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Nintendo is filing takedown requests against Pokemon mods for Palworld

Players posting videos about the new Pokemon mods for the ultra-popular Palworld are receiving takedown requests from Nintendo and The Pokemon Company. Several YouTubers have had their videos promoting the entertaining mod, which sees various Pokemon appear in the survival game, taken down due to copyright claims. Games Radar reports that one of Palworld modding community has completely banned Pokemon mods, because they obviously knew what was going to happen. Palworld has sold over 6 million copies in only 4 days, despite being on Game Pass.


35 thoughts on “Nintendo is filing takedown requests against Pokemon mods for Palworld”

  1. It’s a sad day when modders can make better Pokemon models then Game Freak, and have more dedication then developers by having mods already for Palworld when it just released.

    1. implying the modded pokemon models are not just straight extracted from the Switch games.

      Keep begging Palworld to come to Playstation btw :^)

      1. From his past comments on this site I’m afraid that he’s an underage (or at least mentally underage) Sony fanboy. Most of that guy comments lack tack and often time misses the point so hard it’s funny.

    2. Modders are straight up putting Pokemons in the game, they aren’t making anything. My hats off to all of the ones that actually do help the gaming community by making games better, polisher, and add their own creativity. But no sympathy to the ones that straight up rip off models and add them to different games.

    3. I’m sorry for all the brainrotted Palworld haters in this comment section, Nikki_boagreis. While it’s true that modders usually simply rip out the models from actual Pokemon games and use them in the mod, their brainrot does not let them realize how much work that actually entails.

      I’d like to see any of these losers try to port a simple model into a useable Source engine asset – this would be infinitely simpler than doing mods for a game without an official SDK, and even this task would probably make them piss themselves.

      Pathetic morons.

      1. I’d like to see any of you bootlickers come up with unique creatures, model it, animate it, and code it. No references from other sources, no AI generated art, your own sweat and hard work. Then realize Palworld did the bare minimum of that.

  2. I hate everything about this, I hate game freak and how they massacred one of the best videogame franchise, I hate Palworld and their scummy behavior and their overrated game, this situation sucks

    1. @Tentri. I totally agree but it’s the world we live in. Anything to make a buck and no one cares about the consumer or who they hurt in the process. Nintendo just needs to buy Pokémon out completely and be done with it.

    2. Here’s hoping that some competition might actually kick Game Freak into gear.
      That’s probably massively overoptomistic for me to think though. lol

  3. What no one is saying is this game is selling for $30 or less and that is the only reason it has sold so many copies. It will be hated in about a year when all the paid content comes out.

    1. Actually, it’s popular because Pokemon sucks. I’m not trying to be inflammatory here, really. Gamefreak is wasting the potential of Pokemon and made such a terrible open world Pokemon game with SV that anybody is going to be interested playing a Pokemon-like open world game to see “What if..”

      If Gamefreak had actually made a good open-world Pokemon game, THEN Palworld wouldn’t be as popular. It would still be popular but not AS popular :)

      1. For someone who hates Pokemon so much, you sure do talk about it a lot.
        Maybe try going outside for once instead of getting triggered over a monster catching game intended for young children not living up to your standards.

      2. you are sooooooo right, notice how no one cared about craftopia, their previous game which was very inspired to breath of the wild, people are tired of game freak lazy ass

  4. Basically, they want to make sure they are not making money base on their IPs but modding base on the franchise. Yeah I can see that why Nintendo taking their videos because of the issue..:/

    1. From most of what I see, the hating goes both ways tho, at Palword by Pokemon fans AND at Pokemon by… Pokemon haters more so than Palword “fans” tbh. Meh just another day on internet. Also this is a Nintendo-focused news site so of course people here are biased for Pokemon. Maybe go to IGN or something if you want to bash Pokemon (and Nintendo) with like-minded audience ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      1. Oh I was including that hate too. And there’s even random hate for a user in this comments section. Just… lotta hate.

        1. His particular comment in this article is plain knee-jerk reaction against Pokemon without any verification/research whatsoever. No wonder people calling him out ¯(ツ)

          1. I disagree. The people dogpiling on them look like the assholes here. They are basically replying with “*you’re” because it’s irrelevant who made the models because it WASN’T Gamefreak and it’s still sad that other people make higher quality Pokemon content than their IP owners.

            1. Let’s just agree to disagree here. Like someone said below regardless who actually made the models if it cost money to acquire the “mods” and it’s using the IP of the most litigious companies in the world (Nintendo and TPC)… I don’t know what to say other than “Good Luck”. For now, the law is definitely on the side of Nintendo/TPC but IANAL so shrugs

              1. Oh yeah, I don’t condone these mods. If you’re gonna charge money to put Pokemon IP in Palword, you’re gonna get busted for sure.

  5. From what I’ve gathered from comments here & on Facebook, Ninty isn’t being assholes for the sake of it this time. This mod apparently costs money & that’s a no no. If it was a free mod, I’d be on the modders’ side. But iz not.

      1. They never will. They don’t have the experience, let alone the knowledge to make a product that can keep up with the almost 3 decade stranglehold TPCI and Game Freak has on the gaming industry.

        1. The British Empire was older than the 13 Colonies of America, too, yet still lost to said colonies. Another example: Nintendo GCN vs Sony PlayStation 2. Nintendo was making consoles a decade before Sony yet PS2 still sold better than GCN.

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