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SEGA planning to release first “Super Game” by the end of March 2026

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SEGA has informed its investors that it is still working on what it dubs its “Super Game,” which the company says will stand head and shoulders above what has come before. We have no idea what it is, but it sounds like it is either a brand new IP or one based on its classic franchises. Whatever it is, SEGA is committed to it. The company expects its “Super Game” to launch by the end of March 2026.


15 thoughts on “SEGA planning to release first “Super Game” by the end of March 2026”

  1. Don’t like the sound of that. “Super Game”. Whatever happened to just a good game, let alone a great game. Now we get a plain game plus something “super” like micro transactions. Either way I don’t see it being just a game that’s good on its own merits, but gimmicky gacha style game that cost extra dollars to even make fun.

    1. Super game implies lowest common denominator. You can’t risk that much on a new project without toning it down. It basically reads as “over-produced.”

  2. I wonder if this is in relation to “super apps” which are more popular in asian countries. A super app is something like WeChat where they are an all in one messaging, delivery, bill pay, social media, and other types of apps put together.

    A super game in this sense sounds..bloated. Any ideas I have sound awful so I won’t go over more than a couple of them. But maybe something like a Yakuza remake that has every main game in the series take place in the same instance of the game world. Or if they rebooted Sonic Adventure and it has the full story of 1 and 2, with room for more to be added as full games in the same world.

    No matter how it ends up, if that can’t do it right the first time we won’t see another “super game” from them again.

  3. Again SEGA trying to sell a different concept which is just a different way to call something more of the same. We had this exact same thing when they touted “open zone” as something revolutionary only to be what platformers from the PSX/64 era were doing already.

    I also don’t see any SEGA title worthy such a fanfare. Yakuza? We have practically a new Yakuza game every year and the series is so stale right now. Sonic? There are more bad Sonic games than good ones, plus any Sonic game taking after Frontiers will be a failure. Persona? Kinda pretentious calling a possible Persona 6 a “super game”, especially when we know they’ll release an updated version later on (a “super updated re-release”?).

  4. It just another Sonic or Yakuza game because we all know they don’t know how to make anything else besides Sonic and Yakuza.
    This company is creatively dead inside, I remember they use to make a variety of fun games and they literally made Nintendo’s own racing games better than Nintendo like the Mario Kart arcade and F-zero AX which later got a updated version on gamecube F-Zero GX, now they are just pathetic and sad.
    From Golden Axe, Altered Beast to Shinobi and Nights into Dreams, there are so many Sega IPs they could go reboot yet they do nothing.
    Like one example of a reboot that would sell is a new Golden Axe but as a beat’em up RPG similar to Dragon’s Crown, that would sell extremely well on the switch especially since Vanillaware refuse to port Dragon’s Crown Pro to the Switch, or how about a reboot of Nights into Dreams developed by the same devs that developed Gravity Rush since they that idiot Jim Ryan got rid of Japan Studios and majority of those devs nolonger work for Sony?
    I would buy a Nights into Dreams if those devs developed it, but no Sega will just keep pushing out Sonic and Yakuza as always.

  5. A new Cyber Troopers Virtual-On game would be nice as well but this is Sega we’re talking about and any new game that isn’t Sonic or Yakuza would make too much sense for Sega’s comprehension😒

  6. I bet it’s gonna be 1 of these:

    Shoplifter/California Games 2 in 1
    Open world Alex Kidd
    Jennifer Capriatti Tennis 2
    Jurrasic Park 37
    Rolo To the Rescue – The Border Clampdown

    But I really want:
    Any licenced realistic boxing game
    Pitfall – The moon adventure

    1. I found some posts where Sega talks about the “Super Game”. “It involves strengthening the value of SEGA’s IP. This includes creating new games from older IPs.”

      “There are now multiple games in development that fit within their “super game framework”. These games go beyond “the conventional framework”. For example, they create “new entertainment by focusing on the relationship between players and the audience watching them play”.”

      “For a game to be considered a “super game”, the game must be aimed to be a worldwide high-selling title. For this, the game must be multiplatform, have global multilingual support, release worldwide simultaneously, and be AAA. The initial stage of this “super game” initiative is currently being carried out by about 50 developers. However, this number is expected to grow into the hundreds over time. The developers form a “hybrid team”. They have experience making multiple types of games, such as console, mobile, and arcade, and their experience will enable them to help create games that only SEGA can do.”

      According to Bloomberg, SEGA is rebooting Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio for this “Super Game” concept.


  7. According to an old post, SEGA explained about the Super Game concept:

    “It involves strengthening the value of SEGA’s IP. This includes creating new games from older IPs.

    There are now multiple games in development that fit within their “super game framework”. These games go beyond “the conventional framework”. For example, they create “new entertainment by focusing on the relationship between players and the audience watching them play”.

    For a game to be considered a “super game”, the game must be aimed to be a worldwide high-selling title. For this, the game must be multiplatform, have global multilingual support, release worldwide simultaneously, and be AAA. The initial stage of this “super game” initiative is currently being carried out by about 50 developers. However, this number is expected to grow into the hundreds over time. The developers form a “hybrid team”. They have experience making multiple types of games, such as console, mobile, and arcade, and their experience will enable them to help create games that only SEGA can do.”

    According to Bloomberg, SEGA is rebooting Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio for the Super Game concept.

    Source (just search the headlines here):

    SEGA has provided new details about its “super game” concept
    SEGA considering reboots of dormant IPs while it begins work on a ‘super game’
    Bloomberg: SEGA is rebooting Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio for Super Game initiative
    New SEGA survey asks about Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, and more classics

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