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Nintendo President Kimishima Says NX Isn’t Coming This Holiday As They Wanted Games To Be Ready

Japanese publication The Nikkei has recently had the opportunity to speak to Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima about the forthcoming Nintendo NX platform. One of the things that Kimishima was asked was why the console wasn’t going on sale this Christmas which is when you would have thought it would be made available. Kimishima says that the company wanted to make sure that they had the software to accompany the hardware which presumably means that the games just aren’t ready for a fall release. The Nintendo NX is expected to launch globally in March 2017.

“However, it’s not merely the successor to the handheld 3DS or stationary console Wii U. This will be hardware that’s been made with a new way of thinking. I’d like to announce more particulars regarding its specs and how it works another time this year.”

“When asked why Nintendo wasn’t launching the NX in time for this year’s big holiday season, Kimishima explained that Nintendo wanted to make sure there were games to go along with the NX.”

“When the Nikkei asked Kimishima what the likelihood that Wii U production would end, the Nintendo president replied, “Since we are making a big shift to the NX, there is that possibility (in the future).”



167 thoughts on “Nintendo President Kimishima Says NX Isn’t Coming This Holiday As They Wanted Games To Be Ready”

  1. It all makes a lot of sense. Don’t launch a system if you don’t have a strong stable of diverse games to go with it and don’t rush something that isn’t ready… basically two mistakes from the Wii U. TK is a very sound businessman and he understands what the landscape is like in terms of how to make a successful console launch and it really is all about playable. high demand games being available for a console right away.

    Honesty is good when it comes to the Wii U. Nintendo is completely overhauling their focus, so Wii U production might last as long as Zelda for Wii U sells. Personally I wouldn’t mind if it skipped Wii U all together because I plan on getting the NX day one, but I know that is a very unpopular idea.

    TK reminds me of the CEO they brought in on Silicon Valley

        1. Yeah, even if it’s just a mention like the Pikmin 4 thing.
          You know what I’d like to see? More videos in which the producers/directors of the games (Aonuma, Takahashi, Tanabe or similar people) give some info on their projects, like Harada did with Lost Reavers when it was just known as Project Treasure. It would give people something to talk about, build up some hype and make some lesser known faces more known.

          1. That would be good and goes in line with what TK was saying about getting the names and faces of game developers and directors for Nintendo out there more.
            Lost Reavers, unfortunately, was pretty clunky and not a good game.

                    1. ok finally tried it out, i went through the first two characters tutorials and an online mission each, it was not very good, kind of reminds me of a ps2 game lol. oh well, i can see why it’s free now.

              1. I’m sorry lost readers which was a beta version was clunky for you. I enjoyed it and there are people that were playing it regularly. Full version should be out soon and I will be happy to continue playing it. It made me forget about smash, mario kart, and xenoblade x. It was addictive to me.

                  1. There was always people playing online. When they put the community back up in Miiverse, go to the community. People are having fun. A free game? I don’t have to spend a dime if I don’t want to. I don’t play games to hope they become they are a success. I play for pure fun.

                    1. Maybe younger people or something. I didn’t have much fun with it. It isn’t about success that makes me play games or critique them after, but ultimately it is about that for the people who invest their time and money into the game. For me, it is a disappointment. If I were to rate it in some sill 1-10 scale, it’d be a 4 or 5

                      1. Understandable and there are adults in the 30s to 40s playing the game as most of my friends on my friends list are that age. The game is not for everyone so I understand. It clicked with me but didn’t click with you.

                1. I am glad I am not the only one, even though I am not happy about it sucking. I want a good adventure game that isn’t FPS or RPG. That is the thing missing from the Wii U in my opinion… and minus the examples many will perhaps remind me of, there certainly aren’t many or enough. That is where having a PS4 would be nice. Can’t justify it though. All in on nintendo at this point

      1. Some of us are not getting an NX, at least right away. Pretty sure there would have been a riot if they skipped the WiiU. Still might be unpleasantness when we find out what the WiiU version will be missing from the NX version…

        1. For me, as pissed as I am at Nintendo, whether I get NX day 1 or not all depends on the console’s features. If it’s not on par with PS4, preferably better than it, with all of the things it has like a universal account system, no region locking, cross save/buy, no console locked bullshit forcing us to use some Dark Age transfer system, & better online, I’m so not getting it day 1. Not even for Zelda. If it has all of those & is better, or at least on par with it, I might actually get it day 1. But one fuck up over the course of the console. Just fucking one, never again! Nintendo will no longer equal day 1 for me.

          1. I hear that. I’m right there with ya. Only I’m not getting it day one no matter what. I’m sticking to my guns on this one. The one any only thing that would change my mind is if it launched with a legit Negroid game. And I doubt it will happen. I’ll buy 3re party on my 3rd party box, and play Zelda on my WiiU.
            I have my Starfox, frustrating as it is, I’m going to enjoy it. I’ll have my Zelda. Metroid is nowhere in site. Any other IP I give two fucks about, I can play on my 3DS.
            I didn’t cave and buy Splatoon, I’m not buying NX day 1. Sending Nintendo a message the only way they listen to, my $$$. If I’m the only one, so be it.

                1. Oh shit! You meant Metroid! I actually thought Negroid was an actual game. Wait. If it’s not a game, what the flying fuck is a negroid? Wait. It’s not a new racial slur for black people, is it? :/ Cuz that’s bad if it is. Your new phone is racist, bro!

            1. It’s always glad to find persons on this site that are sick and tired of Nintendo’s bullshit AND are actually making an effort to let them as the consumer we’re not investing our money into whatever crap Nintendo is trying shove in their fans’ faces.

              1. I’m worried ninjadude99 might be right that there just aren’t enough of us speaking against Nintendo’s bullshit like censoring. Maybe we truly are outnumbered & we just don’t want to wake up & realize that those idiots & fanboys have won. Nintendo is going to forever pull their bullshit because they know they can get away with it. Before we know it, Nintendo will be following Sega & Konami as they go 75% into mobile because that’s where the majority of Nintendo consumers will be at. Meanwhile, we hardcore gamers, being a sad minority, will forever be left behind like a very bad disease. :/ NX might very well be last chance for Nintendo. Reinvent themselves & evolve into something wonderful like Sony did with PlayStation 4 or die as they mutate into something grotesque & money hungry!

                1. I said this on another site about the Fire Emblem censoring: Nintendo could cut 70% of content from one of their games and Nintendo’s fans would eat it up like it’s the best thing in existence. Why in the world are people giving Nintendo money for cutting content from games they are going to buy? Ugh.

                  If Konami can get away with selling a demo (Metal Gear Solid), Nintendo sure as hell could get away with more.

          2. Yeah Nintendo’s lost me at Day 1. i bought the Wii day 1, and there was a bit of waiting in between the first few games. The Wii U was also a day 1 purchase and literally the only thing I played on it for the first few months was Nintendo Land. I’ll wait until a few good games are released to get the NX. All of the bells and whistles that current gen consoles have would be really nice, but knowing Nintendo, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

      2. But most of the games that are launching on NX are cancelled WiiU games…

        No one will see this and everyone will eat up the NX like it’s the best thing ever.

        I know it seems like speculation but I’m very certain of my point.

    1. “However, it’s not merely the successor to the handheld 3DS or stationary console Wii U. This will be hardware that’s been made with a new way of thinking. I’d like to announce more particulars regarding its specs and how it works another time this year.”

      – so this confirms finally that it *is* meant to replace both then

      1. I think yes. One console that is both handheld and stationary? I really want to hear more… (obviously) but can it really be a “new way of thinking” and what the hell does that mean?

      2. Exactly. I remember a while back when the late Satoru Iwata said that the DS wasn’t really a successor to the GBA and that it was a ” third pillar “and we all know how that turned out and also look how he used the word ” stationary ” when regarding The Wii U. It means that that NX won’t be a traditional home console or handheld because it will be a hybrid of two. The NX will certainly be replacing both the 3DS and Wii U especially when Kimishima-san just admitted that Nintendo is making a ” big shift ” to the new platform

        1. We finally have a statement from Nintendo to talk about what the heck is the NX.

          Hopefully it is a hybrid because Zelda U being on NX gives us a good idea of the power of this gaming device!

          1. Not by much. It just needs all of the features I’ve mentioned countless times before & a true Metroid to wipe away the shit that is Other M & Federation Farce.

        1. E3 won’t be completely dead. Sony and Microsoft are supposed to be showing new hardware, so there’s that to look forward to. I’m looking forward to seeing some more of Recore, Crackdown 3, and Scalebound on Xbox One. PS4 still has The Last Guardian. And the 3DS has the new pokemon game coming out later this year.

          1. Looks like I’ll be paying IGN a visit during E3. Unless the PlayStation Store puts videos from E3 on there PS4 version.

            1. Well, yeah Nintendo’s E3 is looking bad so far. The only thing that has some of my interest is the new Pokemon game. E3 as a whole is looking to be pretty good despite Nintendo’s shortcomings and EA and Activision’s absences.

        1. Like you, Hollow felt screwed by all of the hype surrounding Wii U and it’s 3rd party support & said he’d never fall for it again. But here he is excited about NX. WAKE UP, HOLLOW!!! NINTENDO HAS THEIR EVIL LITTLE HOOKS IN YOU, AGAIN!!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

          1. Yeah. Nintendo gives off some powerful gaming pheromones to lure people. X.X

            Have you been playing much Starfox? Controller adaptation coming along? I’m taking it to show my dad and brother in a week, told him to hold off until he plays it.

            I know myself. I’ll get the urge to buy the NX when they release details. (Maybe) and then when the first bundle gets announced. Once I get past both of those, as long as they don’t release Metroid the first year, I’m happy with what I have. (N3DS, NextBox and WiiU)

            1. If you mean Star Fox 64, I haven’t played it in awhile. If you mean Star Fox Zero, haven’t played it nor will I play it til it gets a cheap NX release. If it doesn’t get one, oh well.

    2. So they’re willing to have another weak E3 and release the NX after the holiday season, just so that the NX can have a slightly better library at launch? I can kinda respect that, but still… E3 matters, man.

      Also, they’ll obviously have to reveal the NX before it releases in March 2017, and it would be in their best interest to reveal it during a big event. If they can’t show it at E3, then they have to show it at TGS in September.

      But I find it very hard to believe that they’ll have anything to show in September, if they have absolutely nothing to show in June, at E3. That’s only 3 months. Good luck, Nintendo.

      1. It doesn’t mean they have nothing to show, just that they won’t be. In fact, I’m sure they have plenty to show, it is simply not in their best interests (at least as they see it) to do so. And showing it at E3 is not the end all be all… That is 9 months before the launch. They could wait till September, and then have a “real” direct reveal after the new year

        1. Yeah, I can still see something like that happening. It’s just a bit strange that they would skip E3 like that though, where they could have all the attention they need.

          1. And I want it. Shit, I want to see this system BAAAAD. But if they have a good enough reason not to, that’s fine too… or if they surprise us with a little glimpse, well that would be a whole hell of a lot better

      2. “Also, they’ll obviously have to reveal the NX before it releases in March 2017, and it would be in their best interest to reveal it during a big event. ”

        Exactly. You know how half the reason why the PS4 is selling like crazy as it is? Because Sony hyped and marketed the system greatly during the BIGGEST GAME EVENT OF THE YEAR. Even if Nintendo does a direct later, I doubt they’ll reach as much people as they could have at E3. Which I believe it would have been in Nintendo’s best interest to release the NX during the end of 2016 or early 2017. It can also be argued that the Christmas season is a missed opportunity as well.

        1. Hopefully Nintendo is getting a shitload of backlash for saying they won’t show anything NX at E3 & are changing their minds about being absent with NX news there. Unless Nintendo is foolishly hoping the Wii U will continue to sell well into holiday season 2016.

    3. As long as they market and advertise this thing PROPERLY!

      I still stand by my opinion that it’s mainly their marketing that hurt them. (like it did with the GameCube or the DS and 3DS (in the beginning, until they very quickly smartened up and actually started trying).)

        1. While it would certainly give me nostalgia, I don’t think that would work very well. I see very few ways where that wouldn’t fall apart.

          What they should be doing is focus on the consoles strengths. Remember the Wii’s initial commercials where the two Japanese men started randomly going to people houses, had the controller in their hands, bowed, and said, “Wii would like to play?” That campaign was absolutely GENIUS and I’m confident that it helped to create a better understanding of what the system and the controller could do.

          I remember when the initial DS commercials came out and people were confused in the beginning. Nintendo quickly wised up, though, and stepped it up (and released Nintendogs, which in my opinion, also saved the DS from an early death). I can tell that this wise decision was trickled into the Wii later.

          Then they went back to really bad marketing on the 3DS commercials and that mentality was unfortunately trickled onto the Wii U. I mean, c’mon! Don’t tell me that the Wii U couldn’t have been marketed properly! Companies that have WORSE products have been able to successfully sell their stuff better than the BS Nintendo pulled. It confused people of what the GamePad is. They only focused on asymmetrical gameplay and that’s it. Remember when they said in E3 2010 that the Wii U’s premise was a console that could be used for everyone, but also something that could be used specifically for you? And the majority of their initial video was showing things like the drawing capabilities, new ways to interact with the screen, a good-looking Zelda, and more importantly, OFF-TV PLAY???? Geez! It’s like they forgot to show any of that in their first commercial campaigns! Seriously, my 10-year old niece has been able to convince people to buy the Wii U JUST FOR THE OFF-TV PLAY FEAURE ALONE.

          My goodness is Nintendo really spotty with their track record in marketing.

          Sorry about this: that’s my rant for the day (hopefully my only rant of the day because I have a habit of doing that).

    4. That’s a good thing, honestly I’ll end up waiting on the NX anyway. So I can just sit back, eat some popped cornz and watch my peeps on here rant about it haha.

      Like the good ol days!

      1. I’ll probably get the NX day one, especially if there is a luigi’s mansion bundle or special edition, i won’t be able to resist lol. Now I’m more torn between wanting to get Zelda for Wii U or NX…

          1. I’m already set. There are games I need to finish. There are indie games I need to play. Lost Reavers have been keeping me busy. Level 3 has made the game really hard. I’m curious as how the other levels will be.

              1. It is good to me. I got hook quick once it stop being easy. Just playing it with strangers is fun. Boss fights are intense. The game is repetitive but it was just the Beta and Full Version will have all the maps.

                    1. From what I read, it sounds like they’re going for characters that already have a set profile on who they are. Honestly, that really bums me out in video games.

                      Its like the Left for Dead treatment. “A farmer! A former School Cook! A lost Junkie! And a Cop on the edge must survive the..FOREVER!”

                  1. Alternate costumes would be nice. And not that recolor bullshit some games try to pass off as “alternate” costumes.

        1. If you’re a hardcore Zelda fan, and you can afford it, buy it for both! That’s what I’m doing. (I’m just not buying the NX system for a while, but I’ll secure a copy of Zelda for it!)

            1. Well, I’m not 100% sure if I’m buying both. WiiU for sure. Not sure about the NX version. Honestly, the WiiU version should come with the NX version. Meh.

    5. Lots of short-term disappointment with recent announcements, but TK seems to know what he’s doing and is learning from many of the Wii U’s mistakes. I think it’s odd that they’re skipping an E3 NX reveal, though. No other upcoming opportunity will generate nearly as much excitement for as many people at once.

      They’re really banking on this mysterious NX, whatever the heck it turns out to be. I hope it works out for them, and for fans.

      1. Yes. But wil they sustain 3re party support? Signs point to yes, but that’s always what they promise.
        We’ll see!

    6. Getting games ready in order to build a strong lineup is quite smart, and highly desirable.

      Just see what happened to Wii U and its pretty underwhelming list of games available on day-one. Although… Although the SNES had a reduced collection of 3 or 4 games at launch, and managed to become what we all know.


      That being said, I’d like to stress the following for the second time today: Pachter was right when he said NX games won’t be ready for a 2016 release. Or the guy is pretty lucky, or he hit the nail on its head for the 2nd or 3rd time in his whole analyst career.

        1. If memory serves, he didn’t — he said that NX devkits were not properly handed to devs as of January/February and etc. I may be wrong, though.

        2. He did say that Nintendo SHOULD NOT have a 2017 Launch or it would FAIL again xD lol this guy is good at making stuff up and gets famous for it thanks to Nintendo he is getting something to eat..

        1. Yeah, yeah. I agree. But what I mean is that several people (insiders, gamers, outlets, analysts, etc) were swearing that the NX would be out this year, even being aware of those time constraints.

      1. well he was pretty lucky and he was trying to cover the hints on what nintendo is developing but he did trying to cover up some details on what nintendo is planing, but hey at least nintendo is getting a better release date for the NX.

        also, do you think nintendo developers will get a chance to bring back the F-zero series and be in a platform on the NX console? do you think nintendo is spending less money and IPs on developing a better nintendo titles in there markets?.

        1. donkey kong, super mario, smash 5, zelda, f-zero, metroid ,starfox, mariokart, luigi mansion, warioland, splatoon 2, mario maker nx, kirby, yoshi, pokemon,kid ikarus, paper mario, mother,pikmin, wonderful 102, banjo e kazooie, sonic, falco, yooka laylee. there are plenty of ips they can pull out and considering that they said that nx will have the biggest amount of titles at launch i think we’ll see something really good

            1. Yeah because Nintendo sold everything of Rare’s away as if it was some kind of infection. Fucktards!

            2. Now to wait for the inevitable fanboy bullshit as to why Nintendo made the right call with selling Rare. -.-

                1. Perfect Dark was too much like Goldeneye, too. Fuck that shit was a wannabe James Bond! But instead of spies from other countries, it was fucking aliens from other planets! Who wanted to fight aliens in a video game in 1997, anyway!? /s

              1. Sonic yes, since Nintendo and Sega are on good terms. But Banjo belongs to Microsoft. No way is Microsoft gonna let Banjo Kazooie on a Nintendo game unless it is Smash.

                1. Or it is a handheld game. I’ve heard Microsoft has let a few games that they own the rights to onto the 3DS because of the fact Microsoft doesn’t have a handheld of their own.

        2. I would love to see F-Zero on the Wii U or on Nintendo’s next home console. But I bet all my coins that F-Zero will be released for mobile devices — i.e., smartphones and tablets — by the end of next year.

          1. I’m afraid of that, too. And I’m not really into F-Zero. But Nintendo can’t have a racer on home console & handheld crushing their precious Mario Kart. Which is why I’m also expecting Diddy Kong Racing, if they are making a new one, to be a fucking shell of it’s former self, too. :/

                1. The same is going to happen with Star Fox. It’s just a matter of time.

                  Nintendo loves to blackmail its supporters.

                    1. I hope you’re right. Have played Zero at a friend’s place, and I could not get used to the controls. I don’t say they are broken, but they are pretty unorthodox. I hope Zero does not bomb, otherwise it’s going to take us another decade to see a new Star Fox game, despite Miyamoto loving it. Also, it seems he’s going to retire soon, so I don’t know what future brings.

                      1. Unorthodox defines them well. My copy arrived two years ago. I’ve only played for one hour (and only the walker tutorial mission), but I’m able to get +200 medals on it as of now. I’m sure I won’t be able to go back to the old control scheme once I get a good hold on these style.

                        Besides that, people have been retiring Miyamoto for years now. At this pace, I don’t believe he’ll retire until his health gets in the way.

                          1. Yeah, didn’t I tell you? I have privileged access to Nintendo’s secret projects. Lots of yet-to-announce games are already finished, they’re just fucking around at the office, making people think they’re incompetent.

                            Zelda U is amazing, btw. So is Smash 5, and Galaxy 3.

                          2. I’m still on the fence about buying or not buying it. But since I’m a Star Fox die-hard fan, I believe I will end up getting it eventually.

                            Around 2 years ago, Miyamoto himself publicly declared he’s going to retire soon, and that he has been mentoring some Nintendo devs and such.

                            1. Yeah. Let’s hope he’s grooming someone to take over Star Fox for him like he did with Aonuma for Legend of Zelda. Despite how some feel about Aonuma, I feel he’s been a great replacement for Miyamoto with Zelda.

                                1. It would be awesome if Miyamoto was grooming an awesome Platinum Games dev to be his replacement for Star Fox & they actually let Platinum Games be the go to developer for Star Fox like they did with Rare for Donkey Kong.

                                    1. I think I’d be very happy with that. Especially if they let Platinum turn Metroid into either a very boundary pushing T rated game or an M rated game. I love how they make Bayonetta a very strong feminine hero without making her too girly or too tomboyish. If Samus’s personality in Other M was more like Bayonetta’s, I bet many would have loved the personality given to Samus. Justin Bailey mode in 3D would be pretty awesome, though. lol

                                      1. As I was posting on Nintendo Life, I would love to see Vanquish 2 with a Metroid coat. Add in a world to explore with actual abilities while appling Metroid bosses to the Vanquish concept and you have a game I’ll be playing for years.

                                        About Samus’ personality, I seriously can envision her as anything too distant from how she has been presented in Prime, to be honest. I don’t think that strong of a personality would suit her that much (being compassionate is one of her few consistent defining traits), but it surely would have been better than what we got.

                                      2. And shmup? Is that a word for shoot ’em ups? Or were you using your phone & the evil auto-correct gremlin struck another victim?

                              1. There is a myriad of racing games on mobile as of now. The franchise is not appealing to Nintendo anymore — Miyamoto has hinted it. So they will hand it to Nintendo’s “2nd-class” platform, which is smartphones and tablets.

                                I know I’m “Pachterizing”, but F-Zero on mobile makes the most sense to me. Not that I want F-Zero on mobile — of course I would like to have a home console installment of it –, but this is the only escape route the franchise has today. I agree on the riots, though.

                                1. Yeah, and I bet none of them play quite like F-Zero. They could use the IP, sure, but how are they going to keep the gameplay at an acceptable level without making it something completely different?

                                  Besides, their recent announcement seems to hint at them using their most profitable franchises on mobile, and I’d hardly qualify F-Zero as such.

                                  1. I see. But when it comes to Nintendo, the “most profitable franchises” is a quite loose statement.

                                    The last F-Zero title is, like, 12 or 13 years old now. How to qualify or not qualify it as profitable in 2016? I feel there will be a trend of releasing “dormant” franchises on mobile down the road in order to Nintendo sense their market reception. Once the franchise shows some kind of potential, they will move it back to their 1st-class.

                                    Again, I’m in Pachterizing mode as of now. And I confess it’s funny. I wish I could get paid to write such predictions on the internet. LOL!

                                    1. I can see what you mean, but I don’t think they’ll disregard production costs completely when choosing between which franchises should be revived. For example, I can see them using Advance Wars or Nintendogs (easy to make, fitting for mobile devices) before reviving things like Golden Sun (expensive to make) or F-Zero.

                            2. An F Zero or Kid Icarus game would make me drool. But no Metroid, no deal. Seriously, what reason is there to buy an NX? (Early adopter)

                              1. None, in my opinion. Even with a new Metroid game, or with a new Sin and Punishment title (I’m sick for a new one), I wouldn’t adopt the NX early. I did so with the Wii U, and I regret it a lot. I would rather invest my money in games for XBox One and PS4 instead.

                        1. I’ve had the same idea, I can see it being like a sleeker looking gamepad that looks and functions more like a real tablet with “off tv play” that will work anywhere you have wifi access

                          1. It would probably depend on the game, like how splatoon basically requires the gamepad but mario kart you have many options, i could see how they might make a new pro controller that has a screen built into it though. I also think that the any second screen controllers will incorporate the super stable 3D from the new 3DS as well. These are all just my personal speculations though and I totally would not be surprised if the NX is something completely out of left field that absolutely no one was expecting…

                              1. Honestly, I wish Nintendo would quit with the gimmicks and just produce a serious gaming console. But now they are so well known for it, I’m sure it’s hard for them to not try to innovate.

                      2. They can launch it whenever the fuck they want, is march an awful time to launch a console? Eh sort of, but it doesn’t really matter. The NX, whatever it is, will succeed because it FUCKING HAS TO for them, Wii U was a colossal failure, yes the company has money to burn for 15 million years but you can imagine that nintendo would like it if people actually bought their console and the shareholders would probably appreciate it as well. If this thing sells 15 units the first year then they are gonna have to grit their teeth and just shove this down people’s throats til they do. There is no giving up in around 3 years for this, and for a march release the games better be a kick in the balls for people that really do not want to buy the thing but they are about to release F-ZERO HYDRA ZX DRAGON and METROID UNIVERSE CHOCOLATE SAMUS, you get the idea, not even those 2 series but just shit that FINALLY fucking delivers on what fans want, and a lot of it. I didn’t buy the wii U until splatoon so I don’t have a great recollection of it’s launch but I hear it was just ports for the most part, I bought a 3DS at launch and the games were fucking pathetic. So hopefully they give me a reason for saving money over the course of 10 months, Zelda U/NX is already 1, sixty bucks right there, now give me at least 2 other ones to buy with it, blow me away out of the gate don’t make people wait for this console’s splatoon.

                          1. Ugh! Don’t remind me! Although, I did have fun with Assassin’s Creed III, Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, & Most Wanted U. And I regret getting Hyper since Ultimate came out later that year. :/

                            1. As for Most Wanted U, I sadly lost interest after I got bored of the fact it wasn’t a faithful remake of the original & was simply a fucking watered down version with no story what so fucking ever! Oh & less racers to beat, too! <.<

                        1. Well they do have other ideas on getting the console ready for the release date and just to be honest nintendo do have there ways on making money off on the development of there games and the NX but they decided to put unannounced Wii U games on the NX so I don’t think Nintendo fans are not that delusional to see how much money Nintendo make after there last quarter.

                          1. I really hope they just quit with wii U already, I mean they are done but I don’t want to see any straggling games they have sort of been working on but don’t even expect to do well, I like the thing but they clearly do not want to fucking touch the thing anymore and it’s completely reasonable why they wouldn’t since they are gearing for it’s replacement. It’s kind of pathetic they are still clinging to the narrative of it not being one when they just confirmed pretty much that production is going to stop and Zelda is also launching on the thing, oh man they might sell 5 more from lying to people. If we get a couple more wii U games maybe one will be pikmin 4 if they haven’t pushed it to NX which they should have, anything else is probably going to be bad and just make people mad. Because if we get anything else for wii U, it can’t be anything that costed them any money or time to make, mario tennis and that animal crossing thing were abysmal, they are just damaging their series by putting out stuff just to have something out.

                            1. well they ruin F-zero because they never had a chance to bring it back in there consoles. to be honest, nintendo is really straggling with there development because they are trying so hard on making a good nintendo titles to impress there fans.

                      3. Nintendo saying that they won’t show the NX at E3 rules out the possibility to be shown on a Nintendo Direct closely to those days? Maybe on July?

                        1. It probably covers that whole time frame, but I mean realistically, how long can they seriously wait? In 10 months they are going to announce the console that is following one of their biggest failures ever, they are going to need insanely good marketing everwhere. Remember how big a hit the “Wii would like to play!” ads were? Has to be somehting on that level, I doubt they can hold out that long since people outside of close ties need to develop on it and it just gets increasingly more likely that it will leak. That and again the fact they really, really need to let people know what this is and why the fuck they need it. At the latest, maybe September? But who knows they are batshit insane it could be a week before it’s in gamestop.

                      4. Well they do have other ideas on getting the console ready for the release date and just to be honest nintendo do have there ways on making money off on the development of there games and the NX but they decided to put unannounced Wii U games on the NX so I don’t think Nintendo fans are not that delusional to see how much money Nintendo make after there last quarter.

                        also, nintendo did explain why the NX games is coming in 2017 they said along with the new console.

                      5. My prediction, is the NX is a handheld, that when you are home, connects to a larger unit that boosts GPU (or the system switches to use the larger GPU) and the home-box that the NX plugs into also hooks to the TV.

                        So, a handheld that connects to a larger, external GPU, Hard-drive and possible suplimental OS, with all the standard USB and HDMI ports.

                        That’s my guess based on the patents we’be seen. :)

                        I’m still not buying one day one. I’ll get one cheap the year or two after, and just buy whatever special edition Zelda U NX version game to play later, and download Zelda on my WiiU.

                      6. People are saying maybe Nintendo has finally learned from their mistakes with the Wii U. But the problem is… a bad launch line up was just one of many problems Wii U had & this only shows they learned from that fuck up, not the countless others. After all, most of everything else we’ve heard so far is just rumors & speculation. It’s too early to say Nintendo has learned from their Wii U mistakes.

                        1. I don’t even think the launch lineup was bad. The games I played for the first 1.5 yrs were launch titles.
                          MH3U, NFSMW, ME3 (which was spectacular if people had tried it), ZombiU was fun as hell, damn be the glitches, Little inferno… I was happy… until I realized I wasn’t getting anymore games for 2 years, and Nintendo had no idea how to dev in HD, and 3re party was leaving. X.x

                          1. Bad as in the line up was filled with mostly games that had already been out for at least a month or more. So few NEW games for launch.

                      7. Pingback: OPINION: Why The Wii U Failed

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