player

          2. Did u get 200%? by getting all the time medals, kong letters, beat every level on hard mode, get all the blue letters, beat all the temples, beat world 7 and get all puzzle pieces…The game takes longer then a day to beat 100%

          3. This game does not take a day to finish are U kidding ?? This game is actually much more cheap of what’s it deserve already!! l would pay 60 just for the music ;) 10/10 on destructoid !!! Extremely recommend this awesome game !!

            1. then you’re a shitty gamer, i finished mario 3d world in a day, and mario bros u in a day, so this is probably a day long as well, i’m not paying for that shit again, and i can see that you’re an idiot going by what you just said


            Have you ever imagined playing an old classic that you loved and wanted it to be online to show off your skills or even play with friends and family that live to far away to play the game with them. Imagine Super Mario World with online and voice chat, Mario kart with online and voice chat or even super smash bros! from N64 with online multiplayer and voice chat the list can go on and on this can be something that I know will be a hit! We together can make this happen if we show nintendo that we really want this! This would be amazing!

        1. you do know, that it changed just the textures, right?models have the same amount of polygons, and if you’re going to type “the lighting is better” then you’re a fucking idiot, because the lighting does not require much power except if you have tessellation, or some complicated model that is under light, this game doesn’t have that it has the most basic models a 3d game can have


    1. Lol what are you smoking? This is an Amazon deal. The game is still normal price at retailers and in the eshop. And what does the price have to do with anything?

    2. Yeah a company that has enough money to burn till 2052 is done, sony on other hand is having more troubles then nintendo, as a whole. I like sony and nintendo, but out of the two sony is the one getting hit more

    1. I got it for $40 day 3 and I think this game was well worth the $40. This a fun and amazingly creative platformer that it has just the right amount of challenge and difficulty to not be frustrating but still amazingly fun. In my opinion DKC: TF is anything BUT shovelware. Or shit.

  1. Shovelware rehash last gen piece of crap. I played about 2 hours of this game and sold it. Nintendo magic is over! :(

      1. Wow, many trolls and haters. Oh, and Chrono, I wonder if you even actually played the game because I was pretty hooked on this game after 2 hours. DKC is amazing and so is SM3DW

      2. Oh my god ill stop reading the comment section there are soo many trols and haters, l can’t understand why ??? Why ?? People why soooo many hate to Nintendo ?? Is it that U are not happy with Ur own console that u guys have to do all this ?? Why ?? Just be happy playing whatever u really like and if u are not happy with that then join nintendo !!! That really will make u guys smile ;)

        1. That’s because they are blind and hate for the sake of them making them who they are today…or at least how I see it. Blind hating and not really trying Nintendo really just gets under you’re skin and at the same time, show their stupidity.

  2. Screw the trolls(hate the word) and haters! I finished the game and I’m still playing it for Time trials and 200%. look for Rise-ADTR-TryForce. That’s my friends’s name and watch some replays. =)

  3. Nintendo fanboys complaining just because has ditched weak u the baby Toy from a Baby company called Nintendo

    If Ubisoft came out and said AC5 is coming to weak u they would all be saying how much they love Ubisoft and how they such a good company, especially that camel faced Nintendo dick rider Nintendo Gay Commander

    He would be saying how much he loves Ubisoft and they such a great ally blah blah blah

    Nintenyear olds are hypocrites

    It’s Nintendos fault for making a baby console when 3rd party developers are grown adults wanting to make games not for 3,5 and 10 year olds

    Even Nintendo themselves have show less support for the Weak U then Ubisoft

    Ubisoft released more games on wiiu then Nintendo themselves

    It’s so sad

    That Ubisoft took the Weak U more serious then Nintendo

    They gave us 2 open world games

    Ac3 and 4 and more games like splinter cell and rayman

    What did Iwata and his baby company give us

    Nsmb Wii HD (copy and paste rehash)
    Pikmin 3 (Wii game upscaled to HD)
    Nintendoland (tech demo sold as a full game)
    Super Mario 3d land HD (3ds game upscaled to HD) another rehash

    It’s so said in babyland I tell u. Lol

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