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Sega Interested In Placing A Bid On Atlus


Bloomberg Japan is reporting that Sega is currently interested in placing a bid on troubled company, Atlus. Sources close to the auction have told the publication that the opening bid is 20 billion yen.  This means that Sega could have to pay up over $200 million if they really want to secure Atlus. Would you like to see Sega win the auction and acquire Atlus?

Thanks, Gaminglord


171 thoughts on “Sega Interested In Placing A Bid On Atlus”

    1. It’s a good idea because I don’t want Sony or Nintendo buying them because if Sony bought them Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem would be cancelled and if Nintendo bought them I would feel bad for the loyal Persona fans. My only fear is that Sega doesn’t always make the best decisions so I don’t want them messing with Atlus.

      1. Why do you consider “loyal Persona fans” ONLY Sony fans? Why can’t there be loyal Persona fans that are also fans of Nintendo? 💋

        1. Oh well I myself am a loyal Persona fan who’s favourite company is Nintendo. I just meant it in the sense that Persona is a franchise that is exclusive to Sony platforms. Sorry I should have been a bit more clear.

      2. I don’t know about them mesiing with Atlus, but with their localization issues, we probably wouldn’t see their games outside of Japan.

    1. Sega is in the bidding along with 19 other companies, Sega was the only one that was disclosed. Nobody knows about the other companies. Doesn’t mean Sega will buy Atlus, whoever has more money will buy it.

      My bet is that Nintendo will indeed get them. They’re probably in the bidding – it just wasn’t disclosed. Nintendo has more money to bid.

        1. Exactly bud, thanks for the info captain obvious. I was just merely stating my opinions in regards to his name. I was clearly…CLEARLY joking. Haha

      1. My goodness. My grammar was incorrect? You don`t say? Vershlacktgazanker?!@*.? forksteakfuckyo&. momer whaaaa? udonsay$#(oya) hahaderpministan aaaaaaaayerya!!!? HAvE a wonderfuL EvENInG BROSKI OH YA!

  1. I would rather Nintendo buy them. What the writer of this article forgot/neglected to write is that 20 other companies were interested and $20 million was AROUND the highest bid (Sega is the only bidder known definitely . So, in my personal opinion, Sega doesn’t have that money, but Nintendo does. Plus, they would pay allot so they could make SMT x FE. So I doubt Sega is getting it.

    P.S. A Article that discusses this better:

  2. Nintendo should buy it! And I thought Sega was in trouble anyway. Hugs because I haven’t been here for a while.

  3. PSU(Playstations+WiiU)

    Sega need to join forces with nintendo and then they could buy Atlas….lol see now that makes alotta sense!!!!

    1. SMT – Series (and all of its spin-offs)
      Etrian Odyssey – Series
      Radiant Historia – IP
      Trauma Center – Series
      Persona – Series
      Catherine – IP
      Power Instinct – Series
      Kartia – IP

      and not to the mention all its Japanese Exclusive IP’s.

  4. This is great news because Atlus will stay alive, but isn’t Sega in money troubles? I rather Nintendo because then Sega is gonna be even more in money trouble if that’s the case. Sega I love ya but I rather you be on safe water and not risk it.

      1. Good profit does not mean it’s okay. It means a little bleeding from SEGA has stopped. Sony reported bad profits but they’re not in trouble.

  5. Off the topic, I’m surprised that after all entire day that it hasn’t been posted on MyNintendoNews that Pikmin 3 released today in North America. But not a word was mentioned. And now the day is over.

  6. In order of preference towards who should buy Atlus: Nintendo is number 1, SEGA number 2 and Sony no where near the bidding!!💋

    1. Many many many people would disagree. Alot would rather Sony bought them because of Persona, their lack of region lock, and other reasons.

          1. Same thing I was thinking. If XSEED (now Marvelous) or NIS are in the bidding process, I wouldn’t mind if either one wins. They’re pretty good about releasing niche games in the West; even games with small followings outside of Japan.

            Localization ftw. :3

            1. Have you see how awesome rune factory 4 looks? I just saw it and I have to say I’m in debt with xseed for bringing it to America.

      1. Yeah, I know, but I would really like to see the Persona fans rage on the internet lol! Plus everyone knows it would be great for Nintendo!!! 💋

  7. Seeing that index owes nintendo money they still get first call on the company, sega is less likely to atlus, unless nintendo and sega make a deal

  8. I want Nintendo to buy Atlus and Sega and Square-Enix and Namco, and Tecmo and Konami and Capcom. That would be a dream come true. But seriously, Nintendo needs Atlus, they need more IP and exclusives to save Wii U.

    1. Could they even afford all those companies? LOL why not throw in Sony computer entertainment as well haha, if you can’t beat them…. BUY THEM ;)

    2. They are billionares but that does not mean you just BUY something. You have to look at its income over the past few years, what could be improved, market value, what great IPs they have, etc.

    3. Yah you’re right about that, and I would love to see old Atlus games come again like my favourite childhood game: Snowboard Kids that was released on Nintendo 64 and DS coming back on WiiU with HD graphics (man I can imagine how awesome it will be if it’s true)

    4. It’ll never happen. It would be cool if they were to all team up Project X Zone style, or maybe collab on a new IP.

  9. The fuck, dude. This has absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo! AT ALL! Nintendo’s name doesn’t even show up in the post wording, even as a superficial last-minute token addition! At least make it an opinion piece about how Nintendo should buy Atlus (which they should, for the record). You allow so many things on this website, yet editorials aren’t one of them! Geez!

    1. Apart from the fact Nintendo is a bidder on Atlus too, the fact Atlus makes games for Nintendo systems, and the fact people who game on Nintendo systems (as well as others) care about Atlus.
      That’s the relevance

      Shut up.

      1. Bravo. Now on topic I prefer a company that would maintain the same output of games that atlus already do on all consoles instead of making it a one console or if not possible at least not Microsoft.

    1. I kinda agree too. I say SEGA since SEGA can put it on any of the console rather than just Nintendo consoles. So that my friends can play Altus games on other consoles or else they will never get to experience Altus games. If they like Altus then most likely they will get Wii U to get Fire Emblem crossover game.

      1. Yeah. I mean i want the Persona series to continue, as well as their other projects, but i still want stuff their exclusive Nintendo stuff as well, and neither the Sony or Nintendo fanbase needs to be left out (even though they should buy both consoles anyway, but still)

          1. Nah, I think everyone should able to play any Altus games.

            I hate to break it to you but there are a lot of loyal Playstation gamers support Persona. So if anyone deserve more then it will be the Playstation fans.

      1. Well maybe Nintendo should spend some money and actually MAKE their own games if they want to basically do the bare minimum to have 3rd party titles.

    1. We all can’t remember everything. So yes it could happen. Heck we been studying the same stuff over and over and yet almost all of us couldn’t get perfect on a exam.

  10. Who cares Pikmin 3’s out. You haters can give the Wii U is doomed gloomed whatever. I will be busy gaming on my Wii U. I hope my Wii U engine can adapt to a sudden usuage in gaming because its going to be a busy machine other than just a tablet for browsing. Will if you need me, i’ll be in the Pikmin 3 community on Miiverse see ya!!!!

      1. Oh please ill be playing Pikmin 3 in the next few days!!!! Like I really care about the doom and gloom anymore!!! Will Im going back to Miiverse!!!!

      2. @ anonymous. Who cares? Oh thats right you don’t have a Wii U to play huh. So you don’t know what you will be missing. Finally after 10 months I can game on my Wii U on the types of games I actually want. Will ill be back on Miiverse. Looking at more happy satisfied Pikmin 3 owners. See ya. Oh I don’t care if Nintendo advertises or not. I’ll leave that responsibility to Nintendo. Im just going to buy what ever game I want to play.

  11. Anyone knows who else is part of the auction?
    It’s safe to assume Microsoft and EA aren’t part of it because I hear it’s illegal for american companies to buy japanese ones.
    The only (plausible) company I hope isn’t part of it is Sony. Nothing against them, but because Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem would get cancelled.

      1. Who cares about MS or Sony Pikmin 3 árrived. I dont care if Wii u is weaker than the PS4. As long as I have the right console for Nintendo games. Fuck specs fuck ram fuck Blackbond. Fuck PC gamers and who ever else. I’ll be too busy playing gameson my Wii U after 10 months. Hurry up with my Pikmin 3!!!!!

        1. It’s funny because you were saying the exact opposite a month ago. See Nintendo, all you need is games to keep us fans happy.

        2. No one here said anything about Wii U being weaker than PS4 or specs…or even Sony. Calm the hell down kiddo.

          1. Why on earth would I be calm after 10 fucking months 15 hours and 19 seconds of waiting? No way am Im going to fucking calm down. Im so excited that I don’t give a rats ass what you people think of me anymore or the Wii U. Bwhahahaa no effect on me or Wii U’s upcoming games!!!!!!!!!! I just don’t give a fuck!!!!!

          1. They were considering, but it doesn’t mean that they would have been able to go through with it.
            Besides, as you said, it was a long time ago. Chances are things were different back then.

    1. None of the companies were disclosed, even the SEGA rumor is just hearsay. If anything, I wouldn’t mind if XSEED/Marvelous or NIS are in the bidding process though.

      1. Or someone that dosnt belong in the industry and just invest money on them to let them do what they do how they do it.

  12. I can’t take no more. The pictures on Pikmin 3 are so beautiful!!!!! The creatures, the plants, the bugs and the planet. The Miis are teasing me posting pictures and telling how fun it is. Also a Mii on Miiverse who is an expert says the game is 25hrs to 30hrs depending on how good you are in it. Pikmin 2 was 20hrs.

    1. Who cares about Sega when Pikmin 3 is here. Once my Pikmin arrives Ill be gone for a long time. Ill pop up every once in a while.But I don’t give a rats ass anymore iff Ness or any others think Wii U. Who cares!!!! When Wonderful 101and Rayman Legends and TFand SBB arrives and other unnamed shit Nintendo has planned, I don’t give a rats ass about Rockstar, Ubisoft, EA, or whatever other lazy developer brings to Wii U. Wii U has games that I actually want to play. Leave the doom and gloom to people who does not own a Wii U.

      1. See, it’s because of people like you that people like me find it embarassing to call themselves Nintendo fans…

        1. Yeah whatever as lojg as Wii U games are finally arriving I could care less what you think. Unless you have the power to cancel my Pikmin 3 game. But i doubt. To me you are just a sentence that responds to me nothing more.

          1. To me, you are just a grammatical catastrophe but sure…keep imagining everyone here is bashing the Wii U if that makes you happy…

      1. Maybe they did not want to. Many big companies don’t want to fix ips that did not sell much like how if ubisoft if they wanted to make zombie u 2.

  13. I would prefer a third party, but not necessarily SEGA. I would even take NIS over SEGA. And what’s with the bid, SEGA? Thought you were having so much money troubles. >=/

      1. I wouldn’t discount that idea. It’s possible. I don’t think it’s very probable right now though since both SEGA and ATLUS have exclusives tied up in other platforms like PC and PlayStation.

  14. I don’t want to see that happen considering how crappy sega has gotten to be. I don’t want that to happen to atlus

  15. Nintendo needs to buy Atlus… period. After what Sega did to Valkyria Chronicles, they should not be buying anyone.

    1. That’s a good point…it seems they don’t have a good track record with localizing games, which is refreshingly not the case with Atlus USA.
      After Operation Rainfall, I’m also hoping Nintendo of America has learned of the importance of localization.

  16. I think Nintendo should buy both Atlus and Sega, plus Tecmo, Namco and Square Enix, all of them have had trouble financially this last generation, if they could buy Capcom and Konami, Nintendo should buy them as well. This last HD generation hurt all the Japanese third party publishers.

    1. That would make Nintendo unstoppable.
      But honestly, Nintendo doesnt have money for all those.
      I would have them pick Sega and Atlus, and who ever owns Dark Souls.

  17. The Sega Kingdom seeking to expand?…

    This is good new indeed which means that our old rivals wants to get into the game again…

    Preferably on our side against those game wreckers, the Xbots…

  18. I just had a terrible thought.
    Microsoft might go for a dick move, in attempt to woo some japanese gamers for xbox.

    That would be a R.I.P for Atlus.

  19. It would be great for Atlus if Nintendo were to win. Apparently they are an excellent company to work with. I imagine that with their support, Atlus could only get better.

    Sega on the other hand, maybe not. Remember, these are the guys who killed Sonic over the years and refused to fund Bayonetta 2.

  20. personally I say sega should buy it because they are third party now and it means that no console would have atlus exclusively

  21. Pingback: Sega Will Finally Purchase Index Corporation After A Month Of Speculation | My Nintendo News

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