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Smash Bros eShop Demo On 19th September, Selected Club Nintendo Members Get Four Demos To Share From Today

To make the wait for the launch of Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS on 3rd October easier, fans will be able to download a free demo for the all-star fighting game starting on 19th September from Nintendo eShop. As an added bonus, selected Club Nintendo members will receive an email containing four download codes for the demo today, a week earlier.

Qualifying Club Nintendo members will automatically receive four download codes via email. Nintendo encourages recipients to share their codes, as up to three other friends who also own Nintendo 3DS or 2DS systems can play multiplayer together through local wireless even if those three friends aren’t Club Nintendo members. The Club Nintendo demo of the game allows for unlimited play, and features the Smash mode with five playable characters (Mario, Villager, Link, Pikachu and Mega Man), one stage (Battlefield) and the ability to compete in local multiplayer matches with fellow Nintendo 3DS and 2DS owners who have downloaded the demo to their systems.

On 19th September, a demo version of the game will also launch on Nintendo eShop. This demo features the same content and features as the demo that select Club Nintendo members will receive one week earlier, however it can be played a maximum of 30 times.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS launches exclusively on Nintendo 3DS and 2DS on 3rd October at retail or digitally from Nintendo eShop. At launch, smash fans also have the choice to own the Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Limited Edition Pack which is a red Nintendo 3DS XL system with a Super Smash Bros. motif on the front and the game pre-installed available while stocks last.

948 thoughts on “Smash Bros eShop Demo On 19th September, Selected Club Nintendo Members Get Four Demos To Share From Today”

          1. This demo is so awesome! Looks great in 3D. Villager is my favorite so far! I can’t wait until October 3! So much hype! :D

              1. Please. Please. Give me one. I am in dying need of trying this game. :c
                I am a pixel artist I could make you a free pixel art in exchange if you want, This is just… required in my life.

                    1. Listen, I can’t risk putting it in the open because someone else might get to it first. Do you have any other social account where I can share you the code privately?

    1. If anybody has an extra code please float it my way! My little brother if flipping out watching this footage and he desperately wants to try out the game on his 3ds! If you wouldn’t mind making both our days please email me at

    2. From the email:
      “We’re sending this demo to Club Nintendo members like you who achieved Platinum Status between 7/1/2013 and 6/30/2014, registered any Nintendo 3DS product, and chose to receive information from Nintendo at Club Nintendo.”
      Did you meet all of the qualifications?

    3. Ridley 2 Big 4 Smash? More Like 2 Big 4 U Wiiklings 2 Control! Leave Him 2 The Masters!

      Well it did say selected Club Nintendo members with Platinum status, so I’m guessing it’s a total random thing like a lottery. If this was given to certain Platinum Club Nintendo members by way of lottery, sweet! I’ve never won something through a lottery before!

        1. I seriously do. It was my own impatience but they eventually came through. But hey I have invested thousands of dollars into the company so I had a right to be a little hurt but yes this time Nintendo did come through for me. Nintendo is right and I was wrong. Happy? lol

          Sidenote: I’m loving the shit out of the demo. I played it on Wii U at the Best Buy event but man is it great playing it on 3DS as well. Sakurai is a boss no matter what. An absolute master.

    4. “We’re sending this demo to Club Nintendo members like you who achieved Platinum Status between 7/1/2013 and 6/30/2014, registered any Nintendo 3DS product, and chose to receive information from Nintendo at Club Nintendo.”

      that’s why… sorry man

      1. It’s all good. I actually did get the code. My email was just late. All is well and I am LOVING the demo. Can’t wait to buy both full versions of the game. Cheers!

        1. At the next hour mark, which is in a couple minutes. I will post the codes okay? Be ready people. Refresh at the hour mark.

          Good luck!

        1. Welp I’ll be in Smash, good luck people.

          I’ll say it once more before I go, reddit also has a thread for codes, some people only ask that you PM them and they’ll give them to the first three that do. So it would be wise to try both here and on reddit.

          Time to fuck some people up! Or get my ass kicked.. I’m kinda rusty.

  1. I’ll give out my 3 codes later on this article, so look out for them.

    Note: Im pretty sure they are region locked, and Im from America, so only reply if you are from America to show you want one.

    1. Please if you have any to give out still i would really appreciate it, i can’t wait a second longer for this game to come out i am SO EXCITED.

        1. I actually ended up getting the e-mail myself a little while after I typed this in, I appreciate it though, glad to see you got one too dude! It’s pretty badass for a handheld fighter.

    2. Ok so here’s one code:


      Please reply to show you have claimed it. The other one (or 2 if my friend doesnt want it) will be sent through email, so leave an address.

        1. And btw its pronounce Dage not DJ, sorry that just bothers me to be called DJ like a boy. XP

          Hope u enjoy Smash though.

  2. Hey, if anyone wants to throw a code my way, I’d greatly appreciate it. Have been a plat member for years and didn’t get a thing. ._.

  3. I got the email :))))

    Here’s my 3 extra codes, first come first save. Enjoy brothers!


    1. You do realize it is just a code for a demo right? They never cost money. The people asking for the freebies obviously already are going to pay for the real game, and are so excited about buying it that they just can’t wait another week to get the first taste of the game in the public demo.

      1. “Obviously” going to pay for the real game? How about no? Have you heard of people buying demos because they don’t want to buy the actual game? Guess not

        Well then I guess I should call it being kiasu. Go check out the language “singlish” if you don’t know what I mean

  4. Been a Platinum member for the past couple of year and still didn’t get an email. No idea how they are picking who gets them. If anyone has any spare codes they feel like sharing, my email is

    If you do end up sharing thank you SO MUCH. :>

  5. I’ll let you know if I get any, I’ll share them if I do. Obviously to those who deserve it… You know who you are… Muahahahahha!!!!

    That is if I get them, nothing yet in my email :(

    We all know how slow Nintendo is with that kind of stuff sometimes. So I’ll be patient before I get peeved that I wasn’t selected.. been platinum every year for… I don’t even remember… a long time.

    Can anyone at least confirm if they are already sent some out?

  6. guys i just woke up and i cant believe this would happen on my birthday sadly im not a platinum member so can someone ANYONE PLEASE make my birthday wish come true by sending me a NA code to smash today? ill be forever in your debt!

  7. Anyone who’s bragging they got codes, please post one alongside that boast for everyone else stalking the comments section trying to get one xD

    1. Sir, I greatly love you more than a pile of Luvdisc’s arranged into a planet sized heart, more than the amount of hearts that spewed from Yeta and Yeto’s love that encompassed itself into a full piece of heart, more than Kirby eating romeo and juliet at the same time and having equitable superpowers from it without the teen being idiots ending. Thank you :D <3

  8. Pingback: Here’s Two Hours Of The Japanese Version Of Super Smash Bros 3DS | My Nintendo News

  9. Hey guys I’m looking for an EU code. If someone has one to hand out to a poor european fella who got snobbed by Nintenscum, I’d gladly take it… Thanks


    1. ikr dude. No platinum in Europe, but I’ve been a member for years, registering all consoles and tons of games, yet no e-mail. I feel betrayed :(

  10. I have two young children, who have cancer. I need these codes! Please! They might die tomorrow, so this could be their last chance! PLEASE!

  11. Well I could give 2 more codes but there are such crying babies on here saying they don’t have money and stuff while they have a 3DS?

  12. Alright I’ll post it one last time as last resort and then leave forever. I’d love a code for EU. If someone’s willing to give me one :
    My classes are next week and I won’t be able to enjoy the next week’s demo like I could enjoy this one…

      1. I’m European! Did you say you were willing to trade for NA codes? I’ve got one. Thanks, let me know if you’ve got any left to spare.

  13. oh my god i entered to code…it took me to the download page…then it wouldnt let me cause someone else entered to code what the fuck.

  14. HAHAHA! Everyone begging and looking everywhere going crazy for codes! This is hilarious! XD

    I don’t even remember if I can get a code or not, I guess I should go put all my games and stuff and see if I can go Plat right now. But I have no idea which one I was before the reset.

    1. Ridley 2 Big 4 Smash? More Like 2 Big 4 U Wiiklings 2 Control! Leave Him 2 The Masters!

      You had to have been Platinum for the 2013-2014 Club Nintendo year.

    1. I want one please.

      Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 at 9:26 PM From: "My Nintendo News" <> To: Subject: [New comment] Smash Bros eShop Demo On 19th September, Selected Club Nintendo Members Get Four Demos To Share From Today

      Filink commented: "I've got 2 european codes to give. Who wants one?"

  15. If the the internet has any codes left, I would greatly appreciate just one. As a young boy all I had was smash bros. After a day of being bullied and picked on I would go home and take out my anger on nintendo characters on my N64. That game helped me through my childhood and has a special place in my heart. If anyone would be kind enough to grant me one code I would be grateful forever. My e-mail address is If you send it to me I’ll thank you with a beautiful smash bros portait via e-mail. There are few things I cherish in life. This is one of them. Thank you.

  16. If the the internet has any codes left, I would greatly appreciate just one. As a young boy all I had was smash bros. After a day of being bullied and picked on I would go home and take out my anger on nintendo characters on my N64. That game helped me through my childhood and has a special place in my heart. If anyone would be kind enough to grant me one code I would be grateful forever. My e-mail address is If you send it to me I’ll thank you with a beautiful smash bros portrait via e-mail. There are few things I cherish in life. This is one of them. Thank you.

    1. I could give you a code if you want but I’m not sure you can get it in time because there are a ton of blood thirsty code monsters here. Lol. :)

    1. the same thing happened to me that happened to you earlier, when I tried to download, it worked, and then after a minute said that someone else downloaded it. would you mind sharing one?

    1. Ridley 2 Big 4 Smash? More Like 2 Big 4 U Wiiklings 2 Control! Leave Him 2 The Masters!

      This is actually a good thing, though. xD If IGN & other sites are as crazy as this site is with people wanting a code for the demo, just imagine how well the game is going to sell. If this same exact thing happens with the Wii U version on every gaming site, people like Namie will have to eat her own words for thinking the Wii U port won’t sell as well as the 3DS port.

        1. Ridley 2 Big 4 Smash? More Like 2 Big 4 U Wiiklings 2 Control! Leave Him 2 The Masters!

          Don’t look down on the Wii U port. You don’t know which version will sell best. For all we know, Smash 4 Wii U might just be the game to get millions of Wii Us to sell. It’s still too early to tell even with the 3DS having the better userbase.

          1. Even if the 3DS sells better, it’s not better :p it’s an amazing game for a fighting handheld game….but it’s a fighting handheld game. Missing buttons, small buttons, slider isn’t as good a a joystick, small screen.

  17. If the the internet has any codes left, I would greatly appreciate just one. As a young boy all I had was smash bros. After a day of being bullied and picked on I would go home and take out my anger on nintendo characters on my N64. That game helped me through my childhood and has a special place in my heart. If anyone would be kind enough to grant me one code I would be grateful forever. My e-mail address is if you would like to send me a code. If you send it to me I’ll thank you with a beautiful smash bros portrait via e-mail. There are few things I cherish in life. This is one of them. Thank you.

  18. Well I’ll post all three here if none of the people I know on here don’t already have them or want them, just give me a sec and I will let you all know before I do, so you actually have a good chance.

    I won’t email them to random people, I don’t feel that is fair… Especially since I haven’t been spamming my email or begging, I’ve been here patiently trying like you guys.

  19. why must codes be such evasive things lol been here for about 3 hours now and i refuse to give up! *insert super hero music here*

        1. AWWW… You wanted one? Now I feel bad… Seriously :(

          Cause I was gonna save two for you and hollow but then I saw your comments, that is why I even looked for your comments on here and made that one on accident. I didn’t think you wanted one after reading them lol.. and Hollow already had one, so I just gave em all out..

          Bummer… You’ve been platinum though right? Between 7/1/2013 and 6/30/2014 and you have notifications to be sent from Nintendo accepted? If so they are still sending them out from what I hear, so you may get an email still.

          Dang.. I feel bad..

          By the way you just go into the eshop and click up on the top left corner, then choose redeem code. If you’re still looking out, I suggest having A05V already entered and ready. They all seem to start with that.

      1. Everyone else on other sites is being so stingy, you should be greatful. So trust me your best bet is either here or reddit. Although reddit isn’t giving out that many either, not nearly as many given out here.

  20. repeat comment…

    Reddit also has a thread for codes, some people only ask that you PM them and they’ll give them to the first three that do. It would be wise to try both here and on reddit.

    I’m done here probably gonna be on smash like a maniac all night. Good luck all, hope you get one.

        1. Yeah! But there’s a problem with that. I’m not exactly sure how I’m supposed to give you the code with everyone here looking for one. O_o Don’t you have like a NNID on a Wii U or something I can tell you the code? I might have to friend you to tell you in private or I’ll go to one of your really old Miiverse post nobody goes to. XD

  21. WEREGREGRDHDGDRG! I can’t believe this! I just got my codes! I didn’t even know if I was platinum or not! XD I guess this is what happens when you get a Wii U for your birthday (June 10th) and register it! :D

    Super Smash Bros., here I come! :D <3

          1. A simple friend request for 3DS will do just fine I think if you are planning on getting the full version because I need some good rivals :c

  22. just gotta point this out, mexican 3DS users could download this demo with a code until like 2 hours ago, now all attempts to download the demo are blocked// why is this happening? i mean i can wait a week for the “normal” demo, no problem. but it feels like a direct thing against non usa or canadian users, kinda sad

  23. A simple friend request for 3DS will do just fine I think, if you are planning on getting the full version because I need some good rivals :c
    [2 EU codes]

    1. it would be nice if you can give me a code. I’ve been playing smash bros brawl and melee competitively and we can play together once smash 4 comes out :)

    2. 0301-9819-3444 reply with your code so I don’t have to find this post later lol. can’t get online with my 3ds at work cause it’s a wired connection line

  24. So I know a lot of people are asking but can I please have a code? or Kik at deaththekid14
    My friend was going to give me one of his but club nintendo is screwing up for him and won’t let him click the box.

  25. Kind of sucks because I had Elite membership for the year but I didn’t opt into the newsletter lol. Oh well, if I can’t find one it’s still going to be available for all in a week.

  26. Someone please I’m begging you I’ve been sreaching for hours and hours and I get the same answer again and again and never even played smash before and now there’s a chance, here there’s kind smashers who always help people out in certain needs, and now…will someone please be that kind smasher and help me get this and everyone else one too? Just please PM me the code.

  27. Looking for a NA code! I’d forever be grateful and am willing to even pay a buck or two for a code via PayPal but a kind soul would be nice too! Haha ;p

  28. I really need a EU code please email me at I don’t expect anyone to email me but my lkife would be so much better if someone could as I have been going through a rough patch with depression. Anyway I can’t wait for the game to come out and I really hope that I can get my life back on track. Thank you.

  29. Lol all these people that don’t even regularly come to this site appear out of nowhere asking for codes. This is madness. XD

  30. I feel like such a lamo begging for a download code but please if anyone has it in there heart of hearts to extend a friendly code ( it would truly mean the world in such a crap time right now, smash is my favorite series. Between losing my job,dad and my old lady Ive been better : /. Please help a /b/rother out.

  31. I hate this. I have spent 5 hours on this site trying to find someone nice bough to post codes but they are all used. I can’t type it fast enough and I have trouble with letters and numbers so it takes even longer than me. So I’m just going to simply say. If anyone out there is nice enough can they please email me a North America Demo Code. It would mean a lot to me and take all this stress off of me. My email is just shoot me a message if you are nice enough to give me one. Plus we can battle when the full game comes out! I also have pokemon c: we can be bestest friends c: pwesse

  32. Curious, I wonder if only the Club Nintendo one has unlimited plays, or maybe they’ll do something special for the other countries? I would ask for a code, but seeing how many people are asking around even if I do there is little chance of getting one, so I’ll just likely wait a week. For everyone with the demo, have fun and good luck in your smashing escapades ^_^

  33. Ridley 2 Big 4 Smash? More Like 2 Big 4 U Wiiklings 2 Control! Leave Him 2 The Masters!

    This is one of the fewest highly active articles where it’s staying on topic, & it’s the one where people have a chance to get a free demo a week before everyone else. I’m surprised there hasn’t been at least one fight about what’s the better games and/or consoles. lol

  34. I’ve been at this too long, I need some sleep before I get none before work. If someone would be amazing enough to email me a code without sending it out elsewhere, that would be great. Thank you.

    PS its my bday monday

  35. Sigh, the demo is going to be out for over two weeks before the game is released, it’s not like you won’t be able to play it for long if you don’t get a code. Don’t waste all your time looking for codes, be patient; you’ll have a lot of time to play before release either way.

            1. You’re awesome man I appreciate you looking out for me (and wish I would have been on my PC earlier so I could’ve seen your reply to me) but I just got one from randomly trying codes on a different post here. If I ever get codes for something like this or anything cool in the future i’ll be sure to give you one!

  36. Pingback: Confirmed: Nintendo 3DS Can Be Used As A Wii U Controller In Super Smash Bros | My Nintendo News

  37. i thought that my 18th birthday would be the best day ever, but after failing to download ssb 5 times after putting in codes first i thought that it couldnt get any worse. but i found out that the mole on my back is cancer.. hopefully if i treat it right then i can live..but you know what would make my long hours through chemo not seem like im dying? the ssb demo I know it only comes out in a month but i dont even know if Im going to make it..I have an EU code if anything but please if someone can please send me a code i would be very grateful and I will never forget it… if you please can <3 god bless

  38. Pingback: Super Smash Bros For Nintendo 3DS Launches In Japan | My Nintendo News

  39. Hi guys I’m a lurker here and I just noticed I got a mail from nintendo with 4 smash codes :))). Now I don’t want any money or anything. I will just post the 3 remaining ones here. BTW they are European codes.


    Have fun with the demo guys. I just tried all characters and its fun ^^

  40. One new EU code on fantacalciopac this night
    Please don’t write in that guestbook or they won’t share any code (there is a problem with the guestbook and the admin wants to keep it clean for the italian users only).
    They DON’T send codes via mail so don’t give you email, they only share codes when they get some. NO NA codes for the moment because people in the usa prefer to sell codes and we don’t want to pay for them anymore, so don’t ask for it, Thank you

    1. Yesterday they gave 10 codes, but with around 500 guys around it was impossible to register a code before them all. I hope to be more lucky today

  41. Well, im going to ask one final time and then i’ll get out of everyones hair for begging, if there are any NA codes left, please email me at, my friend needs it and we would give anyone who gives a code our greatest gratitude

  42. If you have a code, please send it to me, I’m a big fan of this, but you don’t need to, but it’d be nice. Anyways I can’t even get the game, can’t afford it. So whatever, wanna give me a code, fine, don’t wanna, fine.

  43. Okay. I am looking for american codes. One is enough but i have more freinds with 3ds’s DYING to get this demo. I MAY be able to trade a EU code. Also I have loads of shinies and even diance and arceus on pokemon x. I have steam junk to. So if you are interested MAKE MY DAY AND DON’T HESITATE TO EMAIL ME.

    Please and thank you in advcance to any who have a heart bigger than my stomach.

  44. Can someone please share a code with me im dying to play smash 3ds and sadly my parents wont even have money to buy me the game when it comes out :( so can someone plz share a code with me i would REALLY appreciate it and thanks in advance :) plz email me at

    1. As of Sep. 19, no download codes for super smash bros will work on the eshop. The demo is officially out though it will have a limit of 30 uses.

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