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LEGO The Hobbit Wii U Version Delayed

Warner Bros has announced that the Wii U version of LEGO Hobbit has been delayed until April 22nd in North America.  However, the Nintendo 3DS and other formats haven’t been affected. Warner Bros hasn’t explained why the Wii U version has been delayed.  The UK version will be available on the Wii U on April 11th.

60 thoughts on “LEGO The Hobbit Wii U Version Delayed”

    1. This doesn’t affect me at all. In all honesty, I didn’t even know this existed. Lego City Undercover is still better. Lol.

        1. Yes it is that good. I haven’t had that much fun with a Lego game since the first Lego Batman. It’s filled with alot of humor and the open world is great. Everything is awesome. (Lego Movie is great too)

          1. Really? Cool! The biggest reason I didn’t check it out is the lack of multiplayer.

            I heard bad things about the Lego Movie game.

  1. hahahahahahaha The nintendoomed train is on the roll again lolz #Exposed#NintendronesMad#NintendoMad#FIREIWATA-PleaseUnderstand

    1. Yes. Because delaying a game means abandoning a console. By that logic, Nintendo must be quitting Wii U support because Smash Bros is delayed until winter. Lol.

      1. Smash Bros. 4 was never delayed. They were unclear about when the game is ready for release. All they have said was 2014. Nothing more or less. Get your facts straight.

    1. No, more like fuck you. Wii own u bitch. Nintendo is the best innovator of gaming. Sure pc has great graphics but its not innovation. Which is why owning a pc and wii u is great. You get the best of both worlds.

    2. “Xbox One?”
      “Xbox done!”
      “Oh, give me more!”
      “Wii U?”
      “Pee yew!”
      “Uh, what?”

      10 points to who knows what that’s from.

      1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

        Nice although it almost makes me vomit Ing Liquid because it’s an Xbot music…

        Anyway, we shall see your strenght this year, starting with the 3DS version if you are going to buy it too?…

        1. Commander, seeing as your CPU, GPU, and OS are the most advanced in the universe, tell me, what is the meaning of life?

    1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

      So you declared war on us all…

      Your worst nightmare is about to begin in the near future…

    2. And same for PS4 and Xbox DOne down the road. Whens the next big exclsuive game for both systems? Uncharted 4? Nothing elsw about it has been revealed so its release date is in the wind. Halo 5? Still stretching the already dying series that should have been retired by now is coming in late 2014, possibly 2015 if they delay the game.

      Otherwise, Wii U had Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World, Zelda Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World in 2013. And in 2014, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros. 4, Bayonetta 2, X, Zelda: Hyrule Warriors.

      Nice try on shooting down Wii U when it already has big plans to rock the gaming world in its own way.

      PS4 and Xbox DOne realistically only sold more and fast by sheer dumb hype that offered nothing original to the table and compare to its first year launch window, its actually more scarce and worse than Wii U, 3DS, Vita and PS3 combined.

      So who’s playing the waiting game again? Oh, did I forget to mention the Vita is the worst of the 8th gen because its a peanut gallery of PS3 ports?

      1. Don’t forget Sonic Boom and that other secret game thar Red button is working on + another Mario game was announced recently.

  2. Everyone, just get Lego City Undercover if you haven’t already. It’s worth it, and much better than most Lego games. Plus, it’s Wii U exclusive.

      1. It’s a great game for everyone, honestly. It’s really witty. The humor is great, there’s lots to do, and it actually uses the GamePad in interesting ways.

  3. So delaying the release when it won’t sell better or worse than the other versions is smart? Right?

    Warner Brothers has no excuse when it comes to Lego Games being delayed.

  4. Why is it that pretty much every LEGO video game is based on some movie I care nothing about? Why not a LEGO Mario or LEGO Legend Of Zelda? Now THOSE would be awesome (if done right)!

  5. Dont Lego games sell the most on 3ds, Wii and WiiU ?! Way to fuck over your fanbase…(even if its just by 11 days…)

  6. Meh. It doesn’t matter to me. I’ll just wait for the inevitable Lego The Hobbit trilogy game to come out. Unless they pulled the same shit with the Lego LOTR game & only reused the audio from the movies.

  7. Pingback: Wii U Version of Lego: The Hobbit Delayed • Always Nintendo

  8. Pingback: Warner confirma atraso no lançamento de LEGO The Hobbit para o Wii U –

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