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Nintendo Say They Are Planning A Future For Both 2D And 3D Metroid

Kotaku writer Stephen Totilo recently had the opportunity to speak to Shigeru Miyamoto, who runs Nintendo’s EAD development group, and Shinya Takahashi, who runs Nintendo’s SPD group about the beloved Metroid franchise. Here’s the discussion that took place.

Stephen Totilo, Kotaku: I can’t ask you what’s going on with Pikmin, because you’ve answered that for the last couple of years in a row. I can’t ask you what’s going on with Star Fox, because you answered that this year. So… what is going on with Metroid?P

[everyone laughs]

Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo: The original creators of Metroid and the director who was the director of the Metroid Prime games who worked under me when I was producing those both now work for Mr. Takahashi, so you’ll have to ask him.

Shinya Takahashi, Nintendo: So it has been a while since we released the last one and we’re having discussions internally about what we can do next. So at this point we have two different types of Metroid games. We have the Prime style of Metroid game and we have the more traditional style of Metroid game. We feel that we do need to take care of both of these styles of play. And the hope is that at some point in the near future we’ll be able to share something about them.

Bill Trinen, Nintendo — who had been translating for our interview: Mr. Miyamoto was prompting him to say, ‘Which of these two styles do you like best?’

Totilo: It’s been so long that I miss both of them. They’re both great, but it’s been a long time. The [2D] Metroid people don’t really much anymore. The only one like that recently was a Batman game made for the 3DS and the Vita that was created by some guys who used to be at Retro. So I miss that style of game. As for Metroid Prime, nobody at all makes anything like that. So in other words, if you don’t do it, no one will.

Miyamoto: This falls into your question before of remaking the same franchises.

Totilo: I’ll get back to that in a second, but which of the two styles do you guys like better? The 2D or Metroid Prime?

Takahashi: I like them both. They both have a different style of appeal.

Miyamoto: I have the New Super Mario Bros. series [for 2D], so I like Prime. I think there’s still a lot of new things that could be done with the Prime series.

Thanks, Kallum

155 thoughts on “Nintendo Say They Are Planning A Future For Both 2D And 3D Metroid”

    1. Metriod will not be seen until late 2015 (the earliest) on both platforms. By that time everybody will be enjoying incredible games and visuals while Nintendo fans will be clinging on to their by that time 10 year old ebbing technology lol. I cringe now just looking at that horrible sad excuse for a leapfrog device 3ds trash

          1. My pc has a gtx 690 with a quad core i7 3820 which has 8 threads with 16 gig of ram… It’s far tho say my pc is capable of running a ps4 game twice as well as a ps4

          2. I wasn’t aware that there was a $400 PC out there that could play Infamous Second Son and The Last of Us. OH WAIT… There isn’t. 😆😆😆

      1. now that’s a truly stupid response
        so, yeah, metroid will not be seen until late 2015
        have you forgotten all the games Nintendo lauched as of late?
        if it is a good game, it is worth the wait… that’s about it
        “Incredible games and visuals” you say, are you mad? sure Nintendo Wii U or 3DS might not deliver the ‘reality’ the other systems can, but it can, very well, deliver great looking games, and great games, there is not a damn question over the quality of Nintendo’s games
        By great looking games, I mean games that fulfill their artistic proposition… that does not need the latest graphical technology, just needs creativity, and there is no doubt that Nintendo is a true beast when it comes to that…

        I know you are not likely to read this far, but if you do, stop talking shit like a little kid who is badmouthing food it had not tasted yet

    2. Dark Samus died in 3 along with Phazee and all Phazon in the universe since its planet has a planetary symbiolic link with any body of Phazon no matter how far it is.

      Prime 4 would have to resolve that cliffhanger we saw of Sylux chasing Samus.

  1. “the hope is that at some point in the near future we’ll be able to share something about them.” … My heart broke a little… but oh well, we’ll just hafta wait then.

    1. Hey, at least he didn’t say “the far future”. By “near future,” it sounds like the first mention of the next Metroid(s) will be either late 2014 or early 2015.

  2. I was just talking to a friend the other day about Metroid. Retro has proven themselves a great studio with both the Metroid Prime trilogy and the new Donkey Kong Country games (which are beautiful 2D side-scrollers) and I think they deserve to have Metroid to themselves. In a perfect world Retro would release a 2D Metroid game (with updated graphics, like the new DKC & NSMB franchises, but classic Metroid style gameplay) on the 3DS and then give us a 3D HD Metroid Prime style game on the Wii U, fans would be happy from every angle. Also Metroid Prime Trilogy HD re-released on the Wii U please.

    1. I’m sorry, but I’m probably the only one who doesn’t care about Metroid. I like everything else, but I just cannot get into Metroid at all. I tried Super Metroid and it just felt too slow and confusing for me. I would try the newer ones, but I am not interested enough in the series to try. I know that they can be great games, but they aren’t for me. I’ll most likely be skipping Metroid U whenever that comes.

      1. Then why did you bother commentating. Why do people feel that we always need to hear from you. Honestly, who gives a shit about what ANYONE here thinks. If they talk about something you don’t like just get fucked and keep it to yourself. Children are FUCKING STUPID vain wastes of flesh

        1. What I said was relevant to the article. And how you responded to me just shows how immature you are. Not once in my sentence did I say anything negative about Metroid. I stated my opinion. You really didn’t have to reply to my comment because I could care less what you think. But you insisted on commenting anyway. Never said I hated Metroid. Learn how to read.

      2. You missed the point of Metroid being Metroid. Its about the exploration of alien worlds, discovering new things on your own or with hints around the world and its premises of the formula is as basic as Mario and it works.

        You just didn’t catch that premises yet. Would you want a game to feel boring, stale and repetitive like COD or holding your hand thorough out the servere linear game like Knack?

        1. The only Metroid game I’ve played is Super Metroid and that didn’t really do a good job of getting me into the series. I’m waiting for a Wii U Metroid to do the trick. I want to get Prime Trilogy, but it costs too much and that’s a lot of money to consider taking a risk for a video game I’m not really interested in. I can get Other M for cheap, but I’ve been hearing that it is the worst Metroid, so I’m definitely not buying that. I have never spent my money on a Call of Duty game before. And the one game I did get (MW3) was a gift to me. And I sold it anyway. Knack doesn’t interest me whatsoever. So, I’m waiting now. For Metroid U. I don’t hate Metroid. I am just waiting for newer games in the series.

          1. It hurts me to say this @HollowGrapeJ but Other M might be the Metroid for you. I’ve played and completed Super Metroid and all the Prime games but every time I’ve gone back to them I never finish them.

            Other M’s story is the worst part of that game. The actual game play isn’t bad. It’s like Metroid for beginners. Not as much exploration as past games and it’s very linear. But that might be what you need to get into the series. Plus it’s cheap.

            1. Well, I guess if that’s what it takes to get me in the series. Since Super Metroid is the only one I’ve played, I doubt the story would even affect me that much compared to other fans of the series since it would be my first time anyway.

              1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

                If you do, don’t enjoy the story of Other M TOO much. It might get overwritten at some point since so many Metroid fans hated the game.

              2. Yeah, Other M would be a good start for you! But in the end, Metroid might not be your thing entirely, and that’s okay! But if you can find it in the $5 bin, I’d snag it.

      3. if you never player Other M or Prime, or the GameBoy Advance ones, do so, then you will have the full spectrum to say you do not like the series
        but sure, you have all the right not to like the games… it is a matter of taste anyway

      4. You probably won’t like them, and its OK, games arent for everyone and everyone has different taste in games. For me its Xenoblade Chronicles, that game bores the loving shit out of me but almost every Ninty fan loves it.

        *flame shield up*

  3. Ahhh! Yay! Hope has been Rekindled. Just keep it away from Sakamoto and I don’t care who makes the game. It could be Wayforward making the 2D Metroid and I’d be happier than ever.

          1. You don’t have to like my tone, the fact that you don’t know anything about Nintendo own development teams is embarrassing, SPD is Nintendo’s Software Planning & Development they work on all things Metroid 2d and 3d. SPD 1 works on traditional Metroid games and SPD 3 the group Retro Studios is in works on Metroid Prime. SPD 1 also worked on Wario games and the recent Tomodochi Life.

                1. That’s what I thought. If team ninja can work on a metroid, why can’t Wayforward?

                  Obviously not without permission from Nintendo but still

                  1. The only reason Team Ninja worked on Metroid was because of a collaborate effort between Nintendo and Tecmo. After the failure which was Other M, Nintendo will most likely have Retro Studio’s DKC team making the 2d Metroid games with Sakamoto making sure they play like the 2d games, have the art style of the 2d games and not the art style of the prime games, and lastly he will make sure the story correlates with all the 2d Metroid games and doesn’t mesh with the Prime games which have their own arc.

                    1. Okay, now see? Nintendo COULD in theory team up with Wayforward to work on a Metroid. Thus giving you no reason to call me an idiot. :T

    1. Sorry to burst your bubbles buddy but while Takahashi is the General Manager of Nintendo’s SPD Groups who works on all things Metroid 2d and 3d. Sakamoto is the Deputy Manager of Nintendo’s SPD Group so like it or not Sakamoto will always be apart of a traditional Metroid game.

    1. We just got a new Fire Emblem last year, and getting a collaborative between Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem. Metroid has far less games and numerous infrequent releases compared to Fire Emblem.

        1. Changing perspective of a subject isn’t gonna save your ass from exposing yourself.

          WTF even mentioned Bayonetta 2 or called it boring dumbass?

        2. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

          No because unlike the shooters you tend to mention, the only thing they have IS shooting. Least with Bayonetta 1 & 2, we can either choose to get up close & personal so we can fuck them up with melee attacks, or we can hang back & attack with long range attacks.

                1. Not resolution wise. I mean graphically. Xbox 360 looks like crap compared to Xbone. And PS4 only looks slightly better than Xbone. Real life has better graphics.

          1. About 30 cents. XD lol Seriously, just sell the fucking Wii U off and get it over with your cunt. Otherwise, your bashing is all BS just to hide your love for Nintendo because you’re being such a pussy to say it.

        1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

          Of course your are, everyone has a destiny, and it’s free, even yours. Says right here your destiny is to become the world’s biggest lolcow.

        2. Like how? Without your precious Red Ring 360 or money or a job or a real GF besides your mom on welfare, you can’t afford shit period except the free shit coming out of your gorilla ass and mouth when you eat it.

        3. Well I’ll see you on the servers then. I’ll be the guy that actually has the game when it comes out, while you have to wait 2 years to save up your pennies to actually buy it.

    1. this fag haven’t played any metroid, for your information metroid prime is a first person action adventure, your little brain can understand the concept behind metroid prime

      1. metroid is better than the shooters saSORRY likes. the mix between adventure/shooter/action is what makes metroid prime so unique. sincerely saSORRY needs a brain. maybe we can collect money to give him a brain!!! lol

    2. You mean Halo 2.0 on Activision? As much as I want it on Wii U, I could care less either the game coming or being better than something else.

      Comparing Apples and Pears again aren’t you?

  4. I sincerely hope that their logic for not making another 2D Metroid doesn’t fall under “Well, Mario is alread 2D so why do that?” because from Miyamoto’s comment, it sounds like that’s at least his stance, and for a company all about the fun, that’s not okay in my opinion

    1. He also stated that he has been working on the 2d Mario’s recently so that why the move to 3d would be welcome.

  5. ITS ABOUT DUCKING TIME FOR A NEW METROID AND GIVE US BOTH but more importinly a fucking METROID PRIME 4 DAMN IT and then hunters for the 3ds

  6. Metroid fans are acting like they didn’t get any games last gen. The wii u isn’t two years old yet. You got prime 3, a trilogy on wii and other m.

    1. Prime 3 was the only one that counts. The collection is just a collection and Other M was blah. Prime Hunters on DS was really a spin off too.

      Besides we got Mario and link all over the wii and DS so that really makes it feel more infrequent.

    2. And its been nearly 5 years since Metroid Prime Trilogy we last heard about Metroid (I’m not counting Other M as a real Metroid game). Its time we get a new one or two and one that isn’t a fuck up like Other M.

  7. Ahhhh! I’m hoping for that 3Ds and Wii U simultaneous release! A 2.5D on the 3DS and a 3D or even Other M style on the Wii U with some sort of inter-connectivity!

    I hope they delve more into the Chozo this time around. So excited!! Will wait patiently for the unavailing in a Direct or next year’s E3.

      1. No, not another Other M! The story was a kick in the teeth!! However, the game play wasn’t that bad, it severely lacked in exploration and waiting for Adam to “authorize” life saving abilities was inexcusable.

        But I did enjoy the way the game played. They could take what Other M was trying to do game play-wise and make it perfect! As much as I enjoyed the Prime series, I don’t know if I’d want another FPS.

    1. 2D one or 3D one I don’t know, both would be amazing if that means the comeback of this legendary series.

  8. pink0crystal0midbus

    Cool! So we might get both a 2D Metroid as well as a 3D Metroid?

    I like that better than getting just one of the other. Maybe Nintendo is planning on coming ou with two at the same time. One on 3DS in 2D while the other is on Wii U in 3D and the games could coincide with each other.

    That would be rad.

  9. Omg this interview is amazing!!!!! I especially like how they only talk about the 2D and Prime style and don’t mentioned that other abomination :) And thank god for Miyamoto, keep the Prime series alive!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh yeah and let’s not forget about MM4, Md, MMMM64 and oh MM.. And the big unvealing of M to the M, MMMMBombs?, and of course how could i forget about MMJ?
      And btw I really like MN, M2, MMK..


  10. someone u probably don't know

    Star Fox: 2015
    (probably)2 metroids: really late 2015/2016
    all other games announced: 2015

    Money, anyone….. please

  11. Pingback: As noticias de games mais rápida do Brasil » Blog Archive » Nintendo revela que está preparando o futuro de Metroid com 2 jogos novos

  12. I love it. Nintendo is really listening!!!! Now I am hoping for a Pikmin 4!!!! Pikmin is my favorite IP!!!!!!

    1. Just played Pikmin and I think its an okay game. :) Just hate having to deal with pain in the ass creatures and bosses killing many Pikmin at once because they’re dumb as fuck at times.

  13. Honestly, these statements are very reassuring. After the news of Sakamoto not wanting to make “traditional” games anymore, I figured Metroid would slowly fade away. Good to know Metroid is a series that is still on their minds, as it is no doubt my favorite Nintendo series. On a side note though, why the heck didn’t they show Starfox? It was so obvious that was the game Miyamoto was playing in the digital event.

    1. Not really. But I wouldn’t be shocked for any news of it either way. As long as those games are fun and moving the series forward in the right direction unlike Other M, then I’m cool with it regardless.

      And for the 2D Metroid on Wii U part, that could be the possibility because if you look at the pattern, the first main Metroid game happened on NES; a home console, then its sequel moved to Gameboy; a portable, next is Super Metroid on SNES and finally Metroid Fusion on Gameboy Advance. Metroid Dread, if it comes, might be moved to Wii U if the pattern continues.

  14. Pingback: Neues 2D und 3D Metroid befinden sich in Entwicklung - Infos in naher Zukunft!

  15. I’m, at least, happy to hear that now Nintendo to listening to fan feedback and planning to bring not just a new 2D Metroid but possibly reviving Metroid Prime (part 4 hopefully) or making a new 3D series successing Prime with its formula.

    ^_^ At last we can finally look forward to two new Metroids in the near future that’ll wash off that mistake Other M from our minds and I’m not counting Other M as a game for anything.

    1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

      Well if you want a new Metroid game, you WILL have to wait that long. I’m sure you can find other things to do in life til then.

  16. well Nintendo needs to get some game out after 2015 and metroid is on the list for 2017, cause by the look of it, they are think about the concept and which hardware it will go for. We know that zelda Majora’s mask will be on 3 DS once Zelda Wii U is out. Now we just need to now if F-zero will be out in 2016 or 2017? I think F-zero will be out in 2017 when they will introduce the new handle game which I hope will be a dedicated game device with phone function.

  17. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

    Please not Metroid Prime 4! Make Metroid Prime Hunters 2, with an updated Metroid Prime Hunters bundled in with the game, that takes place after Metroid Prime 3 & let the subseries die. Metroid Prime, aka Dark Samus, is dead now, so let’s let the subseries it came to being on die too. I want to see a 3D Metroid that uses the Gamepad intuitively by using it as a 1st person viewpoint that is needed for the special visors like X-Ray & Scan while the TV shows a 3rd person viewpoint. I’d like to see the finisher moves from Other M return in this game but trimmed down to just high tiered enemies, sub bosses, & bosses. I’d also like to hear Samus talk again but with a different voice actor since a lot of people hated her voice actor from Other M. I’ll be happy if this kind of game is even made to replace Other M in the timeline. It could be a reimagining of Other M without all the Other M stuff that pissed people off. Of course, I’d like for it to have a damaged Samus for the first half of the game as she is trying to come to terms with the loss of the Baby Metroid since it DID save her life. She should even question whether the genocide of the entire Metroid species was right or wrong, since everyone, including her, only thought the Metroids were a heartless species that killed any & everything without mercy. Again, the Baby Metroid did save her life because it was protecting what it thought was it’s mother, showing that they weren’t as heartless as everyone thought. Adam Malkovich should be left out of the game this time around. They can save him for a prequel Metroid game that takes place during Samus Aran’s days as a Galactic Federation soldier where people will be less inclined to get upset about her following every single one of Adam Malkovich’s orders without question since she will be a soldier in the Galactic Federation or face a court martial for insubordination. The Galactic Federation unit she does encounter in the game can be led by Anthony Higgs since he’s my favorite character from Other M. Maybe the unit can be wiped out early in the game which forces Anthony Higgs to team up with Samus in order to survive whatever planet or space station they are on. Ridley should also return the same way he did in Other M: as something you would never suspect is Ridley til he has fully evolved in the game to the space dragon we all know & love. But I digress. I won’t mind a Metroid Prime 4 if that is what they are planning on. Nintendo does need it’s own FPS and Metroid would be perfect for that as Metroid Prime has shown with it’s First Person Shooter ADVENTURE aspect that it will be unique.

    1. I’m thinking that Metroid Prime 4 could be following Halo 4’s footsteps: continue the series with a new threat looming and resolve some questions like Sylux chasing Samus.

    2. Yeah, I like where you’re going here! I would actually love to see a “rebuilt” Mecha Ridley again though. The Space Pirates have been devastated since Super Metroid and they are desperate to rebuild their generals and Mother Brain. If they have found the Chozo Homeworld and are working with Chozo tech then it would be awesome to fight Mother Brain as a half finished rebuild.

      But I would love to fight Ridley at some point as a crazed mechanized monster! He’s been defeated so many times and revived so many times that he’s crazed and ruthless. Also, Kraid, like they originally planned for Prime.

      I like a damaged Samus but not too damaged. Maybe the genocide is getting to her now because the Federation has become corrupt. She killed all these things that are more than just killing machines, based on how the baby reacted to Samus, because a corrupt Federation asked her to. Did they do this so that they could monopolize on these creatures? However, Samus was designed to destroy these things by her surrogate family. The Chozo knew these things were dangerous so they trained Samus to deal with them… So she shouldn’t be that attached to the Metroids… I don’t know..

      1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

        Reading your comment, I realized my idea to overwrite Other M could easily happen after Fusion instead of before it & after Super. But, I don’t see her being as damaged by the death of the Baby & her wiping out the Metroids after Fusion, though, since she killed the cloned Omega Metroid at the end. Then again, maybe killing that Omega Metroid could be another hit to her psyche. And since Other M won’t exist anymore, Fusion will be needed for your idea about Samus being alone with the Galactic Federation distancing itself from her.

        As for her being trained to wipe out the Metroids, the Chozo trained her so she could avenge her family & friends, not wipe out the Metroids. They were created by the Chozo, after all, to keep the X Parasite in check. Least I think this is the case. I’m still not sure if the Metroid manga is canon, though. I usually take some aspects of it to be canon, though, like Ridley killing her parents, the Chozo created the Metroids, & Mother Brain was the Chozo’s creation & was in charge of their base before it turned on them to work with the Space Pirates.

        The game itself could be a two part, though. The first half of the game takes place after Super & before Fusion where she deals with a faction of the Galactic Federation that are doing what they were doing in Other M where she interacts with Anthony Higgs & his small group of Galactic Federation. The first half can end with Samus taking on a guy similar to James from Other M that she also calls The Deleter since Other M ruined that little subplot by not letting us directly deal with James. As to how he’d fight Samus, maybe he injects himself with something that allows him to mutate into something that can actually take Samus on. Maybe it could be some DNA he managed to snag from the Ridley that is roaming about the base, who actually escapes so Ridley can return for the 2nd half of the game that takes place after Fusion. The first half would also be the half that deals with a damaged Samus. The 2nd half is basically your idea with the Galactic Federation distancing itself from Samus, & Samus discovering some remnants of the Space Pirates are on other planets through Anthony Higgs who is on one of the planets. This could be where the 2nd half starts off as Anthony is actually being hunted by a small force of Galactic Federation soldiers. An advanced Mecha Ridley would be a threat she has to deal with on this planet. The final planet would be the chozo planet, as you stated, which has the last bit of the Space Pirates. This is where a plot twist in the game comes in: the cloned Ridley that escaped from the first half is the one in charge of the Space Pirate remnants and is the final boss in the game (FOR ONCE!!) instead of being the 2nd to last boss as is the norm with Ridley being in a Metroid game. I don’t count Mecha Ridley from Zero Mission since it was only a machine in Ridley’s image.

        1. I can get behind that! Maybe that first half is the 3DS game?

          I would love for Ridley to be the final boss, especially if we already destroyed a Meta Ridley somewhere in the game to find out that the clone is operating the Chozo base. And the half finished Mother Brain rebuild could take Ridley’s normal spot as second or third to the final boss.

          I consider a lot of the manga as cannon. Other M even showed that Ridley was responsible for something in her childhood, referencing the death of her folks. But I’m pretty sure part of the Chozo plan for Samus to be the savior was also the ability to handle the Metroids. The Chozo knew these things were dangerous, especially if they fell into the wrong hands. However I can’t find a solid source…

          1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

            I didn’t think about that. It would make the 2D & 3D Metroid games even more heavily connected. Nintendo would have to make it work in a way that you can play either game in any order you want. But I prefer both halves be for the Wii U. It could be another game to show off the Wii U’s capabilities. It could also be the kind of game where you hit a point that you think is the end of the game then it shocks you by revealing you’re only half way through the game. Like how Xenoblade Chronicles did it. Only with that game, it was more like 75% was the first part while the 2nd part was just 25%.

            Oh yeah. I forgot all about the Mother Brain rebuild you mentioned. Advanced Mecha Ridley–>Mother Brain Rebuild–>Clone Ridley. The game could also reveal that every past Ridley has been nothing more than a clone of the real Ridley who died in Metroid/Zero Mission. This would, in extension, reveal that Ridley has a genetic memory/personality which allows the original Ridley’s subconscious to live on. This could also reiterate the fact that Ridley has always been the true leader of Space Pirates, not Mother Brain, because he is the only one in their ranks that can actually retain his subconscious as long as he is cloned when his original body nears death or dies.

            1. That would be nice! Nintendo hasn’t really done that yet with their main franchises. You get to a point where you think you’re at the end but a twist brings you into the last 25-50% of the game. And that twist could definitely be with Ridley still being alive.

              I could see the Pirates experimenting on Ridley early on in their history. So there is the first Ridley but like you said, there are clones and maybe the clones start off like that fluff ball with legs from Other M. Either way, yeah, all these Ridley’s carry over his initial subconsciousness. So where you’d normally fight Ridley in any old Metroid game is where you’d encounter the Meta Ridley and destroy him. Then along the way a Meta or Mecha Kraid and the half rebuilt Mother Brain. But in the end the true clone of Ridley who is pulling the strings is gathering strength and maybe even making genetic advances on himself to make him even more of a threat. Using some sort of Chozo weaponry that can actually affect Samus’ suit or something that will cause her to need Anthony’s help in the end.

              Oh, and to clean things up in the Federation the plot can use Anthony and his unit to expose the Phazon infused super soldier program and bio weapon experimentation. Then the Federation can go through an internal investigation blah, blah. But in the end, Samus has closure because she found a friend in Anthony, she knows what happened to the Chozo, she defeated the Space Pirates again, and the Federation is being cleansed of the corruption.

              Oh! They’d have to fit Metroids in there somewhere… Maybe the Chozo homeworld has Metroid cells in cryostasis and Ridley gets into them.

  18. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

    On the topic of a 2D Metroid game, it had better be a sequel to Metroid Fusion. If not that, a remake of Metroid II: Return of Samus in 3D like how Donkey Kong Country Returns & Tropical Freeze were 3D games in a 2D format.

  19. E3 2015 is going to be huge then. We’re pretty much guaranteed to see more Zelda U, Star Fox U, and maybe more Devil’s Third. Also with this news, we will probably see both a Wii U and 3DS Zelda. Maybe we will get another major Mario platformer like Super Mario Galaxy 3/Universe. 2015 is going to be a good year.

  20. I don’t know if anyone cares what I think but this is what I would like to see them do with Metroid.

    They should release two games simultaneously on Wii U and 3DS, like Arkham Origins and Blackgate.

    We get a fantastic 2.5D side scrolling Metroid on the 3DS that everyone has been asking for, and this title could loosely tie into the Wii U title. Maybe it’s a sub-mission either at the beginning or the end of the Wii U game. Plays just like Super Metroid, Fusion, etc.

    Now, the Wii U title needs to be something that will appeal to the masses. There are so many 3rd person shooters out there and “hard core” gamers eat these games up, so take a page from Mass Effect or something like that. Nintendo is already embracing the 3rd person shooter with Steam and Splatoon so, it’s a perfect time to play with the mechanics. Take Other M’s gameplay mechanics and expand on the Metroid universe; “the last remaining Space Pirates are grouping on a distant planet (Chozo ancient homeworld) and they got their hands on devastating tech, Chozo tech. This is their last fight so the Pirates are desperate and vicious in their attacks, they’re a universal threat.

    Samus is obviously the main character and she plays like she did in Other M, however after the last two run ins with corrupt Metroid breeding Federation organizations, the Federation is slowly distancing itself from Samus. She is truly alone in this fight but she won’t step down because it’s her duty to protect the starts from threats like the Pirates, plus they killed both her family and the Chozo, etc. We could visit multiple planets to destroy Space Pirate strongholds while finally being able to actually control Samus’ ship!

    Now, to break up the “cookie cutter” Metroid style, we have maybe 3 or 4 missions in the entire game that play like Mass Effect where you play as Federation soldiers who were enhanced by Phazon or whatever. Dispensable soldiers the Federation is trying to get rid of so no one finds out these guys were tested on cliché. These missions could play out like normal 3rd person shooters, Gears of War or Mass Effect so on. The story could be an epic battle for the universe that attracts 3rd person shooter fans that haven’t bought a Wii U while holding on to the classic Metroid feel because Samus is on her own for this mission. I would buy a Wii U and a 3DS all over again if we got a Metroid like this.

    1. I’d love to delve deeper into the Chozo and find out what they were up to and where they went. Plus we need to get as far away from the story of Other M as possible. Take what they were trying to do with the game play and make it perfect but the story needs to be forgotten.

    2. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

      Your idea could tie in with mine as a replacement game to write over Other M. Maybe Anthony Higgs can be one of these soldiers they are trying to get rid of. At some point, Samus could come across him & they team up for the remainder of the game.

      1. Absolutely! However they would have to split up once they got on the final planet, the Chozo Homeworld, to keep it feeling isolated like a Metroid game. Maybe the Chozo tech and weird atmosphere keep them from communicating via radio frequency so you never know when you’ll stumble upon one another again. This could also ad a 2 player element as well.

        I’m going to read through your idea now!

        1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

          Maybe some areas could be done in the same way as that one subquest in Majora’s Mask where you have to switch between Link & Kafei to get the Sun Mask.

          1. Oooo! I like that! It could ad some puzzle elements to everything. One character has to do something to allow the other character to progress. And with all the crazy Chozo tech Nintendo could come up with unfathomable ways to set up the level design.

            I also like your idea on the GamePad having the visor and FPS functionality. Nintendo could use the GamePad in some really unique ways here.

            1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

              The use of the Gamepad would definitely shine on the Chozo planet as Samus has to switch between the many visors to figure out how to bypass her areas in order for Anthony to progress in his.

              1. As far as story goes, I get why they wanted a vulnerable Samus in Other M. They wanted us to relate to her “human side”. However, the execution was so clunky and badly written that it just fell flat, it was a disgrace to Samus as a character.

                If they wanted us to see a damaged Samus then they should have taken the events from Fusion and showed how the Federation started to distance themselves from her due to the conspiracies that she uncovered. The people she has protected for so long don’t want anything to do with her anymore. Also, if they focused on her surrogate family, the Chozo and we find out that the Federation drove them away because the Chozo created the deadly Metroids and Mother Brain, and as they left the boundaries of the Federation the Chozo became easy targets for the Space Pirates, that could be a huge emotional impact for Samus. Because the Federation drove them away, many Chozo died at the hands of the Space Pirates.

                Also, finding the actual Chozo homeworld could take an emotional toll on her. Traversing through their ancient home and finding tech and upgrades that work with her suit.

                The baby was just a bad plot device considering the Chozo trained her to destroy the Metroids because they were a threat to all life. I get that realizing that the baby saw her as a mother figure was sweet and all but I don’t think it would be as emotionally damaging as they tried to feed us in Other M.

                1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

                  This is how it should be on this site. Fellow Nintendo fans getting into discussions like these on how Nintendo can improve some of their games. Instead, we got trolls like sasori & Donko getting everyone riled up & on the defensive to where no one wants to discuss stuff like this because they’ll snap at people over any criticism out of worry that the person is just a troll.

                  1. Agreed! It’s fun to speculate and create fan fiction!

                    I ignore the trolls, because at the end of the day, if you say anything to them, they’ve won. If we all just simply not reply to them, they’re defeated and will probably go home after getting nothing out of us in 3 months.

  21. After reading Sakamoto interview with CVG I see that he will have some contributions on Metroid games but doesn’t intend on directing or producing them anymore. My guess is for Prime he will remain the Supervisor and for traditional games he will have input on how the game should play. Lastly, since Metroid Dread’s story is already finished and written I’m pretty sure he will be credited for that even though the story was finished a long time ago.

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